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New Deicide

[Feb 26,2004 9:19pm - PilloryDan ""]
I got the new Deicide this week and it is fucking sick.... They should be playing the New England Hardcore Metal Fest NOT all the gay bands they have now!!
[Feb 26,2004 9:51pm - the_reverend ""]
just go to vital remains instead.
[Feb 27,2004 8:33am - subjugate ""]
glen B isn't allowed in massachusetts hasn't been since 1999 i belive
[Feb 27,2004 8:35am - succubus ""]
some people don't believe that happened...
[Feb 27,2004 8:40am - subjugate ""]
i guess but then can anyone give a logical explanation as to why
his bands have never came back to massachusetts since 1999
[Feb 27,2004 8:44am - succubus ""]
i wonder if there are any news articles or anything?
[Feb 27,2004 8:44am - death2all ""]
What year was the 1st metal fest? They headlined that show
[Feb 27,2004 8:46am - subjugate ""]
1999 i belive
[Feb 27,2004 8:47am - succubus ""]
so why do some people believe and others not?

anyone care to elaborate?
[Feb 27,2004 8:49am - subjugate ""]
i'm pretty sure the incident took place during the show they did with divine empire & witchery

succubus said:i wonder if there are any news articles or anything?

[Feb 27,2004 8:50am - subjugate ""]
dunno all i know is what i was told by folks in the "know"
[Feb 27,2004 10:47am - the_reverend ""]
why not ask terence/seth?
[Feb 27,2004 10:52am - Josh_hates_you ""]
all i know is i was at the metal fest deicide played at and they SUCKED live i was utterly dissapointed first problem was the sound itself barley hear the guitars vocals up to loud to much gain on the drums made them sound muddy and they just have no fucking stage presence MOST OVER RATE METAL BAND EVER
[Feb 27,2004 11:22am - subjugate ""]
are they related to glen or somthing?

the_reverend said:why not ask terence/seth?

[Feb 27,2004 12:27pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i've heard mixed reviews about the new Deicide...
should i get it or not?? dammit, don't make this hard
[Feb 27,2004 1:50pm - PilloryDan @ work  ""]
Get it now or you can come over to my house and listen to it!!!!!!!!!!!
[Feb 27,2004 1:53pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i have been praising new Deicide for over a month... so i dont need to keep on saying it... but yeah, its pretty fucking good.
[Feb 27,2004 4:23pm - JellyFish ""]
I like Legion the best, but the new is very good.
[Feb 27,2004 4:41pm - RustedAngel ""]
the new deicide suuuuuuuuuuuucks!!!!!!!!!!1
[Feb 27,2004 4:43pm - litacore ""]
this seems to be quite a polarizing thread
[Feb 27,2004 4:45pm - ninkaszi  ""]
when a once awesome band puts out three horrible albums in a row, i just don't care anymore. i heard a new track and it was average at best.

they were ok at the first metal fest. i was just glad to see them. the sound was pretty crappy, but thats the palladium for you. at least they only had one bad album at that point.
[Feb 27,2004 4:50pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
ninkaszi said:i heard a new track and it was average at best.

trust me man... that track is the worst one on the album. the rest of the album is full of awesome riffs... even one handed drum rolling.
[Feb 27,2004 4:57pm - ninkaszi  ""]
i'm really skeptical about it dude. i remember hearing "bible basher" and thinking it was better than anything off of "serpents of the light". i bought the album "incineratehymn" (or whatever its called) thinking it was going to rule, but the whole album was basically the same song over and over again with the same choruses, just different words. that really pissed me off.

how does the new one compare to serpents of the light? i didn't like that one (thats when they started repeating themselves imo. blame it on god, and slave to the cross have the exact same chorus/riff), but i know some still consider that a good one.
[Feb 27,2004 5:06pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i enjoy it more than serpents. its like they are pissed off again. layered high and deep vocals make it sound evil. the drum mix doesnt seem as high as it should be though, seeing as that it is his best drumming performance. it gets my head bobbing a lot. it easily eclipses insineratehymn and in torment in hell. hearing the rest of the album made me kin d of happy because they werent sucking anymore and had some really cool songs. ill try to get a copy of it and give it to someone at NWH so you can pick it up from them or something. actually... ill just do that with my burned copy. ill let you know when i do that.
[Feb 27,2004 5:08pm - PilloryDan ""]
Deicide's last albums sucked cause the where unhappy with their label. But now that they are on earache i think they really tried to make a good album...its too bad that they had to suck to leave their label....
[Feb 27,2004 5:12pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
well they sucked because they just needed to make one more album to leave. they had a set amount of albums to make on the contract so they figured that since there was one more album left, that they should just get it over with and they sure as hell did.
[Feb 27,2004 5:15pm - ninkaszi  ""]
spalding, cool man, thanks! that would rule. give it to your mom, and tell me when to pick it up. i will burn something for you to. anything you need that comes to mind?
[Feb 27,2004 5:17pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
angel witch - "angel witch" ?
[Feb 27,2004 5:32pm - ninkaszi  ""]
yeah man, i have that. i think it has some early demo songs on it too. good cd.
[Feb 27,2004 7:04pm - Devin ""]
[Feb 27,2004 9:04pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
PilloryDan @ work said:Get it now or you can come over to my house and listen to it!!!!!!!!!!!

you gonna buy my plane ticket so i can come over?
[Feb 28,2004 4:30am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]

ohh.... kinda like Getting castrated < Your existense ?
[Mar 1,2004 10:13am - subjugate ""]
30min of EH! i mean it ok but i was expecting them to knock me on my ass(like the vital remains one did) sadly i am left wanting and not getting

man i am glad i got the cannibal corpse cd too now that is awsome
[Mar 1,2004 1:50pm - morkul ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:ninkaszi said:i heard a new track and it was average at best.

trust me man... that track is the worst one on the album. the rest of the album is full of awesome riffs... even one handed drum rolling.

you mean gravity blast's, there is a difference between the two.still very skeptical about buying it though.
[Mar 1,2004 2:24pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
maybe we can get it used.... except that i HATE shopping at Zia
[Mar 1,2004 2:42pm - PilloryDan @ work  ""]
PilloryDan @ work said:<<Get it now or you can come over to my house and listen to it!!!!!!!!!!!>>

you gonna buy my plane ticket so i can come over?

Sure were do you live?
[Mar 1,2004 3:53pm - HiImPaul ""]
new deicide is sick same with the new cannibal corpse :satancross:
[Mar 1,2004 7:42pm - xeatadickx ""]
i do gotta say, the new deicide blows thier last few albums away...its like serpents never happened.

and as for the new cannibal corpse, it WOULD be one of the best death metal albums in years, if they got a new drummer who would actually play doublebass and blasts that keep up with todays acts. he's just waaaaay too slow, drags everything into the mud with him.
[Mar 1,2004 10:01pm - PilloryDan ""]
I agree about Cannibal Corpse's drummer he fucken sucks.....The only album I like is The Bleeding after that all thier shit sounds the same with the same lame drum beats
[Mar 1,2004 10:13pm - PilloryDan ""]
Shit!! how did this thread start being about cannibal corpse
[Mar 1,2004 10:19pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i'm surprised it turned toward cannibal corpse
rather then about boobs or poop
[Mar 1,2004 10:21pm - PilloryDan ""]
I hate talking about boobs and poop..........
BUT I love talking about butts and pee!!!!!!!!!!!
[Mar 1,2004 10:23pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i'm in Arizona... and i have big boobs... hehehhe
[Mar 1,2004 10:25pm - PilloryDan ""]
I'm from New Mexico but I live in Boston and big boobs are cool!!!!!
[Mar 1,2004 10:26pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
raise the roof for big boobs!!

i need to move out of AZ soon (but
i've been saying that for years now)
[Mar 1,2004 10:32pm - PilloryDan ""]
Yeah you should come to Boston....How did you get on this site if you live in AZ...Have you been to Boston?
[Mar 1,2004 10:33pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i don't remember how i found this site... i was prolly
just fucking around online at school and tripped on it
and now i'm one of the cool crowd. i've been trying
to visit boston, but shit happens. one day, tho
[Mar 1,2004 10:37pm - PilloryDan ""]
If you come to Boston and if my band Pillory plays you can dance with us on stage Woo Hoo!!
[Mar 1,2004 10:40pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
I'D SO LOVE THAT! heheheheh! I'm a
dancing queen!! hehehehe
[Mar 1,2004 10:42pm - PilloryDan ""]
Yeah baby nothing is better than a hot girl dancing to grindcore!!
[Mar 1,2004 11:04pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
hehehe. do i get a costume?

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