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A God amongst men...Mike Patton

[Oct 26,2008 2:29am - Hoser ""]
The greatest appreesh thread that I have ever composed.

Mike is a God. If you disagree, may you perish in the eternal fires of Hell.

Mike Patton is the saviour of the UNIVERSE.

Listening to Mike and Dillenger right fucking NOW.

[Oct 26,2008 3:06am - sxealex balblablflbaldbfd  ""]
[Oct 26,2008 3:48am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I've been listening to Tomahawk's Anonymous fucking constantly

[Oct 26,2008 7:44am - archaeon ""]
Irony Is A Dead Scene is quite sweet. I like bungle and peeping tom too.
[Oct 26,2008 9:33am - Lamp ""]
Some Fantomas is good, but everything else Mike Patton has ever done is horse shit.
[Oct 26,2008 10:34am - Hoser ""]

Lamp said:Some Fantomas is good, but everything else Mike Patton has ever done is horse shit.

You shall burn.
[Oct 26,2008 11:11am - Lamp ""]
I don't even want to know what Mike Patton did in his time with Naked City either, I bet he raped the hell out of that band. Fuck Mike Patton.
[Oct 26,2008 11:27am - yummy ""]
Mr. Bungle and Faith No More were not horse shit. I like most of his "projects" but can only listen to them so much until I get annoyed. What I do like is how he has never tried to cater to one particular audience.
[Oct 26,2008 11:31am - Martins ""]
[Oct 26,2008 4:26pm - idea  ""]
Mike Patton is shit.
[Oct 26,2008 4:34pm - archaeon ""]


fixed newfag
[Oct 26,2008 4:36pm - Martins ""]
Well whatever. Suck on mah dick.
[Oct 26,2008 5:03pm - Hoser ""]

idea said:Mike Patton is shit.

So is your whole family.
[Oct 26,2008 6:05pm - the_reverend ""]
yet you hate my dog patton who is his name sake.
[Oct 26,2008 9:16pm - rbss  ""]
Mike Patton's discography was absolutely amazing up to California. His projects since then are very hit-or-miss for me, but I respect him immensely. An incredibly talented musician.
[Oct 26,2008 11:33pm - blue ""]

rbss said:Mike Patton's discography was absolutely amazing up to California. His projects since then are very hit-or-miss for me, but I respect him immensely. An incredibly talented musician.
[Oct 27,2008 5:01am - duanegoldstein ""]
Agreed!!! I enjoy all things Patton.
[Oct 27,2008 8:24am - ouchdrummer ""]
"why not this time of the night? I'm only up this time of the night, I play music OF the night.. read my lips....SCARY. Ya know what the difference between your dad and me is? I'll fuck ya."

His work on lovage is phenomenal. Love it. The naked city stuff isn't that bad. I don't really like "Maldoror" or "Adult themes for Voice"
[Oct 27,2008 8:56am - corpus_colostomy ""]
patton suffered from a terrible case of 'LSD'


a young mr martin did not.

martin > patton.
[Oct 27,2008 9:10am - c.DeAD  ""]

rbss said:Mike Patton's discography was absolutely amazing up to California. His projects since then are very hit-or-miss for me, but I respect him immensely. An incredibly talented musician.
[Oct 27,2008 9:41am - ouchdrummer ""]
martin was great, but i dunno if i would say >Patton. That's pushing it.
[Oct 27,2008 10:00am - Josh_Martin ""]

Lamp said:I don't even want to know what Mike Patton did in his time with Naked City either.

What, you don't want to hear about how he ripped off Eye?

[Oct 27,2008 10:04am - c.DeAD  ""]

Josh_Martin said:
Lamp said:I don't even want to know what Mike Patton did in his time with Naked City either.

What, you don't want to hear about how he ripped off Eye?

Totally, but what I think he might be talking about was that they did some box set where they replaced Eye's vocals with Pattons. Had to be awful.
[Oct 27,2008 10:45am - Josh_Martin ""]

c.DeAD said:
Josh_Martin said:
Lamp said:I don't even want to know what Mike Patton did in his time with Naked City either.

What, you don't want to hear about how he ripped off Eye?

Totally, but what I think he might be talking about was that they did some box set where they replaced Eye's vocals with Pattons. Had to be awful.

That is the gayest thing I've heard all year.
[Oct 27,2008 1:56pm - orgymf@work  ""]
ummm. what?
brilliant? a god? Mike Patton?

oh man, you guys are funny
you are kidding right?

mike patton = decent singer.
Faith No More was cool.
Bungles "Sepultura - esque" attempts at metal on their demos were ok.
Adult Themes for voice is entertaining and funny. as was
pronzo oltra.

but Mike Patton is nothing more than an Epileptic/Autistic/Spastic art fag who is over praised for making noises like a child, and playing shitty "Carnival-like" music.

i hope he gets A.I.D.S.

[Oct 27,2008 2:46pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i dont agree with orgy much but i have to agree with most of that. accept for the AIDS part. that make it so Faith No More could not have a a reunion.
[Oct 27,2008 2:55pm - Lamp ""]
c.DEaD said:Totally, but what I think he might be talking about was that they did some box set where they replaced Eye's vocals with Pattons. Had to be awful.

Josh_Martin said:That is the gayest thing I've heard all year.

Josh_Martin said:That is the gayest thing I've heard all year.

Josh_Martin said:That is the gayest thing I've heard all year.

Josh_Martin said:That is the gayest thing I've heard all year.

Josh_Martin said:That is the gayest thing I've heard all year.

Josh_Martin said:That is the gayest thing I've heard all year.

[Oct 27,2008 2:56pm - orgymf@work  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i dont agree with orgy much but i have to agree with most of that. accept for the AIDS part. that make it so Faith No More could not have a a reunion.

good point!!!!
i take it back....don't give him A.I.D.S.

we need Faith No More putting out more records (hopefully something better than that "Album of the Year"....eek....not their best work is all i'm sayin) and playing shows again!


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