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SAID AND DONE (Dutch hardcore) update - new song, UK trip

[Oct 29,2008 6:48pm - Malfunction ""]
"TODAY" - new song up - new tape


As you might already know (considering the great feedback we've got already), we recently recorded 3 new songs together with Nico van Montfort. We uploaded one of those songs to our and [URL=http://www.saidanddone.org]site. Aside from that we also planned to have tapes ready for our trip to the UK, but since we've got em ready to go already, you can order it from our online distro right away. Go listen to "Today".


We're siked to get over to the UK again at the end of November, we had a blast last time. We can't wait to return to Le Pub in Newport, to play Guitar Hero with mr Bob Royce (from Reality fame) and check out the country. Aside from the tape mentioned above, we're also making some limited UK covers for our "Endless Roads" 7", because we can.

Come check us out at:

28th of November - Brighton
29th of November - Nottingham
30th of November - Newport

Keep an eye on the site for the exact venues, other bands playing etc.


Keep an eye on the next issues of Too Much To Say (#2, in French) and UK based Mass Movement Magazine (#23), we recently did interviews with them. Good stuff. Communication is the key.

While we're speaking of zines. Some Will Never Know #1 is still available and as soon as I can find some time again I'll start on issue #2... Also pick up the Lifers zine if you get the chance, great read and looks stunning too. (We'll get some in our distro as soon as possible, they're taking quite a while to get here from Canada, have patience).

We've also got an interview up in a new e-zine from Belgium, Break It Down, check it out .


[URL=http://www.saidanddone.org/distro]S&D DISTRO
(Distroing zines as well!)
Shield Recordings Distro
Interpunk (For all you US heads!)

Of course there are various other distros accross the globe, just Google it.

That's all for today,
[Nov 7,2008 4:31pm - escape_artist ""]
"said and done" used to be a boston band in the early 90s i have one of their 7"s...
[Nov 7,2008 4:39pm - Malfunction ""]
Yeah we know. We got that reply last time we posted something as well.

A good band as well!

Oh well, we're part of the hardcore tradition of recycling names now I guess...


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