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any suggestions

[Nov 15,2008 7:42pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

I usually don't draw but i decided to whip something up for a story idea. it's supposed to be a reaper type character. comes along and gathers dead souls from corpses. hunts down elusive souls who try to remain on earth (ghosts) and hunts down spirits and demons who have escaped the underworld.

I want to know if i should draw two or four wings, i was thinking two pairs of angel type wins would be badass. also, can't decide if i want to draw this with a skeletal body, a human one. or have it with a robed human body, like something a monk would wear.
[Nov 15,2008 10:40pm - dreadkill ""]
2 wings, robed body
[Nov 16,2008 12:49am - sever ""]
thats pretty metal
[Nov 17,2008 1:51pm - RyanPlegics ""]
It needs a sword

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