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Telling your boss to fuck himself appreeesshhhh

[Nov 21,2008 1:41pm - ScmFck  ""]
So i came upon the rare chance to tell a manager at my work to fuck himself today. I hate his fucking guts and at least now he knows it. I feel so much better.:middlefinger:
[Nov 21,2008 1:44pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 21,2008 1:51pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Nov 21,2008 1:52pm - sever ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Details.
[Nov 21,2008 2:01pm - ScmFck  ""]
the service manager at my work tried to pull some macho i make the decisions bull shit in front of my entire shop. I told some dude we'd go pick up his bike because he's doing a 2000$ motor. I thought we should do this for him especially since no one wants to spend money right now. Its kinda petty but he tried to make himself seem like a badass in front of all the mechanics, while telling me i was wrong to do that. I just told him to fuck himself and proceded to walk away. He ended up looking kinda stupid when he was yelling " come here we need to talk " and i just kept walking away.
[Nov 21,2008 2:01pm - ScmFck  ""]
best part is i think he's getting in trouble from our general manager
[Nov 21,2008 2:02pm - ZJD ""]
should have slipped him a mickey.
[Nov 21,2008 2:04pm - the_reverend ""]
should have slipped on a banana peel
[Nov 21,2008 2:09pm - ScmFck  ""]
any one else got any good stories
[Nov 21,2008 2:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
dude you work with such assholes.
[Nov 21,2008 2:16pm - dftg  ""]
I'll tell a few later
[Nov 21,2008 2:29pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
He should have landed on a cock.
[Nov 21,2008 2:33pm - sever ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:He should have landed on a cock.

again, I must quote you for excellence.
[Nov 21,2008 2:43pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Thank you sir. I aim to please.
[Nov 21,2008 2:49pm - xmikex ""]
Unfortunately, I've blown the few chances that I've had to tell a shitty superior to go fuck themselves. The one time I can think of that I really should have let these two fat ladies have it I let it go, and complained to their boss later on. I've regretted it ever since.

I did hear a story while I was working my first job ever at Shaws in Brockton. This kid was quitting, and he wanted it to be epic, without breaking anything. So he spent all of his last day making a cardboard suit of armor for himself out of spare boxes. He then went parading around the store in his cardboard robot suit calling himself Box Man. He finally ended up at the office where he announced to the store manager "Box Man quits! Fuck you."
[Nov 21,2008 2:55pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I told an entire food distributor staff to go fuck themselves, including managers (there were a few exceptions though). I then told the manager that I quit and would only be working the following day to finish out the week. No one believed that I really quit until Monday morning, when NOTHING got done. My uncle works there so he filled me in on the sad details.
[Nov 21,2008 3:18pm - Yeti ""]
i've never told anyone to fuck off, but i did get fired from Arby's for throwing a bun rack at the manager. she was a burly bitch, she could take it.
[Nov 21,2008 5:50pm - Lamp ""]
I have come much closer to telling customers to fuck off than most bosses I've ever had.
[Nov 21,2008 5:58pm - thuringwethil ""]
why don't you just make the minimum 37 PIECES OF FLAIR?!?!?!?!?!
[Nov 21,2008 8:28pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
here's how i quit when I worked for Savin, a copier company
[Nov 22,2008 1:09pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
There's this one dude at my work. Entirely socially out of touch. He says he's never swore or drank or anything. He's religious on top of that, and I'd say borderline retarded. I guess Baptists make up their own shit when it comes to beliefs. One day I was talking about beer, and somehow beer battered food came up. To which he said he doesn't eat. I asked "you don't eat beer battered food because there's beer in it?" He smugly says "yes". This dude eats 4 packets of Ramen a day for lunch. Everyday I've worked there (year and a half) he rots his organs with massive sodium intake. And has 3 kids and is dirt poor and couldn't be more blissfully ignorant. This morning I asked "what about all the parts in the bible where they drink wine, don't you think that says its ok to drink?" He says "the wine back then was more like just grape juice". I replied "you just make this shit up don't you?" Did he have a sample of said wine? I want to tell him fuck off everyday, so we all just make fun of him and openly bash religion and government (he's a Bush/McCain lover) in front of him. Every customer hates this dude, and it also feels good to post this. Yeah.
[Nov 22,2008 2:42pm - alexc ""]
epic prank by ex-wal mart employee: http://www.zug.com/pranks/walmart/index.html
[Nov 22,2008 2:56pm - Paul CNV  ""]
Bahaha... I used to work at Wal Mahhht with a holy roller. He said the lord came to him in a dream and told him to work at Wal Mahhht... God bless him
[Nov 22,2008 6:11pm - rustyps ""]

xmikex said:I did hear a story while I was working my first job ever at Shaws in Brockton. This kid was quitting, and he wanted it to be epic, without breaking anything. So he spent all of his last day making a cardboard suit of armor for himself out of spare boxes. He then went parading around the store in his cardboard robot suit calling himself Box Man. He finally ended up at the office where he announced to the store manager "Box Man quits! Fuck you."

Box Man is my idol.
[Nov 22,2008 10:50pm - deadlikemurfnli  ""]

Nobody_Cares said:There's this one dude at my work. Entirely socially out of touch. He says he's never swore or drank or anything. He's religious on top of that, and I'd say borderline retarded. I guess Baptists make up their own shit when it comes to beliefs. One day I was talking about beer, and somehow beer battered food came up. To which he said he doesn't eat. I asked "you don't eat beer battered food because there's beer in it?" He smugly says "yes". This dude eats 4 packets of Ramen a day for lunch. Everyday I've worked there (year and a half) he rots his organs with massive sodium intake. And has 3 kids and is dirt poor and couldn't be more blissfully ignorant. This morning I asked "what about all the parts in the bible where they drink wine, don't you think that says its ok to drink?" He says "the wine back then was more like just grape juice". I replied "you just make this shit up don't you?" Did he have a sample of said wine? I want to tell him fuck off everyday, so we all just make fun of him and openly bash religion and government (he's a Bush/McCain lover) in front of him. Every customer hates this dude, and it also feels good to post this. Yeah.

Work shooting candidate.... beware
[Nov 23,2008 11:42am - Nobody_Cares ""]
We've always said that. His life is so bleak. I made an idea for a movie loosely based on his life. Inept man, moving through life, painfully awkward, never swearing. Ending is him shooting everyone one by one and saying "jesus loves you" after every shot from a wal mart purchased gun. Whaddya think, winner?
[Nov 24,2008 2:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Nobody_Cares said:We've always said that. His life is so bleak. I made an idea for a movie loosely based on his life. Inept man, moving through life, painfully awkward, never swearing. Ending is him shooting everyone one by one and saying "jesus loves you" after every shot from a wal mart purchased gun. Whaddya think, winner?

[Nov 24,2008 4:07pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i do this frequently when i leave a job. (or when the person i hate leaves.) I pull them aside and tell them that the entire time i've worked with them has been a nightmare, and that nothing could make me happier than them leaving. Fuck off, and die.

Usually i say it all with a smile, but sometimes the hate is too strong.
[Jun 14,2011 7:43pm - anonymous  ""]
i might tell my boss to fuck off and suck my cock tomorrow

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