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RTTP radio show started, listen up!

[radioshow]  _______________________________________
[Nov 24,2008 11:10pm - the_reverend ""]

that is all.
[Nov 24,2008 11:21pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
You gotta get those creative juices flowing and think of more witty titles for your radio show threads, man.
[Nov 24,2008 11:55pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
[Nov 25,2008 12:24am - timtirpation  ""]
rev, are you going update the playlist anytime soon?
[Nov 25,2008 12:56am - Dave_Maggot ""]
haha thanks
[Nov 25,2008 1:00am - timtirpation  ""]
Does anyone else thinks it is incredibly gay when a band uses the refrain of their song as the title as well? I mean I'm not ripping on Carcass for that shit, but they are notorious for said shenanigans.
[Nov 25,2008 1:19am - Dave_Maggot ""]
mark and dave: metal's cuddliest couple <3
[Nov 25,2008 1:20am - Dave_Maggot ""]
i'm gonna go create mark and david's infinite playlist
[Nov 25,2008 1:22am - Dave_Maggot ""]
now play some composted. play high on krylon
[Nov 25,2008 8:29am - ScmFck  ""]
This is the only good part of my day on tuesday, pissing off people at my work because none of them listen to metal

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