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death metal with flutes and panpipes?

[Oct 26,2008 12:12am - y_ddraig_goch ""]

Colombian folk metal
[Oct 26,2008 12:18am - archaeon ""]
[Oct 26,2008 12:29am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[Oct 26,2008 10:14am - Conservationist ""]
Time to dig out my old copy of Nine Worlds...

Never quite as good as ATG with that violin.
[Oct 26,2008 10:54am - Martins ""]
I heard about this band like a year ago. My roommate messaged them trying to get their CD but they're poor and shit.

I finally found a download link for this over the summer. God damn it was hard to find.
[Oct 26,2008 10:55am - Martins ""]
Oh and...

I used to be in this band.
[Oct 26,2008 1:17pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Oh they're awesome! I got them not to long ago myself!
[Oct 27,2008 10:40am - Yeti ""]
the best use of a flute in metal ever is Satyricon's Dark Medieval Times.
[Oct 27,2008 11:25am - Conservationist ""]
The skin flute, LOL
[Oct 27,2008 11:31am - aril  ""]
Chilean doom/acoustic/metal band Uaral has some awesome flute parts mixed with acoustic doom.
[Oct 27,2008 1:35pm - hunterhunter ""]
agreed, sounds of pain is awesome

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