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finger mutilation

[Oct 29,2008 3:18pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

sawed off the front of my ring finger on a meat slicer at work yesterday, skin avulsion for the win. have to wear some gel adhesive to clot the blood. can't get it wet so i doubt i'll be able to go back to work until it falls off. maybe i can find some other job

irony... i was saying how i wanted a new job and how i wanted to go home.

[Oct 29,2008 3:22pm - the_reverend ""]
watch your wishes
[Oct 29,2008 3:23pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

kinda what it looks like, though i had no flap of skin, it flew off somewhere at work and is probably still there
[Oct 29,2008 3:23pm - aril  ""]
go get some of that powder they use now. it grows fingers back, as long as the bone is still there.
[Oct 29,2008 3:24pm - the_reverend ""]
meat bonus!
[Oct 29,2008 3:24pm - Sacreligion ""]
elves don't exist, sir.
[Oct 29,2008 3:25pm - Conservationist ""]
Pig stomach?


Condolences but glad you're home.
[Oct 29,2008 3:28pm - aril  ""]
yes, they do.

this was older, when it was first on the mainstream media. i've heard it works excellent. people have grown parts of their fingers back, nail and all.
[Oct 29,2008 3:42pm - Conservationist ""]
(rubs powder on dong)
[Oct 29,2008 3:46pm - aril  ""]
haha, cut your penis off??
[Oct 29,2008 4:32pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
back to one hand typing for you
[Oct 29,2008 4:35pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:back to one hand typing for you

usually when im on the internet it's one handed typing anyways badda bing badda boom
[Oct 29,2008 5:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
:krusty: yes that was the joke
[Oct 29,2008 8:06pm - AfterWorldObliterationn  ""]
where did you work?
[Oct 29,2008 8:16pm - succubus ""]
i just sliced my thumb and blood was spurting everywhere
still hurts...i'll never learn not to cut towards me
[Oct 29,2008 11:13pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Mutilating your digits is always a good time. In my junior year of high school I sliced my left index finger down the side with a brand new Xacto blade. I never knew a person could bleed so much from a finger that you'd end up passing out, haha. The next few weeks after that were quite the pain in the ass, having to play the frets on my guitar with my middle finger, ring finger and pinky.
[Oct 30,2008 7:31am - Yeti ""]
i lopped off a big chunk of my thumb on a slicer one time back in like 2000. i never found the chunk.

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