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Deep Throat dies

[Dec 19,2008 12:53am - the_reverend ""]
I don't have a link
[Dec 19,2008 3:02am - peckerwood  ""]
[Dec 19,2008 7:10am - archaeon ""]
haha peckerwood
[Dec 19,2008 7:35am - Yeti ""]
[Dec 19,2008 8:37am - Josh_Martin ""]

Yeti said:http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/12/19/mark.felt.obit/index.html

I like this part: "Felt, who retired from the FBI in 1973, had his own legal problems. He was convicted in 1980 on conspiracy charges for authorizing government agents to break into homes without search warrants in a hunt for bombing suspects in 1972 and 1973.

When the case went to trial, former President Nixon testified on Felt's behalf. Felt was eventually pardoned in 1981 by President Ronald Reagan."

Now THAT is ironic.
[Dec 19,2008 8:48am - ouchdrummer ""]
oh.. she dies? This was one of favs as a kid.
[Dec 19,2008 8:50am - ouchdrummer ""]
wow. I really thought you were saying the old porn actress died. I would have been a lot more bummed if that were the case.
[Dec 19,2008 8:52am - Martins ""]
I thought he was already dead. He looked like he was.
[Dec 19,2008 10:55am - dertoxia ""]
i was thinkin the guy from xfiles

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