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French metalhead looking for a place in West Springfield or Springfield

[Nov 28,2008 7:19pm - JackGrants ""]
Hey everybody,

I'm french, currently live in France but I plan to stay in Mass. for 3 months at the beginning of next year (hopefully coming in January) and eventually live there (ideally in West Springfield or Springfield). So if anybody knows of a cool place to stay, would like to be a sort of "guide" when I'm there or anything, please let me know.
I have a band called Blended Sky (formerly stoner metal/now groove thrash metal), I sing, compose, play some guitar and drums. I also have some compositions that I could use for other projects, these range from doom to death and black metal. Other than that, I'm the writer of a surrealistic humorous book and screenplays. If you have any questions, go ahead.
Thanks in advance.


[Nov 28,2008 7:35pm - blue ""]
youll have much better luck in the boston area massachusetts being a metalhead, just a little tip there.
[Nov 28,2008 7:46pm - the_reverend ""]
I was going to say that too blue. springfield is more metalcore/hardcore. worcester I moe big-name metal and boston has WAY more small shows.
[Nov 28,2008 7:48pm - christopher  ""]
I imagine there are some very very local things going on over there, but I have never heard of it. If you are determined on Western, Mass...you might have better luck looking into the Amherst/Northampton area.
[Nov 28,2008 7:56pm - JackGrants ""]
Thanks for the tips, guys but I have a very good reason to go to West Springfield :LOVE:
[Nov 28,2008 7:59pm - Pires ""]
uh oh...you'll be back in France six months from now...
[Nov 28,2008 8:00pm - JackGrants ""]
What do you mean, Pires ?
[Nov 28,2008 8:03pm - DrewBlood ""]

JackGrants said:Thanks for the tips, guys but I have a very good reason to go to West Springfield :LOVE:

paczki day?

[Nov 28,2008 8:03pm - blue ""]
he means you gonna get your heart BROKEN
[Nov 28,2008 8:05pm - JackGrants ""]
No, paczki day is my second reason :D
[Nov 28,2008 8:07pm - JackGrants ""]
Nah, nobody will break my metal heart :whipper:
[Nov 28,2008 8:07pm - SkinSandwich ""]
French whores and their crazy armpit hair.

[Nov 28,2008 8:09pm - JackGrants ""]
That's a cliché, man, the only woman I ever saw with huge armpit hair was Julia Roberts. And that Kristina's certainly not french.
[Nov 28,2008 8:10pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I know, i was lazy and grabbed the first bitch on google with the rat's under her arms.
[Nov 28,2008 8:11pm - the_reverend ""]
I hear about a lot of western mass shows. they are all hardcore/metalcore based
[Nov 28,2008 8:12pm - JackGrants ""]
Let's bring metal to Western Mass then
[Nov 28,2008 8:22pm - DomesticTerror ""]
french whores are delicious. [img]
[Nov 28,2008 8:24pm - JackGrants ""]
I see french whores have an international reputation, do you have many there or do you take euro trips ?
[Nov 28,2008 8:50pm - DomesticTerror ""]
not many bartenders seem to know how to make them.
[Nov 28,2008 8:53pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

JackGrants said:Thanks for the tips, guys but I have a very good reason to go to West Springfield :LOVE:

Is it because you want your car to get stolen?

[Nov 28,2008 9:14pm - JackGrants ""]

DomesticTerror said:not many bartenders seem to know how to make them.

It's not that easy to graduate in french whores
[Nov 28,2008 9:17pm - JackGrants ""]

Is it because you want your car to get stolen?


Who's stealing cars there, guys from Greenpeace ?
[Nov 28,2008 9:23pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Clearly you've never been to Springfield, MA....

Have been there a few times recently. That area is down on its luck. The only things that are doing ok are abandoned buildings and liquor stores.
[Nov 28,2008 9:28pm - JackGrants ""]
Liquor stores... That's a start.
[Nov 28,2008 9:38pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 28,2008 10:19pm - SkinSandwich ""]
[Nov 28,2008 10:32pm - JackGrants ""]
That should be Rick Oz : living in Springfield.
[Nov 29,2008 1:26am - boblovesmusic ""]
Dude, bring your band here and have them play here!
[Nov 29,2008 1:59am - BSV  ""]
thy french legions are gaining strength here... LES RESISTANCE!
[Nov 29,2008 2:25am - goatcatalyst ""]
Bring LLN or GTFO, Frenchy!
[Nov 29,2008 2:26am - goatcatalyst ""]
PS Nigger!!!!
[Nov 29,2008 6:56am - Dankill  ""]

This board's sense of humor is pretty brutal, so take nothing 100% serious or personal.

Also Josh Staples will be your new friend. Whether you like it or not!
[Nov 29,2008 7:03am - Samantha ""]
Il y a beaucoup de merde dans Springfield.
[Nov 29,2008 9:27am - pam ""]
This chick's pussy must be lined with chocolate and fairy magic.
[Nov 29,2008 10:30am - the_reverend ""]
wrong, unlike girls, guys actually like the opposite sex's sexual organs and what comes from them. she probably just gives 2 handed blowjorbs and if you liked in france and had a chance to move to the usa, wouldn't you? get this man some freedom fries.
[Nov 29,2008 10:35am - JackGrants ""]
Thank Satan I have a solid sense of humor and unfortunately I expect anti-french comments, serious or not. Well, c'est la vie, isn't it. I'll come anyway, whether I bring the LLN or not.

[Nov 29,2008 10:36am - the_reverend ""]
you will hopefully end up at an obreins pub show. they are the best!
[Nov 29,2008 10:40am - JackGrants ""]
Ok. I always trust a reverend :satancross:
[Nov 29,2008 11:48am - JackGrants ""]
Who's Josh Staples ?
[Nov 29,2008 12:39pm - Hoser ""]
Dude, don't move to Massachussetts unless you want to be the laughing stock of the rest of the U.S.
[Nov 29,2008 12:57pm - JackGrants ""]

Hoser said:Dude, don't move to Massachussetts unless you want to be the laughing stock of the rest of the U.S.

How come ?
[Nov 29,2008 1:25pm - SkinSandwich ""]
[Nov 29,2008 1:31pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

JackGrants said:
Hoser said:Dude, don't move to Massachussetts unless you want to be the laughing stock of the rest of the U.S.

How come ?

He's just jealous that we run the country.
[Nov 29,2008 1:35pm - JackGrants ""]
It's funny because in France, it's portuguese girls who have the reputation of being hairy. This one looks iberian. But whatever, I'm curious to hear the clichés about the French so bring it on.
[Nov 29,2008 1:41pm - the_reverend ""]
Hoser lives in Maine so he has a government more taxing and more liberal than Mass, but they like to say they are not and that Mass is a shithole.
Mass income tax = 5%
Maine income tax = 8.5%
Mass sales tax = 5%
Maine sales tax = 5%
[Nov 29,2008 1:50pm - JackGrants ""]
Oh, I see. Well, it's Stephen King's fault if Maine's that way.
[Nov 29,2008 4:32pm - ctB0rderpatrol  ""]
northern maine has a lot of quebecois and acadian hockey frenchies
[Nov 29,2008 4:53pm - JackGrants ""]
I don't play hockey but I can play soccer. I heard there was an indoor soccer team in West Springfield, anyone knows about it ?
[Nov 29,2008 4:55pm - the_reverend ""]
soccer? who plays that?
[Nov 29,2008 5:29pm - JackGrants ""]
Just a few millions of people. An urban legend says it's the most popular sport in the world.
[Nov 29,2008 5:36pm - Martins ""]

JackGrants said:It's funny because in France, it's portuguese girls who have the reputation of being hairy. This one looks iberian. But whatever, I'm curious to hear the clichés about the French so bring it on.

Haha, it's true. Portuguese women are so hairy. I should know; the female members of my family are all Portuguese. They have better facial hair than I ever will.
[Nov 29,2008 5:42pm - JackGrants ""]
SkinSandwich is gonna ask you if you checked their armpits (if he doesn't go further than that)
[Nov 29,2008 6:05pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Maine also has the Lewiston MAINEiacs of the QHMMJMLHJHL
[Nov 29,2008 6:10pm - SkinSandwich ""]
No, I was going to thank you for the statue of liberty and all, but you can have it back. She really is an eyesore.
[Nov 29,2008 6:14pm - the_reverend ""]
malcolm jamal warner?
[Nov 29,2008 6:21pm - JackGrants ""]
Ok, I'll bring the statue of liberty back if you want, I'll sell it to the Chinese. Anything else you wanna get rid of ?
[Nov 29,2008 6:23pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Well, if you are going to sell it to the Chinese you have to redo the eyes. You can take soon ex-president Bush with you. Show him the ways of the Frenchies.
[Nov 29,2008 6:23pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

JackGrants said:Ok, I'll bring the statue of liberty back if you want, I'll sell it to the Chinese. Anything else you wanna get rid of ?

Springfield, MA
[Nov 29,2008 6:30pm - SkinSandwich ""]


I make fun of the USA just as much, so don't sweat it.
[Nov 29,2008 6:36pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]

SkinSandwich said:[img]

That necklace is a front. she wants to get rimmed awe day eerday.
[Nov 29,2008 6:44pm - JackGrants ""]
Yeah, maybe you're not serious but some are. Making the french pussies since before Jesus because a french "government" saw an interest in letting the germans in in 1940 is ridiculous. France has won wars against about every country in Europe including Russia, Germany, England and not so long ago either, in terms of History.
[Nov 29,2008 7:24pm - SkinSandwich ""]
HA! I knew it would not take long to get your goat.
[Nov 29,2008 7:30pm - JackGrants ""]
Mission accomplished, SkinSandwich. A Bush would have let the germans in too.
[Nov 29,2008 7:37pm - the_reverend ""]
not unless they were friends with his daddy.
I guess america forgets napoleon so quickly.
[Nov 29,2008 7:44pm - JackGrants ""]
They were friends with grand-daddy. Some people seem to not even have heard of Napoleon or maybe they think he was some prehistoric dude who just killed a couple dinosaurs 6000 years ago.
[Nov 29,2008 10:01pm - pam ""]
I have no problem with France, only meat-head-my-dick-is-bigger American stereotypical morons do.

Sign me up for your excellent health care, clean cities, and yummy food any day.
[Nov 29,2008 10:04pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Yeah, he was a little tea pot short and stout. He invaded Russia, and failed. Seems to happen to any nation that tries that.
[Nov 29,2008 10:13pm - pam ""]
Hitler didn't pay attention in history class.
[Nov 29,2008 10:20pm - JackGrants ""]
There will always be people who have a problem with France or any other country even if they'd never be able to give you a good reason but what can you do.

And yes, Russia has the advantage of the weather. They could have lost againt Germany too if the German soldiers who stooped to take a crap didn't remain stuck frozen to the ground.
[Nov 29,2008 10:41pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Ha, shitcicles. Hitler smelled like brauts and catfood.
[Nov 29,2008 10:51pm - JackGrants ""]
They brought the leftovers back to Hitler in his bunker so he could enjoy his own happy meal : brauts, shitcicles and ass smoothies.
[Nov 29,2008 10:54pm - Lamp ""]
Amazing. Someone who lives in a non-English speaking country can speak English fluently and the Mexican guy I've been working with has lived in this country for the past couple years and even another 6 year stint before that and can barely string a sentence together in English.
[Nov 29,2008 10:56pm - pam ""]
I think French guy is going to fit in just fine around here.
[Nov 29,2008 10:58pm - pam ""]

Lamp said:Amazing. Someone who lives in a non-English speaking country can speak English fluently and the Mexican guy I've been working with has lived in this country for the past couple years and even another 6 year stint before that and can barely string a sentence together in English.

They teach kids to be bilingual in France...you know, that education concept that makes people on this board shit their pants and start screaming about THIS IS AMURIKA, SPEAK AMURIKAN, TAKIN OUR JOBS, etc.
[Nov 29,2008 11:02pm - Lamp ""]
Yeah, no shit. I wish they did that here. Do you know how much easier it would be to teach people English if you could speak their language?
[Nov 29,2008 11:16pm - JackGrants ""]
Although, I heard that french people are among the worse in Europe when it comes to speaking another language. They're working on that right now apparently. For example, instead of having movies in the original version and subtitled, most movies are dubbed and I don't see the point in that except for the few times it's so lame it's funny.
And we also, like you, have the people who come from other countries and who don't speak French after several years. The problem is that some won't even try and they don't give a shit.
As to me, I speak english on a regular basis so that helps.
[Nov 29,2008 11:17pm - Lamp ""]

JackGrants said:The problem is that some won't even try and they don't give a shit.

That's what I think is the case with the guy I mentioned before.
[Nov 29,2008 11:21pm - JackGrants ""]
And it's hard to be tolerant with such people. I really don't see myself coming to the US and not being able to string a sentence together. People would throw freedom fries at me and they'd be right.
[Nov 29,2008 11:27pm - pam ""]

JackGrants said:Although, I heard that french people are among the worse in Europe when it comes to speaking another language. They're working on that right now apparently. For example, instead of having movies in the original version and subtitled, most movies are dubbed and I don't see the point in that except for the few times it's so lame it's funny.
And we also, like you, have the people who come from other countries and who don't speak French after several years. The problem is that some won't even try and they don't give a shit.
As to me, I speak english on a regular basis so that helps.

That's comforting. I sucked at French hardcore. I don't even know how I passed.
[Nov 29,2008 11:29pm - Lamp ""]
Your English is already awesome, you have nothing to worry about dude.
[Nov 29,2008 11:36pm - JackGrants ""]
You can be comforted about that, Pam, some french people are incredibly lame at english even after years of school. And personally, I think learning French is harder than learning English.
Thanks for your comment, Lamp, always nice to hear :D
[Nov 30,2008 12:28am - Samantha ""]

pam said:They teach kids to be bilingual in France...you know, that education concept that makes people on this board shit their pants and start screaming about THIS IS AMURIKA, SPEAK AMURIKAN, TAKIN OUR JOBS, etc.

Yes, they do. I remember when I was in high school, some foreign exchange students arrived from France, and they spoke fluent English while I was only in French II. When they told us that they started learning foreign languages in elementary school, everyone in my class wondered why they didn't do that in America.

Developmental psychologists discovered a long time ago that there is a critical period in brain development around adolescence where, after puberty, it's much harder to learn another language. Our schools are crappy.
[Nov 30,2008 1:40am - Seth  ""]
Second that and even now a days the school systems are shit and don't do anything to help, unless you find a good school system! Brought to you by a child of a college professor and special ed teacher! Wake up america..everyone else is smarter, but we have missiles! :FLAMING:
[Nov 30,2008 2:00am - Niccolai ""]
is it trew that in france, if you lose a fight to a midget, you become one yourself.?
[Nov 30,2008 2:06am - pam ""]

JackGrants said:You can be comforted about that, Pam, some french people are incredibly lame at english even after years of school. And personally, I think learning French is harder than learning English.
Thanks for your comment, Lamp, always nice to hear :D

It is! Who the fuck has male and female words? Your language is a sexist jerk.
[Nov 30,2008 2:09am - Niccolai ""]
pam, don't worry, they lost world cup becaus theuy are no good at football and uA beat them twice.
[Nov 30,2008 6:55am - JackGrants ""]
Pam, that's only sexist if you wanna look at it that way. German is worse, having a third form for things and giving it to the word girl for example. How's that ?

Niccolai : Fight ? In France ? Never heard of fighting, sorry.
[Nov 30,2008 8:36am - guy  ""]
aren't all french guys queers
[Nov 30,2008 8:40am - JackGrants ""]
Only the gay ones are
[Nov 30,2008 8:56am - the_reverend ""]
I wish!
[Nov 30,2008 8:59am - the_reverend ""]
in school, I took 3 years of german and 9 years of spanish. can't speak a word of either until AFTER I walk away from someone that I could speak with.
[Nov 30,2008 12:02pm - JackGrants ""]
I took 5 years of German and Ich spreche nicht Deutsch.
[Nov 30,2008 12:47pm - the_reverend ""]
wouldn't that be kein?
[Nov 30,2008 12:53pm - JackGrants ""]
Could very well be.
[Nov 30,2008 4:00pm - JackGrants ""]
Qui parle français ici alors ?
[Nov 30,2008 7:14pm - ctB0rderpatrol  ""]
[Nov 30,2008 7:20pm - JackGrants ""]
Who's a sitzpinkler ?
[Dec 1,2008 1:07am - Samantha ""]

JackGrants said:Qui parle français ici alors ?

Je parle francais. J'ai apprendu francais a l'ecole quand j'ai habite a Vermont. J'ai oublie tellement!
[Dec 1,2008 6:18am - JackGrants ""]
Oh, I understand that, we forget so much of what we "learn" at school. What's the most common second language to choose at school in the US ?
[Dec 1,2008 7:07am - Samantha ""]

JackGrants said:Oh, I understand that, we forget so much of what we "learn" at school. What's the most common second language to choose at school in the US ?

Probably Spanish... There are a lot of people who speak Spanish in this country.

I can still understand/speak French well enough to get by. If I lived in a French-speaking country, I would probably be fluent pretty quickly. My brain is good with languages. If I hear someone speaking French for a few minutes, I start thinking in French.

Where I grew up was about an hour south of the Canadian border, so we had TV stations in French. The town I lived in when I was a little kid was full of old French-Canadians who moved there to work in the mills in the 1920s. Quebecois French is different, though. If I talk to people from rural parts of Quebec, I have no idea what they're saying half the time.
[Dec 1,2008 7:13am - JackGrants ""]
Quebecois French can be weird even for a French hehe. In addition to their accent, they are really hardcore when it comes to the French language. They refuse anglicisms, they'd sometimes rather use a word they coined and that sounds stupid than an english word anybody would understand.
[Dec 2,2008 7:29pm - JackGrants ""]
When you look into the abyss of the post, the abyss also looks into you.
[Dec 2,2008 8:17pm - BSV  ""]
Bonjour mon ami! J'ouer avec Neuraxis du Montreal. Je me appelle Josh Staples.
You are now a member of Les Resistance. C'est pour le sang francais. Other than Quebec, this is the best reason for an American Metalhead to honor our heritage. Je veux plus parle avec toi, mon francais mal.
[Dec 2,2008 8:24pm - JackGrants ""]
Salut Josh, your name was mentioned in a previous post. Tu es de Montreal aussi ? On peut parler ensemble si tu veux, pas de problèmes. Tell me more about Les Resistance.
[Dec 3,2008 12:43pm - JackGrants ""]
No members of the Church of the Subgenius on there ?
[Dec 3,2008 12:48pm - arilliusbm ""]
What part of France you from? North / northeast? One of my band's older release was out on a French label from Lille, France. Always wanted to check that place out
[Dec 3,2008 12:53pm - JackGrants ""]
I'm from the center. What was the label, Listenable ? What was your band ?
[Dec 3,2008 12:55pm - arilliusbm ""]
Eisiger-Mond Productions. Smaller label, although I think it's growing. The release was for Infernecron.
[Dec 3,2008 12:56pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Dec 3,2008 1:05pm - JackGrants ""]
I have to say I had never heard of them before. How did it go with them ?
[Dec 3,2008 1:08pm - aril  ""]
went well, although we were one of the first 'releases' on it. we've got decent underground exposure in france / belgium area because of it. I mean, it wasn't a real release.. just a demo. he offered to do it and I was completely satisfied with the outcome
[Dec 3,2008 1:11pm - JackGrants ""]
Ever got gig offers from that area or Europe in general ?
[Dec 3,2008 1:14pm - aril  ""]
that band doesn't do shows. just me and one other person.
It would be sweet if we could do live stuff though; maybe somepoint soon I will get some other people to fill in.
[Dec 3,2008 1:18pm - JackGrants ""]
You're using a drum machine, right ? Where are you located ?
[Dec 3,2008 1:31pm - aril  ""]
Springfield. No, just kidding.. actually I'm near Cape Cod.
For the demos yes. I think in 2009 I will be composing an actual release for it, but this time with real drums. I'm not too sure about pulling it off live just yet. I've got a live band right now.
[Dec 3,2008 1:38pm - JackGrants ""]
There's a lot of kidding going on about Springfield.
Anyway, good luck on finding a drummer, it's never easy to find the right person.
[Dec 3,2008 1:45pm - JackGrants ""]
I like that song from your website. You have a good production too, a real drum could really enhance the whole. Do you dig bands like Shining or Forgotten Tomb ?
[Dec 3,2008 1:47pm - aril  ""]
yes, sir.
[Dec 3,2008 1:50pm - JackGrants ""]
Are there some french bands you like ?
[Dec 3,2008 1:57pm - arilliusbm ""]
I think the question should be are there any French bands I DON'T like. I think France has one of the best scenes in Europe. I like everything from the les legions noires (black legion) bands to Alcest, to Gojira, Ad Hominem and beyond. I know there's people on this board that would agree with me
[Dec 3,2008 2:04pm - JackGrants ""]
Oh, that's great to hear because in France, we have a tendency to think that Gojira is about the only french band that's somewhat successful in the US.
There is one band that I strongly recommend, it's SUP (though their 2 most recent albums are less inspired that in the past imo), it's really unique. Do you know them ?
Other than that, Seth, Belenos, Mystic Forest, Carnival in Coal, Ellipsis...
[Dec 3,2008 2:07pm - arilliusbm ""]
Actually haven't checked out SUP.
Seth and Mystic Forest are awesome too. Haven't heard Carnival in Coal?
[Dec 3,2008 2:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
Another one I like is Celestia. They were apparently looking to play a show over here but I think it fell through.
[Dec 3,2008 2:16pm - JackGrants ""]
This is a whole album by Supuration (the alter ego of Sup), their first name when they started as a death metal act before evolving to a more personal cold music. The other album on this site (9092) is a compilation of their first demos.
So you can try both and you'll see the difference. I recommend this band to anyone who wants to hear something really original.
[Dec 3,2008 2:22pm - JackGrants ""]
If you and other people keep taking an interest in the French scene, maybe more bands will come to play there. Gojira's tours might help.
Here's a link to a Carnival in Coal album, original too but way crazier (a look at the name of the tracks might be a clue)
[Dec 3,2008 2:32pm - BSV  ""]
LES RESISTANCE exists whenever anyone who is at least 25% French hangs out with another fellow French. We serve no purpose other than just being awesome, beautiful, and better than just about everyone who's in the same room as us. We casually speak random french (to the best of our ability) and usually just talk about how awesome it is to be French. We are French Pride in America!

Come guys you're forgetting the important ones!

[Dec 3,2008 2:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
awesome, thanks.
I would love to see more French/Euro bands coming here to play smaller-medium shows.
[Dec 3,2008 2:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
aw come on, BSV, I mentioned les legiones noires bands! Good ones in your list, though.
[Dec 3,2008 2:38pm - BSV  ""]
[Dec 3,2008 2:46pm - JackGrants ""]
Are there many of you awesome RESISTANTS out there ?
Arilius cited les légions noires, I thought about Amesoeurs, a shame they split after just one mcd. Massacra's very good too, I see you're very much into the extreme metal scene, BSV.
@Arilius : I think it's doable with some contacts. I'd like to be a link once I get to Mass.
[Dec 3,2008 2:47pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Unless you are Anne, stay home. Frogs Raus!!!
Shouldn't you be surrendering to someone right now?

[Dec 3,2008 2:47pm - JackGrants ""]
You don't mess with LES RESISTANCE
[Dec 3,2008 2:51pm - JackGrants ""]
Anne who ?
If you use your brain instead of letting it be zombified by propaganda, you know WWII is not representative of French history and there was something called the Resistance.
[Dec 3,2008 2:54pm - the_reverend ""]
anne was a french metal head that lived in providence and ran the armegeddon shop. she put on a lot of shows there too. then she moved to finland or sweden or something and nobody has her from her since. wellexcept some baby pictures.
[Dec 3,2008 2:56pm - JackGrants ""]
So she was ok cause she had a pussy, that's it ?
[Dec 3,2008 3:38pm - arilliusbm ""]
I must say that one of my favorite French (non-metal) musicians is Jean-Luc Ponty. Not sure if you know him or not.
[Dec 3,2008 3:44pm - BSV  ""]
Anne was from Thionville, after Providence she moved to Montreal-fell in love and now lives in Norway, she rules.

Amesoeurs is a must for anybody remotely interested in Alcest.

Favorite non metal Francais,
Vannessa Paradis
Edith Piaf
Pink Martini
Jacques Brel
Juliette Greco
Carla Bruni
Allain Leprest
[Dec 3,2008 3:50pm - BSV  ""]

JackGrants said:Are there many of you awesome RESISTANTS out there ?

About a dozen I see regularly. More than a few are total babes : )
[Dec 3,2008 4:03pm - JackGrants ""]
I'm not familiar with Jean-Luc Ponty, have to check that out.
BSV : Yes, I prefer Amesoeurs to the first lady of France hehe.
Now, I'm curious about one thing, please enlighten me : have the French always been synonymous with surrendering ? Because I have the impression it really started after a french guy dared to say there were no evidence of WMD in Iraq (what cockyness)
[Dec 3,2008 4:04pm - JackGrants ""]
I have my own babe, BSV, thanks. That makes more for you, petit coquin ;)
[Dec 3,2008 4:13pm - Josh_Martin ""]

JackGrants said: have the French always been synonymous with surrendering ? Because I have the impression it really started after a french guy dared to say there were no evidence of WMD in Iraq (what cockyness)

Wrong. WW1. WW2.

[Dec 3,2008 4:21pm - JackGrants ""]
France has not lost WWI. France has not surrendered in WWII, they lost after several months of battle and then some collaborated (btw, Roosevelt supported those at first) and some resisted. In the meantime, every country around Germany was thrashed in just days but no one is making fun of them. England was hiding on their island and Russia was saved by their weather.

PS : Almost nobody here eats frogs or wear berets. But you seem happy wallowing in the clichés so have fun.
[Dec 3,2008 4:28pm - Josh_Martin ""]

JackGrants said:you seem happy wallowing in the clichés .


Also, Viet Nam
[Dec 3,2008 4:29pm - Josh_Martin ""]
[Dec 3,2008 4:32pm - BSV  ""]
oh man that Frog picture fucking rules!
[Dec 3,2008 4:32pm - JackGrants ""]
So what happened with you in Vietnam ? Did you win there ?
[Dec 3,2008 4:33pm - JackGrants ""]
The picture's fun, not so sure about the guy who posted it.
[Dec 3,2008 4:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'd go back even further in history. The Franks were a very respectable tribe / culture. If only Clovis didn't convert to Christianity..
[Dec 3,2008 4:41pm - JackGrants ""]
Oh man, you're going too far for Josh. He doesn't know about anything prior to the 20th century. He hasn't heard about the French helping the US get their independence. About French kings ruling England, etc.
If only nobody converted to Christianity or any other religion.
[Dec 3,2008 4:48pm - arilliusbm ""]
Actually, Jack(?), I hope you're not surprised when you find a lot of people here that loathe the French. It is New England after all; a lot of people here (at least I know a few) don't really like the French. It's not anything that will threaten you while you're out here - just be aware.
Most people could care less.
[Dec 3,2008 5:08pm - JackGrants ""]
(Jack Grants is the name I use in my band and book) So you'd say it's an English heritage, to loathe the French ? As for anything else, if someone's gonna hate me, I'd like to know why. Being French doesn't seem a good reason to me.
And saying shit like the French are always surrendering is ridiculous, especially when your only argument is a picture found on the internet. When you don't know History or any othert subject, you don't talk about it as if you were an expert.
Unfortunately, I know I'm gonna face that but it won't stop me from coming.
[Dec 3,2008 10:14pm - Samantha ""]

JackGrants said:Oh man, you're going too far for Josh. He doesn't know about anything prior to the 20th century. He hasn't heard about the French helping the US get their independence. About French kings ruling England, etc.
If only nobody converted to Christianity or any other religion.

The U.S. wouldn't have won the revolutionary war without help from the French. Apparently, I have some distant relation to Marquis De LaFayette. I don't know how, but in any case, that guy was a hero during the revolution.
[Dec 3,2008 10:28pm - JackGrants ""]
It's nice to see some people acknowledge that. There was a pro-French sentiment at the time, we can see it notably with the suffix -ville that was added to many towns. But all that's almost forgotten, those who hate the French don't give a shit, they don't need a reason.
Anyway, good for you, Samantha, a relation to the Marquis de Sade would have been cool too hehe
[Dec 3,2008 11:42pm - BSV  ""]
[Dec 3,2008 11:53pm - JackGrants ""]
Cinema, mayonnaise, guillotine, photography, bikini, the metric system...
[Dec 3,2008 11:59pm - |an ""]
and Year Of No Light, ftw
[Dec 4,2008 5:10am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
It's retarded that nobody's mentioned Simone de Beauvior, Deathspell Omega or Merrimack in this thread.

And let's not forget conducting above ground nuclear weapons testing well after the rest of the world realized that it was batshit insane; eat a dick French Polynesians, enjoy your cancer.

Patrick Roy's still a faggot.
[Dec 4,2008 6:34am - JackGrants ""]
There would be a lot to mention, good and bad like for any other country.
Nuclear testing is crap but we shouldn't condemn people for what their governments do, it's insane to have nuclear weapons in the first place. Jacques Chirac is a dick, Sarkozy's a dick like most world leaders are. Unfortunately, the whole world doesn't need these testings to enjoy the cancers some are trying to sell us.
As to Patrick Roy, I'm gonna have to take your word for it but he's canadian.
[Dec 4,2008 6:45am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I was actually giving France credit for nuclear testing because it's fucking awesome and Pacific Islanders are subhuman mutants to begin with.
[Dec 4,2008 7:11am - JackGrants ""]
Oh I see, my mistake, I'm already used to the negative comments going to the whole French nation without exceptions. It doesn't change my opinion on nuclear shit though.
But if you want to shoot a cheap Troma movie in those cute radioactive islands, go ahead.
[Dec 4,2008 7:40am - Yeti ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:It's retarded that nobody's mentioned Simone de Beauvior, Deathspell Omega or Merrimack in this thread.

and unless i missed it, no Blut Aus Nord either.
[Dec 4,2008 7:53am - JackGrants ""]
You're absolutely right, Yeti, Blut Aus Nord deserves to be cited. Also, Vindsval, the main guy in BAN, released an awesome (and very rare) cd called Supremacy under the moniker The Eye, check it out if you can.
[Dec 4,2008 3:31pm - JackGrants ""]
Bis repetita
[Dec 5,2008 4:09pm - JackGrants ""]
Are there some good metal shops in Mass ?
[Dec 6,2008 3:52am - MadOakDevin ""]
it actually has alot more new brunswick influence than quebec. i would know this.
[Dec 6,2008 6:56am - JackGrants ""]
What are the influences ?
[Dec 6,2008 7:24am - Dankill  ""]
Armageddon Shop in Providence RI is probably the est underground shop in the area. The local chain Newbury Comics is pretty damn sharp with metal though. Some locations better then others, but you can find some gems.
[Dec 6,2008 7:52am - JackGrants ""]
Sounds good, anything around Springfield ?
[Dec 6,2008 8:46am - SlavonicIdentity ""]

JackGrants said:Sounds good, anything around Springfield ?

Music Outlet in Enfield is awesome. Only a few minutes from Springfield.
[Dec 6,2008 10:22am - SkinSandwich ""]
French people
[Dec 6,2008 10:31am - JackGrants ""]
You're talking about the influences ?
[Dec 6,2008 11:03am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]

BSV said:


Hell yeah. I'd add Arkhon Infaustus, SCD, and Alcest to that list, as well.
[Dec 6,2008 11:47am - JackGrants ""]
I heard SCD toured in the US, ever got to see them ?
[Dec 7,2008 9:27am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
Yup, a few times. They're awesome guys.
[Dec 7,2008 9:34am - JackGrants ""]
Ever seen other French bands ?
[Dec 7,2008 11:03am - pires ""]
benighted anyone?
[Dec 8,2008 6:55am - JackGrants ""]
Yeah, Benighted kicks ass, you should check Kronos and Recueil Morbide for other good brutal death bands
[Dec 8,2008 10:32am - darkwor  ""]
[Dec 8,2008 10:40am - JackGrants ""]
Gojira looks quite successful in the US, right ?
[Dec 8,2008 1:18pm - pam ""]

JackGrants said:So what happened with you in Vietnam ? Did you win there ?

[Dec 8,2008 1:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

JackGrants said:Gojira looks quite successful in the US, right ?

i wish they would do a headlining tour... i keep missing them cause they keep opening for terrible bands.
[Dec 8,2008 2:34pm - JackGrants ""]
I hear you, In Flames... that would have been ok years ago but now... Maybe Gojira will be playing at Hellfest, one of the best metal festivals in the world.
[Dec 10,2008 9:36am - Queen Diamond  ""]
A particular man in France rules my panties. Je t'aime Julien.
[Mar 2,2009 2:27pm - JackGrants ""]
That's it, I found a place in Springfield so I'll be there for the months of April/May/June. Seems like there's gonna be some good gigs around there : amon amarth, enslaved...
[Mar 2,2009 2:33pm - BSV  ""]
you'll be here in time to watch the Bruins crush the Habs in the playoffs.
[Mar 2,2009 2:52pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 2,2009 3:15pm - JackGrants ""]
great, I master absurdism but I'd better be drunk to watch hockey
[Mar 2,2009 3:21pm - ouchdrummer ""]
wow, epic thread is SRSLY epic.
[Mar 2,2009 3:22pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Haha - now you're getting it. LOL
[Mar 2,2009 3:48pm - JackGrants ""]
Anything particular to do in the area in spring ? Is there something for 4/20 ?
[Mar 2,2009 3:50pm - TheBloodening ""]
don't move to springfield, i grew up there and it's a fucking shithole...west springfield is a little better but theres nothing in western ma anymore...just come to boston.
[Mar 2,2009 3:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
We usually head out to Purgatory Chasm (crazy natural gorge that's full of cool caves where the natives hid from pilgrim assholes) with a flashlight full of joints.
[Mar 2,2009 3:55pm - JackGrants ""]
Thanks for the warning but my girlfriend lives in WS so I'm heading there for now
[Mar 2,2009 3:56pm - TheBloodening ""]
sweet, well enjoy!
[Mar 2,2009 3:58pm - JackGrants ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:We usually head out to Purgatory Chasm (crazy natural gorge that's full of cool caves where the natives hid from pilgrim assholes) with a flashlight full of joints.

Sounds cool, I want to see some nice forests and stuff. Even better if there's some weed involved.
[Mar 2,2009 4:01pm - JackGrants ""]

TheBloodening said:sweet, well enjoy!

Thanks man, I will definitely
[Mar 3,2009 1:30am - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]

JackGrants said:No members of the Church of the Subgenius on there ?


our local college station just pulled the hour of slack from their lineup because their board of directors is comprised of yuppie fehgs
[Mar 3,2009 6:23am - JackGrants ""]

JackGrants said:No members of the Church of the Subgenius on there ?

That's blasphemy, man
[Mar 3,2009 9:14am - ouchdrummer ""]
purgatory chasm is the ballz. add trippy and WIN
[Mar 3,2009 9:15am - ouchdrummer ""]
If you like that place you'd prolly dig th FLUME GORGE in North NH. I luvs it. Do that and the kangamangas in the same day, great time.
[Mar 3,2009 1:07pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]

JackGrants said:French kings ruling England, etc.

those are called normans. they're nordic.

with the example set by kosovo, the norman and the celtic breton nations deserve independence from the french state
[Mar 3,2009 1:36pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 3,2009 3:08pm - JackGrants ""]
oh, that's bullshit, if you start like that, everyone deserves independence from everyone else. No nations... maybe that would be more simple in fact, write that to Obama. Next big file after legalizing pot.
[Mar 3,2009 3:15pm - Brutal nli  ""]
I like french Fries!
[Mar 3,2009 3:22pm - JackGrants ""]
who doesn't
[Mar 3,2009 3:36pm - SkinSandwich ""]
French people leave armpit hair everywhere.
[Mar 3,2009 3:40pm - JackGrants ""]
you did the same one months ago skin sandwich, you should renew the jokes a little. So you like skin in your sandwiches but not hair ? What do you do when you get some hairy skin in your sandwich ?
[Mar 3,2009 5:38pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]

JackGrants said:oh, that's bullshit, if you start like that, everyone deserves independence from everyone else. No nations... maybe that would be more simple in fact, write that to Obama. Next big file after legalizing pot.

saying the french held kingship over england is like saying the aztecs are flooding over our southern border. just sayin.....
[Mar 3,2009 5:57pm - JackGrants ""]
Some were normans, some weren't. The world is a whorehouse, blood is mixed everywhere.
[Mar 3,2009 8:48pm - SkinSandwich ""]

JackGrants said:you did the same one months ago skin sandwich, you should renew the jokes a little. So you like skin in your sandwiches but not hair ? What do you do when you get some hairy skin in your sandwich ?

I get pissed off, say the same lame joke and JackGrants people to death.
[Mar 3,2009 8:50pm - JackGrants ""]
you JackGrants people to death ? how does that work ?
[Mar 13,2009 6:22am - JackGrants ""]
Is the metal shop in Providence still up and running ?
[Mar 13,2009 8:10am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 13,2009 8:16am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

JackGrants said:you JackGrants people to death ? how does that work ?

[Mar 13,2009 10:14am - JackGrants ""]
other cool places around ?
[Mar 13,2009 10:48am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
"America's Stonehenge" in NH is supposed to be pretty cool and nigh-inexplicable.
[Mar 13,2009 10:50am - JackGrants ""]
The monty pythons did it
[Mar 13,2009 11:21am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 13,2009 11:24am - JackGrants ""]
Looks good anyway, I bet there are other things to see in Salem ?
[Mar 14,2009 1:24am - JackGrants ""]
Salem, NH and Salem, Ma
[Mar 14,2009 2:12am - SkinSandwich ""]
It was a jack frober this guy type of joke. Lost in translation. Come to the Cape Jack Grants Good food, decent people, good head shops, sluts in the Summer, the occasional great white getting caught in our harbors, Awesome deep sea fishing, oh and did I mention great Summer female ass? Yeah, bring plenty of dong bags.

[Mar 14,2009 8:08am - JackGrants ""]
Oh, it wasn't lost in translation, there's way harder to translate. Thanks anyway, I'll probably go to the Cape with my own great piece of ass and she'll probably chew on the sluts that would get closer like that great white.
[Mar 14,2009 11:32am - SkinSandwich ""]
This shark has a massive bite radius!


Regardless, thanks jack for letting me fuck with ya. i hope you end up enjoying the states, and seeing all of our obese fellow americans. If and when you come to the cape, look for all the drunken chicks walking in downtown Hyannis. We go around and do slut tipping. It is like cow tipping, except with drunk sluts.
[Mar 14,2009 11:45am - JackGrants ""]
Oh man, I just wanted you to know that I don't take all the anti-french comments seriously and/or personally otherwise I wouldn't sleep at night for sure. I'm coming to the States to see my girlfriend first and foremost and honestly, New England seems like a nice place. I'm sure I'll meet some cool people and I'll try to do and see many things but I don't think my gf would appreciate that slut hunt.
[Mar 15,2009 2:32am - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]
[Mar 15,2009 11:45am - JackGrants ""]
Is french pee an official synonym for golden shower ?
[Mar 15,2009 1:08pm - SkinSandwich ""]

JackGrants said:Oh man, I just wanted you to know that I don't take all the anti-french comments seriously and/or personally otherwise I wouldn't sleep at night for sure. I'm coming to the States to see my girlfriend first and foremost and honestly, New England seems like a nice place. I'm sure I'll meet some cool people and I'll try to do and see many things but I don't think my gf would appreciate that slut hunt.

Cool man, I have nothing against French people. I have a lot of french friends,err, no I don't, but I was just jabbin' at ya. hell, I get knocked on for being of Irish, Scottish and German decent. So people think I wear kilts while drunk goose stepping all over the place holding Swasi flags, LOL! Good times!
[Mar 15,2009 1:23pm - JackGrants ""]
haha, I guess we all have our ethnic cross to bear. Btw, I also have a lot of friends of Irish, Scottish and German decent, err... You do like booze though, don't you
[Mar 15,2009 2:21pm - BSV  ""]
let's go for a hike in the Berksheres.
[Mar 15,2009 2:25pm - JackGrants ""]
As a matter of fact, I'm gonna spend my first weekend there.
[Mar 16,2009 9:53am - SkinSandwich ""]

JackGrants said:haha, I guess we all have our ethnic cross to bear. Btw, I also have a lot of friends of Irish, Scottish and German decent, err... You do like booze though, don't you

Not as much as I used to since my kidney failure last year, and then again last night, WTF? This sucks.
[Mar 16,2009 10:01am - JackGrants ""]
Yeah, if only we could just drink without having the hangover, rotting organs and other unfortunate side effects.
[Mar 17,2009 11:39pm - JackGrants ""]
Gojira at the Palladium, May 2
[Apr 12,2009 11:39am - JackGrants ""]
Anyone around Springfield ?
[Apr 15,2009 11:40am - JackGrants ""]
Where are the metalheads

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