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My penis is all blown up and fat...wtf?!

[Nov 30,2008 6:26pm - Hoser ""]
Anyone else have this problem...like ever???
[Nov 30,2008 6:28pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Just all the time!!!!
[Nov 30,2008 6:54pm - sever ""]
it happens when you wank it too hard. sorry bro, refrain from your kitten killing for a bit.
[Nov 30,2008 7:05pm - the_reverend ""]
ask your boyfriend to use a stool softener.
[Dec 1,2008 6:58pm - Hoser ""]
Rev...do you remember the time that you called me because your anus was all blown up and fat?
[Dec 1,2008 7:38pm - the_reverend ""]
you fell in love with me cause of a cannibal corpse long sleeve.
[Dec 1,2008 7:49pm - Hoser ""]
Hey, I is what I is.

Love me or leave me, Rev. But no matter what you say...we'll always be pals.
[Dec 1,2008 7:55pm - archaeon ""]
[Dec 1,2008 9:04pm - sxealex ""]

archaeon said:AIDS?

[Dec 7,2009 6:25pm - Planfist  ""]

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