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Palin Kills Turkeys!!

[Dec 7,2008 12:27am - Seth  ""]

[Dec 7,2008 12:29am - Seth  ""]
if you dont want to watch, but this video includes talking about politics and watch the guy killing? a turkey on a turkey farm it seems. Then you can see how they just kill them... A great place for a interview!! :shocked:
[Dec 7,2008 12:29am - xanonymousx ""]
i saw this...
[Dec 7,2008 12:31am - Shannon ""]
Can someone please slaughter this bitch now.
[Dec 7,2008 12:34am - xanonymousx ""]
wow what the fuck.
[Dec 7,2008 1:50am - the_reverend ""]
and that's starbucks?
I don't understand what the guy is doing there.
[Dec 7,2008 2:32am - Seth  ""]
he is sticking the turkeys head into the upside down cone and from there I dam not sure but the tub looks pretty red from what i can see. If ou watch the first turkey when the video starts it dead and the second one is alive when he puts it in the thing. You can see the wing move as the man holds it in there.. I dont know from there? :thescream:
[Dec 7,2008 3:00am - deadlikemurf ""]
the best part is she was there to "pardon" a turkey.
[Dec 7,2008 10:52am - thuringwethil ""]
she has the BEST chance for 2012 now

gyad, fuck Dukakis in the tank, that is TOTAL PR DAMAGE

[Dec 7,2008 11:10am - the_reverend ""]
those turkeys must be retarded. republicans like to kill the retarded
[Dec 7,2008 2:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
oh how i loathe this woman
[Dec 7,2008 5:03pm - Hoser ""]

Shannon said:Can someone please slaughter this bitch now.

Why cunt? Because it bothers your pussy rich girl views of the way the other half lives? We don't have the gay luxury of your diet...sorry. We real people have children to feed.
[Dec 7,2008 5:09pm - the_reverend ""]
shannon didn't spend $150,000 on clothing in 2 months.
as a matter of fact, I can't think of anyone that I know who has spend that much in their life.
[Dec 7,2008 5:10pm - the_reverend ""]
though i don't think she should be killed. I think we should have years and years of hilarity and butt-hurtiness like this thread.
[Dec 7,2008 5:18pm - Hoser ""]
sorry dude...your diet is becoming as big a commodity as any. Your diet displaces and kills over 1 BILLION field mice and voles each year.
[Dec 7,2008 5:19pm - Hoser ""]
A life is a life man...be it cow or mouse. Your diet kills more than mine. If you disagree...stand in front of a combine and let me know how it turns out.
[Dec 7,2008 5:20pm - Hoser ""]
Real vegetarians will resort to eating their own hair in 10 years....guaranteed. God I hate that gay diet....
[Dec 7,2008 5:21pm - Hoser ""]
Death is the part of life that hippies just don't understand...in order to give life, you must take life.
[Dec 7,2008 5:22pm - thuringwethil ""]

[Dec 7,2008 5:27pm - Seth  ""]
How did this become about vegans, I think Shannon meant she is sick of the bitch!!!:NOD:
[Dec 7,2008 5:48pm - archaeon ""]

Hoser said:A life is a life man...be it cow or mouse. Your diet kills more than mine. If you disagree...stand in front of a combine and let me know how it turns out.

So you're saying people are equal to animals? I mean a life is a life, Right?

[Dec 7,2008 5:55pm - Hoser ""]
You're a fucking retard. I was eating solid food when your mother was still in diapers.

Yes, a life is a life. Bottom line. Survival of the fittest fag...and you ain't the fittest so I wonder where that leaves us...city boy.
[Dec 7,2008 5:57pm - Martins ""]
*rich white suburb boy
[Dec 7,2008 6:03pm - the_reverend ""]
hoser's a pussy cause he doesn't eat people.
[Dec 7,2008 6:06pm - Hoser ""]

Martins said:*rich white suburb boy

ewwww....that's a guy.

How can he even call himself a man?

Aside from the hypothesis that all men have penises...he acts more like a woman.

[Dec 7,2008 6:07pm - the_reverend ""]
for the record, I'm a level 5 vegan. I don't eat anything that casts a shadow.
also, the last animal I killed was a turkey.
[Dec 7,2008 6:07pm - Martins ""]
Lol I'm a suburb boy too... :(

But I've killed goats, am I cool now?
[Dec 7,2008 6:08pm - Hoser ""]
"Jeeeezus Christ guys...did you see how that turkey got killed? Jeezus Chriiiist! What a horrible way to go...oh my feelings go out to that turkey and his family...oh Chriiist....we need to put a stop to thissss....sssscrew those stupid normal American families who don't subscribe to my homo diet....they must learn to eat only things that they assume feels no pain....we must change them....we....MUST...."

[Dec 7,2008 6:10pm - Hoser ""]

Martins said:Lol I'm a suburb boy too... :(

But I've killed goats, am I cool now?

Martins...you're just cool. Now quit interrupting my attack on this fag.
[Dec 7,2008 6:11pm - the_reverend ""]
I honestly have no idea how that turkey got killed. that's why I asked. it looks like they are making turkey icecream cones.
[Dec 7,2008 6:22pm - Hoser ""]
That's why I'm putting up such a fight...they're OBVIOUSLY making turkey ice cream cones. By the way...they are DEEEE-LISH!
[Dec 7,2008 6:23pm - Why are all third world countries multicultural?  ""]
If you're gonna eat meat, you have to kill it.

Props to P.E.T.A. and Sarah Palinberg for reminding us of this fact.
[Dec 7,2008 6:36pm - the_reverend ""]
^ word ^

and hoser, saying DEEEE-LISH makes you get fat elbows like that girl on the DnD comercials.
[Dec 7,2008 6:45pm - Hoser ""]
[Dec 7,2008 6:45pm - Hoser ""]
We don't have cable tv...remember?
[Dec 7,2008 6:54pm - the_reverend ""]
I only know cause I was in state street discounters.
Rachel ray looks like a sausage with fat elbows.
[Dec 7,2008 7:34pm - Pires ""]

the_reverend said:for the record, I'm a level 5 vegan. I don't eat anything that casts a shadow.

[Dec 7,2008 10:02pm - yummy ""]
This doesn't bother me.
Seeing a flock of turkeys walk through my yard the day after Thanksgiving was comical.
[Dec 8,2008 6:49am - archaeon ""]

Hoser said:You're a fucking retard. I was eating solid food when your mother was still in diapers.

Yes, a life is a life. Bottom line. Survival of the fittest fag...and you ain't the fittest so I wonder where that leaves us...city boy.

haha! I was just restating what you said.

were you bullied as a child?
[Dec 8,2008 7:02am - archaeon ""]

Hoser said:"Jeeeezus Christ guys...did you see how that turkey got killed? Jeezus Chriiiist! What a horrible way to go...oh my feelings go out to that turkey and his family...oh Chriiist....we need to put a stop to thissss....sssscrew those stupid normal American families who don't subscribe to my homo diet....they must learn to eat only things that they assume feels no pain....we must change them....we....MUST...."

...oh the ignorance.

Commercial turkey farming is fucked up dude. I'd don't really care if a homo like you goes around and kills animals for his own consumption but when these people are basically breeding retarded turkeys in "free range farms" to churn out more profit, that shit is fucked. I actually had an article on this shit, needa find it.
[Dec 8,2008 7:32am - Samantha ""]

Hoser said:
Shannon said:Can someone please slaughter this bitch now.

Why cunt? Because it bothers your pussy rich girl views of the way the other half lives? We don't have the gay luxury of your diet...sorry. We real people have children to feed.

"Rich girl"? LOL! Did you ever see Shannon's old car? She must be one of those weird rich girls who likes driving around with a cracked windshield. :spineyes:
[Dec 8,2008 7:37am - Samantha ""]
I think the real message here is that Sarah Palin is an idiot.

I eat meat. I know the animals are brutally slaughtered to satiate my hunger. Do I want to see that in the background of an interview about politics? No. That is in poor taste and shows no tact. She could have shown just as much tact by supporting her local prostitutes and allowing them to perform their job duties in the background. At least that would have been more entertaining.
[Dec 8,2008 7:44am - Yeti ""]
Hoser, you bring a bad name to carnivores. i am proud to be a meat-eater and i would never in a million years want to be associated with you.
[Dec 8,2008 7:50am - Josh_Martin ""]
As a Carnivore, I would like to point out that Hoser does not speak for all of us. He is our "Corky"

[Dec 8,2008 6:47pm - Hoser ""]
Your face is "Corky."

And Yeti...I wouldn't want to associate with you either. Mostly because you're a pussy, but there are some other things about you that bother me as well.

No I would associate with Josh Martin because his posts are funny, childish and cheeky...but funny.
[Dec 9,2008 7:25am - Yeti ""]
good. i hope i give you gas on a regular basis.

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