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I love autumn foods

[Oct 29,2008 4:41pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
harvest season ftw

cranberry flavored shit everywhere, bought some cranberry bagels today

pumpkin eggnog, along with sugar cookie eggnog....when i was younger it was only plain and vanilla....

turkey out the ass

sweet potatoes

of course for all you beer fans this is the best time of year, in general it's an awesome season for alcohol.

not to mention pies everywhere, pumpkin pie, pumpkin ice cream....

hahah last night some bitch was at the er when i was there choking to death, black bitch was allergic to pumpkin and ate some...how do you unknowingly eat pumpkin...i can understand unknowingly eating peanut and eggs...they're in everything...but pumpkin?

[Oct 29,2008 5:12pm - ellesarusrex ""]
winter squashes.. pumpkin flavored snackies.. best snack ever [img]

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