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Osama bin laden's son denied refugee status

[Nov 28,2008 11:07am - y_ddraig_goch ""]

metalhead son? read in time that he tried to get refugee status in spain because he's being threatened with death.

[Nov 28,2008 12:35pm - pam ""]
That's kinda fucked up.
[Nov 28,2008 1:24pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Well, what do you expect, ya know? He would fit into Brujeria from the looks of him. YEAH!!!
[Nov 28,2008 1:33pm - dftg  ""]
karma placed that nasty bitch in his arms.
[Nov 28,2008 1:34pm - SkinSandwich ""]
She looks like a short version of Katherine zeta Jones strung out on heroin.
[Nov 28,2008 1:42pm - metalguy  ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:
...metalhead son?...

He definitely doesn't look like a metalhead. That is probably some european fashion statement (leather biker jackets) that is going on right now.
[Nov 28,2008 2:29pm - sxealex ""]
its the singer from coheed and cambria
[Nov 28,2008 3:34pm - Murph ""]

sxealex said:its the singer from coheed and cambria

Ha ha, nice.

That leather jacket is badass.
[Nov 28,2008 3:48pm - goatcatalyst ""]
He almost looks like Al (Ipsissinigger)

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