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Fuck Sundays

[Dec 14,2008 11:02am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
No matter what, Sundays always suck ass. We need another weekend day before Monday, dammit. But, then that day would suck too. Shit.
[Dec 14,2008 11:20am - the_reverend ""]
sucks until 8pm. if simpsons are on, then life is aok. if homo is on, it sucks.
[Dec 14,2008 11:52am - the_reverend ""]
the best thing is a big egg breakfast. the bad thing is that I always go to he gym snday mornings. if I go outto eat, I can't go to the gym. today I had to go and fix 4 servers due to the storm and check on a remote transmitter. no gym and more food makes me a fatty.
[Dec 14,2008 12:06pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Sunday is fat day for me. But I did wake up to drop an emergency 2.5 lb shit this morning.
[Dec 14,2008 12:07pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
did you weigh yourself before and after?
[Dec 14,2008 12:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
sunday is for worship
[Dec 14,2008 12:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
of the television and refrigerator
[Dec 14,2008 12:34pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I did indeed, David. I've been drinking tea that flushes out your system so I've been keeping tabs on how well it's working, haha.
[Dec 14,2008 12:38pm - Lamp ""]
I went to IHOP this morning and ate blueberry pancakes.
[Dec 14,2008 12:39pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I love IHOP and I don't know why I don't go there more often.
[Dec 14,2008 2:47pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 14,2008 2:48pm - the_reverend ""]
I toil not on the sabbath, woman!
[Dec 14,2008 2:49pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I just took another large dump.
[Dec 14,2008 3:00pm - rbss  ""]
I spent today coping with my hangover from last night while emptying and cleaning my turtle's giant tank and filter... not too fun
[Dec 14,2008 3:29pm - the_reverend ""]
anthony: im putting off doing the same thing... the water is more like syurp than water.
[Dec 14,2008 3:39pm - rbss  ""]
oh no! Poor Yertle

Julius was psyched to have an awesomely clean tank. She was swimming around like crazy for a while.
[Dec 14,2008 4:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
just purchased a mini-fridge. cant wait for my roommates to not eat my foodz from now on.
[Dec 14,2008 4:47pm - Lamp ""]
That's pretty funny, when my dad was here he bought me a mini-fridge as a Christmas gift since the regular fridge I have doesn't work too well so I can't keep milk in it.
[Dec 14,2008 6:29pm - c.DeaD  ""]
For the most part, Sundays do suck. Cleaned cat shit out the litter box, fed him, and went back to sleep. Played Bioshock and took a nap. Now I am posting my ever so interesting day.

Oh, and ate shitty chinese food and smoked a bowl.
[Dec 14,2008 10:37pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I flogged my Hawaiian and listened to Bargosluhrm. Did some guitar lessons. Watched El Topo and ate linguini with clam sauce. Had band practice. Bout to watch Summer Height High and see what hijinx Jonah is up to. Soon I'll tug myself to sleep.
[Dec 15,2008 9:56am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Went to see The Brethren last night and played pool after. Bought $10 worth of Metal songs on the jukebox. Twas a good night.
[Dec 15,2008 11:06am - Nobody_Cares ""]
Declined that show cuz I hate hardcore. Bought a new shower curtain, heavy duty. Was a rousing experience. Fell off the wagon a bit and drank 60 minute IPA's, watched Scarface on Encore.
[Dec 15,2008 3:32pm - Yeti ""]
Sundays aren't so bad. i usually sit lazily with my cat and play Fable 2 and then watch the game.
[Dec 15,2008 4:02pm - c.DeAD  ""]
I also took a huge shit and hung out with my cat. Bioshock is coming along nicely as well. Ahh, being productive is awesome.
[Dec 15,2008 4:02pm - the_reverend ""]
sundays are my day to just sit home and crap and crap and crap.
[Dec 15,2008 4:04pm - c.DeAD  ""]

the_reverend said:sundays are my day to just sit home and crap and crap and crap.

In a fucking nutshell.

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