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I need a new job, what's to be had in MA?

[Dec 23,2008 8:49pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I'm a part time college student with 4 years experience in receiving and a year's worth in food preparing(deli)/food stocking. What kind of jobs pay more than ten bucks an hour in MA are there.

I here about all you types in here with your office jobs in boston, how did you get said jobs and do you need a degree?

I'm looking for something in the North of Boston area, lynn, salem, swampscott, Gloucester.

[Dec 23,2008 8:56pm - hyper_sludge ""]
you're fucked. it took me almost six months to find my shitty welding job that takes random weeks off without pay, and i thought welders were in high demand.

there's already a robot or a brazilian who has your job and any job you could possibly get.
[Dec 23,2008 8:56pm - RichHorror ""]
Jack and shit.
[Dec 23,2008 9:01pm - hyper_sludge ""]

RichHorror said:Jack and shit.

even then that sounds almost promising.
[Dec 23,2008 9:01pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

hyper_sludge said:you're fucked. it took me almost six months to find my shitty welding job that takes random weeks off without pay, and i thought welders were in high demand.

there's already a robot or a brazilian who has your job and any job you could possibly get.

yeah it seems all the unskilled jobs are taken by immigrants, people wonder where racism comes from. And I haven't seen any openings for apprentices, nor could i afford to work without pay.

[Dec 23,2008 9:02pm - hyper_sludge ""]
the place i work is overrun with brazilians and puerto ricans. there's only three white people there.

and to top it off, i've put in 2 new w-4 forms, and i'm still not getting taxes taken out. ass backwards corrupt short arm, deep pocket faggot fuck bosses. I can't wait to ruin my welding machine and get a new job
[Dec 23,2008 9:06pm - thuringwethil ""]
The Arnold Arboretum is looking for a web developer.

Just throwin' it out there
[Dec 23,2008 9:21pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

thuringwethil said:The Arnold Arboretum is looking for a web developer.

Just throwin' it out there

I have no web skills hahaha

arboretum sounds awesome though, It's a word i need to look up.
[Dec 23,2008 9:24pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
This is the absolute worst time of year to find employment, and even if you find something you'll be lucky to make $10 an hour. I've been getting tossed around like a rag doll by trying to find a new job over the past few months. Many establishments have told me I'm overqualified; many establishments have told me I am not even close to qualified; other establishments just don't even return phone calls or emails and leave the fucking positions open for months on end. Now I'm stuck making $10 to waste away in a dusty warehouse (that I just found out has fucking asbestos in it), dealing with complete morons/assholes, doing mindless labor and doing more damage to my flat feet and fucked up knees on an unforgiving concrete floor.

I've applied to about 75 different jobs in the past 3 months and have only gotten close to a job 3 times: 2 of those places would only supply me with pay equal to commission...no hourly rate. FUCK THAT. The other place hired someone else before even fucking interviewing me, though the position was pretty close to secured for me.
[Dec 24,2008 1:56am - sxealex ""]
[Dec 24,2008 1:58am - sxealex ""]

hyper_sludge said:you're fucked. it took me almost six months to find my shitty welding job that takes random weeks off without pay, and i thought welders were in high demand.

there's already a robot or a brazilian who has your job and any job you could possibly get.

where did you work b4?
[Dec 24,2008 8:03am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 24,2008 8:13am - DrewBlood ""]
waste management pays pretty well
[Dec 24,2008 11:46am - hyper_sludge ""]

sxealex said:
hyper_sludge said:you're fucked. it took me almost six months to find my shitty welding job that takes random weeks off without pay, and i thought welders were in high demand.

there's already a robot or a brazilian who has your job and any job you could possibly get.

where did you work b4?

I had a really good job making air conditioning units that went on top of buildings, they had to be air lifted by a group of helicopters, things were huge. But at the time I had a massive drug problem which required a massive amount of money and me selling my cars, trucks, dirtbikes, CDs...good times.
[Dec 24,2008 2:37pm - xanonymousx ""]
i'm so happy i landed the job i did.
but they are cutting back hours cause 'we are in a recession'
even though if you walked in you would never know it.
[Dec 24,2008 4:33pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

hyper_sludge said:you're fucked. it took me almost six months to find my shitty welding job that takes random weeks off without pay, and i thought welders were in high demand.

there's already a robot or a brazilian who has your job and any job you could possibly get.

Coming soon: Brazilian job-stealing robots.
[Dec 24,2008 11:24pm - josh_hates_you ""]
I am another underpaid paid welder. I work in a factory in worcester with many albanians, spanish, brazilians, africans etc. all with terrible or non existing english skills. I am lucky to be awesome at what I do in the custom welding depatment and make close to 15 when most of the cookie cutter asshole who can't actualy weld make 10 or so. I know a guy who has been there 11 years and only makes 12.50 welding and running a press brake. the old white guys that been there 25+ years make 20+. If you want to get paid good money welding you need a high end custom job with LOTS of expirience. I have 10+ yrs. Or you need a job in construction doing structural work high up on buildings and bridges requiring lots of certifications. Shitty factory welders are a dime a dozen and get $10 for a reason. they cannot weld. There is a shortage of qualified certified welders who actually know their shit.
[Dec 25,2008 12:08am - thuringwethil ""]

xanonymousx said:i'm so happy i landed the job i did.
but they are cutting back hours cause 'we are in a recession'
even though if you walked in you would never know it.

fahhhk, dude. I landed a sweet library job TOTALLY against the odds about six weeks ago. I guess it's just a matter of being persistent. I had enough rejection letters to wallpaper my basement with.
[Dec 31,2008 10:18pm - yddraig nli  ""]
recession is code for "a good excuse to save money on payroll and add it to earnings and bonuses"

my company, a wholesale warehouse type, is doing amazing. profits are up 25 percent compared to last year but for some reason we are over on payroll, and need to cut hours

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