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Dear John McCain, Sarah Palin, and anyone who supported them

[Nov 6,2008 7:57am - Yeti ""]
[Nov 6,2008 9:51am - tylor  ""]
haha my facebook status was real similar to this
[Nov 10,2008 1:59pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 10,2008 2:02pm - darkwor  ""]
survival of the forgiven? on MY Toyota??
it's more likely than you think.
[Nov 10,2008 2:02pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Those bumper stickers are bad ass!!
[Nov 10,2008 2:03pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i hope someone key's that assholes car
[Nov 10,2008 2:07pm - Conservationist ""]
Support Christian Natural Selection -- kill all idiot Christians so only smart Christians remain.
[Nov 10,2008 2:10pm - ouchdrummer ""]

Conservationist said:Support Christian Natural Selection -- kill all idiot Christians so only smart Christians remain.

Translates into-

Gather up all who believe that the world was created in seven days and NOT by the big bang, and who believe that evolution is a farce, and that dinosaur bones are put here to test our faith..... and slaughter them by the tens of thousands...
[Nov 10,2008 2:39pm - pam ""]
There is nothing in that world that would stop me from flattening all four of those tires.
[Nov 10,2008 2:40pm - Conservationist ""]

ouchdrummer said:
Conservationist said:Support Christian Natural Selection -- kill all idiot Christians so only smart Christians remain.

Translates into-

Gather up all who believe that the world was created in seven days and NOT by the big bang, and who believe that evolution is a farce, and that dinosaur bones are put here to test our faith..... and slaughter them by the tens of thousands...


And then slaughter their leftist anti-science counterparts as well.

I think the "death to all under 120 IQ points" will cover this as well.
[Nov 10,2008 2:46pm - darkwor  ""]
With a baseline 120 IQ, I would not survive, but neither would old-fashioned organized religion.

Actually I've never taken a real IQ test, so who the hell knows.
[Nov 10,2008 2:56pm - largefreakatzero ""]

pam said:There is nothing in that world that would stop me from flattening all four of those tires.

Don't stop there. This is an extreme case requiring diesel fuel and a lighter.
[Nov 10,2008 2:59pm - Lamp ""]
Do you people seriously think there's such thing as a test that can actually measure intelligence? For fuck's sake.
[Nov 10,2008 3:13pm - Conservationist ""]
^^^ did you score under 120?
[Nov 10,2008 3:16pm - Lamp ""]
I took an IQ test when I was 3 or 4 years old and scored a 138 without answering all the questions.

Also, after making that post, I went to some site that had an IQ test on it (http://www.iqtest.com) and just scored a 125 so apparently I'm not an idiot by your terms but still, I really don't buy that a test of this nature can measure someone's intelligence.
[Nov 10,2008 4:14pm - Conservationist ""]
It measures their physical ability to have intelligence -- like a gigahertz/bus measurement of a computer processor.
[Nov 10,2008 4:20pm - Niccolai ""]
It doesn't matter who won the election. They are both war profiteering douchebags. Enjoy your terrible economy.
[Nov 10,2008 7:49pm - thuringwethil ""]

[Nov 10,2008 8:02pm - Lamp ""]
I couldn't even get through 15 seconds of that video. People were going to vote for that. What the fuck.
[Nov 10,2008 10:18pm - moenli  ""]
I have female friends who are "lesbians" who voted Republican...

[Nov 11,2008 2:51am - the_reverend ""]
how tolerant of them. actually, barney frank had an awesome like this week. I guess Bush said hello to barney frank and his bf walking into someplace and was really polite. Then when the president came back out, barney told him that the guy he said hello to and was nice to was his bf. Bush said something like "Yeah, see how tolerant I am?"
Barney then made a comment about on Palin "I guess she's more tolerant than I am of her." I thought it was great.
[Nov 11,2008 3:17am - Samantha ""]

Conservationist said:Support Christian Natural Selection -- kill all idiot Christians so only smart Christians remain.

That would be artificial selection. Failing to properly utilize Darwin's theory of evolution negates your social Darwinist ideology. :ralphie:
[Nov 11,2008 10:58am - ctB0rderpatrol  ""]

pam said:There is nothing in that world that would stop me from flattening all four of those tires.

except that whole geographical distance between the land of sodomy to the land of old people and cubans

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