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New glassjaw song

[Dec 1,2008 11:10am - Niccolai ""]
Who wants it and what are you going to do for it? (seductively runs clothes iron up and down crotch)
[Dec 1,2008 11:22am - goatcatalyst ""]
[Dec 1,2008 11:43am - Blue nli  ""]
Oh my fucking god. Are you serious?
[Dec 1,2008 11:50am - brian_dc ""]
I'm listening at the moment...I'm not exactly sure what's playing it.

When you go to their website there's a terribly obnoxious intro and then it just started playing.
[Dec 1,2008 11:55am - Niccolai ""]
it's the studio version of 'you think you're john fucking lennon'

[Dec 1,2008 12:02pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I'll let you ride my BBW
[Dec 1,2008 1:32pm - Blue nli  ""]
Ooh, nicc can you email it to me?
[Dec 1,2008 3:49pm - pires ""]
I fucking love this band. Hope this means the albums done and ready to drop. Then hopefully tour.
[Dec 1,2008 5:11pm - blue ""]
[Dec 1,2008 8:56pm - Niccolai ""]

Blue%20nli said:Ooh, nicc can you email it to me?

Yea, I have the MP3 without the long intro. what's your email?
[Dec 1,2008 9:11pm - sever ""]

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