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Head Bangers Ball 2/21

[Feb 21,2004 10:54pm - BornSoVile ""]
Amerika the Brutal is the worst/lamest video I've ever seen. They just did a world premiere of Goatwhore - Blood Guilt Euchraist, Jamey said, "these dudes are good friends of mine". If you hate these threads tough shit, the only way I'll stop is if someone watches it with me:moe:
[Feb 21,2004 11:07pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Wow, Goat whore on the telly? I guess thats a good thing, but theres something about good bands on TV that just bothers me.
[Feb 21,2004 11:08pm - JellyFish ""]
Im watching,but Im not happy
[Feb 21,2004 11:16pm - BornSoVile ""]
Yeah it's doesn't make me happy either, but I think this is a real important show for metal, because it's the only show on TV for metal. Like this Disturbed bullshit. Everyone hates them but kids who like them and only them, will tune in and see more "brutal" stuff. the day death metal is number 1 on the charts will be a reality in the future. this is still the new empire.
[Feb 21,2004 11:18pm - JellyFish ""]
Point well made, which is why i force myself to watch. Watching this makes me realize how trendy hardcore has becom. I dont think death metal will ever be no. one, but it would be cool to see some Cryptopsy or Decrepit Birth shit tearing the fuck out of everyone.
[Feb 21,2004 11:33pm - Dissector ""]
Amerika The Brutal pisses me off.
[Feb 21,2004 11:44pm - JellyFish ""]
After the last bleeding through video, I dont think Ill ever watch this show again.

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