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Voting machines/methods of today

[Nov 4,2008 9:15am - Lamp ""]
After all the buzz about computerized voting machines and how easy it is to hack them, I have to say I was glad when I was given a piece of paper and a pen and told to fill in the bubbles I wanted.
[Nov 4,2008 9:26am - largefreakatzero ""]
Same here -- paper ballots that get put in a box that is older than I am.
[Nov 4,2008 9:29am - the_reverend ""]
yeh! new hampshire!
[Nov 4,2008 9:42am - Lamp ""]

largefreakatzero said:Same here -- paper ballots that get put in a box that is older than I am.

Well, my piece of paper went through a scanner, but still.
[Nov 4,2008 11:16am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i played connect-the-dots with the circles
[Nov 4,2008 11:25am - goatcatalyst ""]
Those scanners are made in Israel...

Just sayin.
[Nov 4,2008 11:53am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 4,2008 11:53am - the_reverend ""]
and the box was new.
[Nov 4,2008 12:59pm - W3 nli  ""]
a day of illusions and even more disillusions.
a day of pretending that your vote even counts.
a day of casting a vote more against one person than for another.
a day where the lesser of two evils sounds like a winning idea to you.
a day when the propagandists laugh and celebrate.
a day where you're fed an ugly log of shit yet pretend you've never been so satisfied.
a day of proving to the global tyrants that Americans are as dumb as you take us for.
a day of trading honest consciousness for media persuasion.
a day of illusions and even more disillusions.
a day of illusions and even more disillusions.
a day of illusions and even more disillusions.
a day of illusions and even more disillusions.
a day of illusions and even more disillusions.
[Nov 4,2008 1:28pm - Sacreligion ""]
paper ballots. no possible confusion. doesn't mean that people can't lie about it though.

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