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being hungover at work

[Jan 1,2009 11:47am - thebloodening ""]
sucks right now...let me tell ya, feel like death
[Jan 1,2009 12:38pm - Ryan_M ""]
Yeah I hear you! I'll swear on Excedrin Migraine now though; the worst hangover headache I ever had - felt like someone was cracking a hammer over my head all day, and two of those killed that son of a bitch in 15 minutes.
[Jun 19,2009 8:33am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
bump for this awful infliction

[Jun 19,2009 9:19am - dreadkill ""]
i'm not hungover at work, but i am azosted from not getting enough sleep. i wish i could take a nap. my boss isn't here and there's a comfortable couch right next to my desk.
[Jun 19,2009 9:26am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
I'm trooping it on 4 hours of sleep. Luckily, a miracle just occurred; my hang over just suddenly vanished. I don't feel 100%, but that sort of thing never happens. Alleviation from the hang over just gave me a ravenous craving to devour an entire pizza.
[Jun 19,2009 9:31am - xitsdoomsdayx ""]
Hangovers+Work=fuck my life
[Jun 19,2009 9:33am - largefreakatzero ""]
I'm mildly hungover, but I have the shits something horrendous. I blasted the bowl twice before I left the house and I feel another one coming on. You know when you have to go but don't want to because you know that you are going to have to irritate your already raw asshole? Hopefully the next round is the last of the day.
[Jun 19,2009 9:37am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Yeah man, that's a rough spot to be in.
[Jun 19,2009 9:38am - xitsdoomsdayx ""]
best cure for a hangover thou... Smoke a bowl, that or for you none smokers out there I heard something about a raw egg and orange juice.
[Jun 19,2009 9:44am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
It's kind of subjective though. Sometimes if I smoke, it will curb my nausea, but other times it can intensify my headache. Painkillers will do the trick, guaranteed, but that's not always an option for most of us.
[Jun 19,2009 9:48am - xitsdoomsdayx ""]
See, me ive never had a headace, i know im retardedly weird... So nausea is all where its at for me
[Jun 19,2009 10:07am - mOe ""]
bowls are def the way to go to get rid of a hangover...that, and 2 1/2 pounds of food and a nap
[Jun 19,2009 10:09am - RustyPS ""]
gatorade/vitamin water for electrolytes...and plenty of greasy food

......and I wonder why I'm fat
[Jun 19,2009 10:14am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
mOe said:
"bowls are def the way to go to get rid of a hangover...that, and 2 1/2 pounds of food and a nap"

Ya know Moe, if you add a blow job to the equation you would have the remedy for just about anything.. aids, cancer, crabs, just smoke a bowl, eat a ton, take a nap, wake up to head, your suddenly cured.
[Jun 19,2009 10:35am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
havent slept well in a week....bllaaaaaah
[Jun 19,2009 10:39am - timma nli  ""]

Ryan_M said:Yeah I hear you! I'll swear on Excedrin Migraine now though; the worst hangover headache I ever had - felt like someone was cracking a hammer over my head all day, and two of those killed that son of a bitch in 15 minutes.

I'm pretty sure I would have killed myself on severaly occasions had I not been in posession of some Excedrin when hungover at work. It the wonder drug...plus when my stomach is too fucked up to eat or drink I still get my caffeine intake for the day.
[Jun 19,2009 10:51am - arilliusbm ""]
Colt45 will do that to you, Mike.
[Jun 19,2009 10:55am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
It wasn't just the Colt, I killed another pabst with Jay, left, met up with someone and drank til about 4. Headache is now back in full effect. At least when I meet up with my pops later, to see Terminator 4, I can eat a couple of codeine's in the theater.
[Jun 19,2009 10:56am - arilliusbm ""]
haha damn.
[Jun 19,2009 11:49am - largefreakatzero ""]
Ugh, 2 more rounds of pooping liquid mud. Going to the gym to do legs now -- hopefully none of my squats will end in sorrow.
[Jun 19,2009 12:13pm - c.DeAD  ""]

MikeofDecrepitude said:It wasn't just the Colt, I killed another pabst with Jay, left, met up with someone and drank til about 4. Headache is now back in full effect. At least when I meet up with my pops later, to see Terminator 4, I can eat a couple of codeine's in the theater.

Hah, you scumfuck. I knew you weren't going home yet! The woman hated me when I got in the door but I still pounded it. She still hates me.

Wasn't hungover Mikey, you know why? BENZO BEFORE SLEEPYTIME!!!!!
[Jun 19,2009 12:23pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Haha, well, I didn't want to buck the trend so I went off and essentially did the same as you. I was tempted to eat one of those, but I felt it would have impeded a certain function. Somehow I ended up breaking my slide in the street!
[Jun 20,2009 2:20am - the_reverend ""]
I would just take the day off... or try to wfh.

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