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I got another guitar

[Dec 29,2008 3:21pm - Josh_Martin ""]
[Dec 29,2008 3:23pm - Yeti ""]
[Dec 29,2008 11:06pm - W3 nli  ""]
Paul Who?
[Dec 29,2008 11:38pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Josh Stanley

pretty nice. Are you using that Peavey combo for AC still? Thing is sick sounding, I saw one at a pawn shop in Missouri, it was gone the next day, 250 bucks.
[Dec 30,2008 12:59am - joeyumbrella ""]
Sooo nice. One of my faves
[Dec 30,2008 2:14pm - Josh_Martin ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:Josh Stanley

pretty nice. Are you using that Peavey combo for AC still? Thing is sick sounding, I saw one at a pawn shop in Missouri, it was gone the next day, 250 bucks.

You sure it was the exact same one? We use a Peavey Classic VTX series. But we use the 65 watt version, not the 50 watt. The 65 watt ones are wicked hard to find. $250 is really cheap for that amp.

This guitar is next on my list. If somebody buys it before I save up the dough I am going to be pissed.

[Dec 30,2008 2:16pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Oh yeah, Brad, I almost bought this instead of the Iceman but it was twice as much $$ so I decided I'd rather have an Iceman and party that night than a Firebird and no party.

[Dec 30,2008 3:06pm - Conservationist ""]
The Ibanez is cooler looking if you ask me...
[Dec 30,2008 3:09pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Paul played the PS-10. I got an IC-400. I like mine better, there's a volume and tone knob for each pickup.

stupid tripod won't let me post the image but click the link to see an old Ibanez ad featuring the Starfaggot.

edit #2. I guess I can't link to either. Cut and paste the address to see Mr. Eisen.

[Dec 30,2008 3:13pm - Josh_Martin ""]

Conservationist said:The Ibanez is cooler looking if you ask me...

Yeah, I agree.
Paul had a waaaayyyy heavier guitar sound than Allen Collins too.
[Dec 30,2008 3:22pm - Josh_Martin ""]
If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's a pic of Allen Collins playing his Firebird


Life just shit all over this poor guy. One day he's a rock star. The next day his plane crashes, killing his singer and ending his band. He tries to make a comeback with a new band and then his wife dies in childbirth. A few years after that he gets in a drunk driving accident that kills his girlfriend and majorly fucks him up too. He's left in a wheelchair and unable to participate in the Skynyrd reunion. That was too much for him to take and he never fully recovered from it and died 4 years later of complications from the accident.
[Dec 31,2008 6:00pm - the_reverend ""]
now all you need is a nice amp/cab.
[Dec 31,2008 6:25pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Josh_Martin said:
IllinoisEnemaBradness said:
You sure it was the exact same one? We use a Peavey Classic VTX series. But we use the 65 watt version, not the 50 watt. The 65 watt ones are wicked hard to find. $250 is really cheap for that amp.

hmm, i'm not sure, that was back in August. It was the vtx though

[Dec 31,2008 8:26pm - Dj Death  ""]
Josh, go with your dreams: Get a Marshall JMP or Plexi 1987 amp.... Sick guitar though. Im a massive Gibson only guy, but would rather have an Iceman over a firebird... Cool that you got this guitar.
[Jan 13,2009 11:13am - Josh_Martin ""]
I used to have all kinds of cool shit that I had to sell to keep my ass out of prison.
I had a 200 watt Marshall Major head from 1971 and a JCM SL-X 100watt head. I had a '69 Gibson SG and I've smashed up 2 other SGs on stage plus an Explorer.

But I've been playing the shit out of my Iceman and I have to say, I think its my favorite guitar I've ever owned. I'll have to re-think that after its spent a while on the road but so far it fucking rules.

I found this wicked gay looking 80's Dean Hollywood zebra print guitar. I think I'm going to get it as a goof. Motivate me to start that cock-rock band I've been wanting to do forever.
[Jan 13,2009 11:44am - AndrewBastard  ""]
I love the JCM SLX! Only good JSM900 they ever made. The rest are dogs.
[Jan 13,2009 12:52pm - Josh_Martin ""]

AndrewBastard said:I love the JCM SLX! Only good JSM900 they ever made. The rest are dogs.

Very true. The 800's kick the crap out of the 900s.
[Jan 13,2009 1:21pm - brian_dc ""]
I came in here and saw all sorts of opinions on the JCM900 that I agree with. I don't really have anything to add. Carry on.
[Jan 13,2009 2:39pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
i remember that Major, fucking thing was LOUD! At least YOU got to sell your gear. Tom's wife sold his late 60's SG when they were fighting last year.
[Jan 13,2009 2:44pm - eli_hhcb ""]
You guys should see my JCM900slx. It's sanded down, painted "Bayou" green and Purple speed knobs that go to 11. I wish I had pictures still. If anyone knows Matt from Five across the eyes, it used to be his, he painted it etc.

[Jan 13,2009 2:53pm - Mess ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:i remember that Major, fucking thing was LOUD! At least YOU got to sell your gear. Tom's wife sold his late 60's SG when they were fighting last year.

i could kill her just for that. that's just fucking wrong. i loved that guitar.

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