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metalfest forgot the metal.

[Feb 26,2004 9:30am - housebythecemetery ""]
this years metalfest has less metal bands than last year and last years had only like 6 real metal bands. and when i say metal i mean bodom and iced earth not nore and atreyu.:satancross::satancross::satancross:
[Feb 26,2004 9:45am - litacore ""]
Yep, it looks like all the fests except NJ are going to suck frog balls in 2004
[Feb 26,2004 12:00pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
THE MARYLAND DEATH FEST will crush them all!!!


[Feb 26,2004 12:24pm - Kalopsia ""]
"metalfest forgot the metal" LOL good one
[Feb 26,2004 4:20pm - Assuck ""]
why the fuck cant repulsion play n.e. metalfest? i must see them before i die.
[Feb 26,2004 4:40pm - Dissector ""]
yeah, what Assuck said.
[Feb 26,2004 5:01pm - HiImPaul ""]
lol the maryland deathfest is pretty terrible this year too bro
[Feb 26,2004 5:09pm - ninkaszi  ""]
every fest is better than the MA fest, but they all suck. MD is the best, but it's not enough to make me go.
[Feb 26,2004 7:11pm - brendan  ""]
hahahahahahah Iced Earth is the biggest pile of shit i've ever heard!
[Feb 26,2004 7:40pm - JellyFish ""]
dude, there is more metal at the Morbid Angel show than at yhe Fesitval thats supposed to be dedicated to it. TRENDY HARDCORE FUCKS!!
[Feb 26,2004 7:43pm - Abbath ""]
brendan said:hahahahahahah Iced Earth is the biggest pile of shit i've ever heard!

WHAT!?!?!?!? at least respect them douche
[Feb 26,2004 9:29pm - theundergroundscene ""]
Well I can't wait for this show!! I'm stoked to see Machine Head again...
[Feb 26,2004 10:04pm - the_reverend ""]
of course, machine head sounds like crappy nu-metal now.
[Feb 26,2004 10:42pm - aliciagrace ""]
litacore said:Yep, it looks like all the fests except NJ are going to suck frog balls in 2004

Don't frogs have cloacae?
[Feb 26,2004 10:44pm - assuck ""]
brendan said:hahahahahahah Iced Earth is the biggest pile of shit i've ever heard!

i second this...with a vengeance

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