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Hardcore recommendations

[Jan 3,2009 9:42pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I want to get more into old school Hardcore and already know bands like Earth Crisis, 25 Ta Life, All Out War, etc.

Could you give me some recommendations?
[Jan 3,2009 9:59pm - The_Revealer ""]
[Jan 3,2009 10:02pm - MASlayer  ""]
Sick of It All
Wrecking Crew
Blood for Blood
Cro Mags
Bad Brains
[Jan 3,2009 10:18pm - archaeon ""]
Gorilla Biscuits
Youth of Today
[Jan 3,2009 10:43pm - The_Revealer ""]
Agnostic Front
Minor Threat
[Jan 3,2009 11:22pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Verbal Abuse, Negative Approach, Siege, rinse, repeat. Also D.R.I.
[Jan 4,2009 12:00am - grizloch ""]
sheer terror.

if you like earth crisis check out one king down

everyone ever should listen to shockwave
[Jan 4,2009 12:04am - the_reverend ""]
shockwave is gold.
[Jan 4,2009 12:13am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Thanks, people.
[Jan 4,2009 12:18am - the_reverend ""]
if you like all out war, check out 100 demons.
[Jan 4,2009 12:48am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'm not going to limit this to old school...
Breakdown, Integrity, Ringworm, Slapshot, Warzone, Madball, Mushmouth, Out To Win, Black Flag (maybe not really hardcore, but they're amazing nonetheless).

Another band to check out in the vein of AOW is Arkangel; more on the Slayer-core side of things, but they were the fucking shit.
[Jan 4,2009 12:59am - Pires ""]
I remember arkangel. Not too pleasantly though. Kinda meh.
[Jan 4,2009 1:22am - AndrewBastard  ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Integrity, Ringworm, Slapshot, Warzone, Madball,

Yep and...


[Jan 4,2009 1:45am - RustyPS ""]
since everyone has already given the most essential old school already....instead of giving you tr00 old school....i'm gonna give you new school that sounds like old school

Lights Out
Internal Affairs
Pulling Teeth
Trash Talk
Rise And Fall
Paint It Black
Sabertooth Zombie
Black Ships
Cut the Shit
The Bonus Army
[Jan 4,2009 1:47am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
how about nothing?

[Jan 4,2009 1:56am - the_reverend ""]
some metalcore got into this thread.
[Jan 4,2009 1:59am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
At least it's real metalcore...or as we called it in the old days, metallic hardcore.
[Jan 4,2009 2:02am - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
You think you're hard, you and your crew ...Now it's time to see if you're true.
[Jan 4,2009 2:02am - the_reverend ""]
wut aboot Knuckle Duster.
[Jan 4,2009 2:17am - ZJD ""]
since i wouldnt call your list 'old school hardcore', here's a list of stuff thats good, not yet listed, and old to varying degrees:
Agnostic Front
Poison Idea

maybe not hardcore, but punkthings you should peep anyway:
His Hero is Gone

[Jan 4,2009 5:14am - archaeon ""]
In b4 Deadbeat
[Jan 4,2009 8:06am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Brosemite Slam
[Jan 4,2009 9:02am - josh_hates_you ""]
jerry's kids

[Jan 4,2009 10:16am - goatcatalyst ""]
Pro Pain
[Jan 4,2009 10:26am - corpus_colostomy ""]
district 9
path of resistance
terror st (many thanks to XmikeX)
one life crew

Honorable mention:


[Jan 4,2009 11:28am - superman  ""]
eternal suffering
[Jan 4,2009 12:48pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I've heard of probably 65% of the bands you guys listed, like Biohazard, D.R.I., Agnostic Front, Terror, 100 Demons, etc. Those are the big names. I'm looking for more obscure stuff, I guess.
[Jan 4,2009 12:49pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I've been downloading:

Youth of Today
25 Ta Life
Minor Threat
Jesus Wept
[Jan 4,2009 12:57pm - the_reverend ""]
9 shocks terror.
[Jan 4,2009 12:58pm - the_reverend ""]
integrity's seasons disc is more than a must have.
[Jan 4,2009 1:15pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Youth of Today is a good call but really, you're download 25TL? They are awful.
[Jan 4,2009 1:31pm - KEVORD ""]

the_reverend said:integrity's seasons disc is more than a must have.

Those who fear tomorrow
Systems overload
Humanity is the Devil
are all must haves too.

and to Mark Richards Blag Flag is 100% a hardcore band.
[Jan 4,2009 1:32pm - Conservationist ""]
The Exploited
Minor Threat
[Jan 4,2009 1:41pm - joeyumbrella ""]
can't stand losing
pulling teeth
trapped under ice
trash talk
harms way (thanks WMF)
[Jan 4,2009 3:16pm - Lamp ""]
You people all fucking suck.
[Jan 4,2009 6:35pm - MASlayer  ""]
The Freeze
[Jan 4,2009 7:31pm - Lamp ""]
Okay, so rather than go specifically by bands, I'll list some labels that I think put out some great stuff by great bands.

No Way Records out of Richmond, VA. Puts out a lot of very old school sounding releases by bands like Direct Control, Government Warning, Double Negative, Cardiac Arrest, Wasted Time, Life Trap, etc.

Six Weeks Records, from the Bay Area of CA. Focuses a lot more on international acts and bands that kick the speed up a notch, maybe go into the depths of grind. They also released the LP Municipal Waste made before signing to Earache. Sticking more to the hardcore side, I'd say go with Capitalist Casualties, Hellnation, Voetsek, SMD, Charles Bronson, Voorhees, and Slight Slappers(from just looking at the top friends anyway).

625 Thrash also from the Bay Area of CA. This is another dude who likes it fast as fuck and will also release a lot of international grind but tends to focus on bands just starting out or bands that seem to be overlooked instead of putting out records by bands that have established themselves somewhat already. Of the new stuff I see he's putting out, I'd take a look into Hatred Surge, Discarga, and SFN for sure, and if you want some grind, Max has released pretty much the entire Insect Warfare discography and they blow the crap out of pretty much anything else in modern day.

Cowabunga Records, it says on his page he lives in California, I guess I don't know where though. This guy has put out releases by my two favorite bands right now, Weekend Nachos(very evil) and Hummingbird of Death(one of the fastest bands to ever exist). Aside from that he's put out some Funeral Shock and ANS which are pretty damn good bands, more on the punk rock side than hardcore but it all jams.

And a great way to find out about new bands...
This Is For You Fest, they have this the last weekend of the year, usually it's in Daytona Beach but in 2008 they decided to have it in Orlando. Some of the bands are more modern sounding, some of them are older sounding. The lineup doesn't seem to change drastically throughout the years but there are plenty of bands playing different styles. In addition to anything that's been said already in this post, from the lineup this year I'd recommend checking out Coke Bust(started out a bit older sounding but has gone more to the fastcore side, has Chris from Magrudergrind on drums), Seasick(old sounding, kind of surfy I suppose), Shitstorm(punk grind from Miami), Mehkago NT(consists of a lot of the Shitstorm guys, sounds crustier), I Hate This(fastcore type stuff, female fronted), and Control De Estado(lyrics in Spanish). Since you seem to be into modern stuff more so than a lot of the stuff I prefer to listen to, I'd say check out Mammoth Grinder, Surroundings, and Learn Nothing.
[Jan 4,2009 7:55pm - corpus_colostomy ""]

MillenialKingdom said:I've heard of probably 65% of the bands you guys listed, like Biohazard, D.R.I., Agnostic Front, Terror, 100 Demons, etc. Those are the big names. I'm looking for more obscure stuff, I guess.

so jaded, so hessian...his thirst is unquenching for the "real."

[Jan 4,2009 7:58pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

Lamp said:Okay, so rather than go specifically by bands, I'll list some labels that I think put out some great stuff by great bands.

No Way Records out of Richmond, VA. Puts out a lot of very old school sounding releases by bands like Direct Control, Government Warning, Double Negative, Cardiac Arrest, Wasted Time, Life Trap, etc.

Six Weeks Records, from the Bay Area of CA. Focuses a lot more on international acts and bands that kick the speed up a notch, maybe go into the depths of grind. They also released the LP Municipal Waste made before signing to Earache. Sticking more to the hardcore side, I'd say go with Capitalist Casualties, Hellnation, Voetsek, SMD, Charles Bronson, Voorhees, and Slight Slappers(from just looking at the top friends anyway).

625 Thrash also from the Bay Area of CA. This is another dude who likes it fast as fuck and will also release a lot of international grind but tends to focus on bands just starting out or bands that seem to be overlooked instead of putting out records by bands that have established themselves somewhat already. Of the new stuff I see he's putting out, I'd take a look into Hatred Surge, Discarga, and SFN for sure, and if you want some grind, Max has released pretty much the entire Insect Warfare discography and they blow the crap out of pretty much anything else in modern day.

Cowabunga Records, it says on his page he lives in California, I guess I don't know where though. This guy has put out releases by my two favorite bands right now, Weekend Nachos(very evil) and Hummingbird of Death(one of the fastest bands to ever exist). Aside from that he's put out some Funeral Shock and ANS which are pretty damn good bands, more on the punk rock side than hardcore but it all jams.

And a great way to find out about new bands...
This Is For You Fest, they have this the last weekend of the year, usually it's in Daytona Beach but in 2008 they decided to have it in Orlando. Some of the bands are more modern sounding, some of them are older sounding. The lineup doesn't seem to change drastically throughout the years but there are plenty of bands playing different styles. In addition to anything that's been said already in this post, from the lineup this year I'd recommend checking out Coke Bust(started out a bit older sounding but has gone more to the fastcore side, has Chris from Magrudergrind on drums), Seasick(old sounding, kind of surfy I suppose), Shitstorm(punk grind from Miami), Mehkago NT(consists of a lot of the Shitstorm guys, sounds crustier), I Hate This(fastcore type stuff, female fronted), and Control De Estado(lyrics in Spanish). Since you seem to be into modern stuff more so than a lot of the stuff I prefer to listen to, I'd say check out Mammoth Grinder, Surroundings, and Learn Nothing.

Excellent advice through and through. Most of those bands I can never figure out exactly how to categorize, even though that doesn't really matter too much.
[Jan 4,2009 8:06pm - Lamp ""]
That is what the term "thrashcore" was invented for.

Basically, since the word hardcore has been stolen by people who have nothing to do with the punk scene, people are referring to hardcore punk simply as "thrash". But to not confuse themselves with the metal scene, the core suffix was added to it and voila.
[Jan 4,2009 9:04pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

AndrewBastard said:Youth of Today is a good call but really, you're download 25TL? They are awful.

I didn't like the vocals mostly.
[Jan 4,2009 9:07pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Thanks a lot, Lamp.
[Jan 4,2009 10:52pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
"hardcore" has alot of subgenres in it just like metal...
bands that I think kick ass past and present: Los Crudos,
Health Hazard,Crossed Out,Totalitar,World Burns to death,
Ruidosa Inmundicia,Nuclear Death Terror,Disrupt,Infest,
SS Decontrol,Gauze,Guided Cradle,early D.R.I., the Gaia,
Appalachian Terror Unit,Avskum,Diskonto,B.G.K.,Ristetyt,
Look back and laugh,Artimus Pyle,State of fear,RawPower,
the Wretched,Tragedy,Romantic Gorilla,Skitsystem,Discharge,
D.S.B,Rattus,Siege,Icons of Filth,Seein Red,9 shocks terror,
Hellnation,Perth Express,Rupture,No Security,Rudimentary Peni,
fuck dude..i could go on for days...
[Jan 4,2009 10:55pm - Lamp ""]
That post right there was pretty much the direction I was hoping to see this thread take.
[Jan 5,2009 8:46am - c.DeAD  ""]
Rorschach, Deadguy.
[Jan 5,2009 11:21am - orgymf@work  ""]
old school "hardcore punk", "crust" and "fast hardcore"
is real hardcore.
this wigger shit calling itself h.c. (25 ta life, earth crisis, etc.) is not....it's wigger slam before the blastbeats....this crap evolved into victory records, which evolved into wigger slam dm.....
it's not real hardcore, any more than cradle of filth is real black metal.

just my opinion
[Jan 5,2009 12:32pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]

orgymf@work said:old school "hardcore punk", "crust" and "fast hardcore"
is real hardcore.
this wigger shit calling itself h.c. (25 ta life, earth crisis, etc.) is not....it's wigger slam before the blastbeats....this crap evolved into victory records, which evolved into wigger slam dm.....
it's not real hardcore, any more than cradle of filth is real black metal.

just my opinion

When I think of bands who have beatdown parts that you describe as "wigger slam", I think of Bulldoze, Cease 2 Exist, Billy Club Sandwich, Shattered Realm. All bands that are or were sick.
[Jan 5,2009 1:02pm - Conservationist ""]

Conservationist said:Discharge
The Exploited
Minor Threat

And Neurosis

[Jan 5,2009 1:19pm - c.DeAD  ""]
Ah, "Pain of Mind", awesome hardcore record. Big influence.
[Jan 5,2009 1:37pm - joeyumbrella ""]
seems everyone is biased to their "type of core"

to say earth crisis wasn't hardcore, and is "wiggercore" is gay (complete offense intended... LOVE YOU ORGY!!!!!!!)

forced march/firestorm was awesome fucking hardcore
[Jan 5,2009 2:01pm - orgymf@work  ""]

joeyumbrella said:seems everyone is biased to their "type of core"

to say earth crisis wasn't hardcore, and is "wiggercore" is gay (complete offense intended... LOVE YOU ORGY!!!!!!!)

forced march/firestorm was awesome fucking hardcore

you weren't calling me gay when i was raping you bitch!

did you ever clean that spot off the sheets?

i dunno man...it's just my opinion.....disagree with it as strongly as you would like, but to me earth crisis fits that description of "toughguy/wiggerslam/floorpunch" which to me never was (and never will be) hardcore.

doesn't mean there is anything wrong with enjoying it.
[Jan 5,2009 2:05pm - orgymf@work  ""]

MikeofDecrepitude said:
orgymf@work said:old school "hardcore punk", "crust" and "fast hardcore"
is real hardcore.
this wigger shit calling itself h.c. (25 ta life, earth crisis, etc.) is not....it's wigger slam before the blastbeats....this crap evolved into victory records, which evolved into wigger slam dm.....
it's not real hardcore, any more than cradle of filth is real black metal.

just my opinion

When I think of bands who have beatdown parts that you describe as "wigger slam", I think of Bulldoze, Cease 2 Exist, Billy Club Sandwich, Shattered Realm. All bands that are or were sick.

thay may be sick....that's fine
you may enjoy them....that's fine.

but the basic point is if there are slam/mosh/beatdown parts...it is not true to what hardcore originally was, hardcore was just a harsher, angrier (and sometimes faster) form of punk.

Misfits, Minor Threat = hardcore
Romantic Gorilla, Spazz = fast hardcore/crust

heavy/tough guy/beatdown = watered down version of slow death metal minus the growling, played by gang members (and/or wannabe gang members) in baggy clothing and sports jerseys.
[Jan 5,2009 2:10pm - xmikex ""]
Um, excuse me everyone. Hardcore died 25 years ago when such influential bands as Flipper, and the Minutemen broke up. All music came to an end. Ian Mackaye and Moby both said so.
[Jan 5,2009 2:12pm - dreadkill ""]
i read "fast hardcore" as "fartcore."

i need a blumpkin.
[Jan 5,2009 2:15pm - xmikex ""]

corpus_colostomy said:
terror st (many thanks to XmikeX)

Terror Ave. Not Terror Street. Turn in your dunks. Lazer remove your gang tats. You're fired.
[Jan 5,2009 2:33pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]

thay may be sick....that's fine
you may enjoy them....that's fine.

but the basic point is if there are slam/mosh/beatdown parts...it is not true to what hardcore originally was, hardcore was just a harsher, angrier (and sometimes faster) form of punk.

Misfits, Minor Threat = hardcore
Romantic Gorilla, Spazz = fast hardcore/crust

heavy/tough guy/beatdown = watered down version of slow death metal minus the growling, played by gang members (and/or wannabe gang members) in baggy clothing and sports jerseys.>>

There can't be a variation on a theme? I should make mention that while sparse, you can find growling on All Out War's TitAoL and Shattered Realm also used to have a DM influenced vocalist. I can't really agree with your opinion that it's watered down "slow death metal", because aside from slams, beatdown riffs, or whatever your fancy; there's no other death metal riffs, vocals, or imagery to these bands. I mean, Shattered Realm had a vocalist who used to growl, but they had more parts that reminded me of Slayer, as opposed to Death Metal. Real metal influenced hxc has produced some pretty cool bands, and by blurring those lines, it allowed people to recognize merits in both genre's and to not be so biased towards one or the other.
[Jan 5,2009 2:45pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I back Conservationist's post approximately 1000% (which is a surreal experience, I can assure you). BobDead and Lamp covered the remainder, I'd say.
[Jan 5,2009 2:50pm - orgymf@work  ""]
variation on a theme??
listen, it's just a different style of music.
you guys disagree with me until you are blue in the face.
but grindcore, and hardcore, are punk rooted.
if you hear no trace of punk in the guitar sound.
it is not grind or hardcore.

that is definitive.
[Jan 5,2009 2:52pm - orgymf@work  ""]
i am not saying there is anything wrong with enjoying that floorpuncher/victory records/beat down shit....but it ain't hardcore.

calling that stuff hardcore, is like saying emo is punk, screamo is metal and whitebelt is grind....

all incorrect.
[Jan 5,2009 3:00pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Total super-backed.
[Jan 5,2009 3:00pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
But the bands I mentioned do have those riffs you're referring to.....
[Jan 5,2009 3:01pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Wait screamo is a real genre? And what is whitebelt? That's new to me.
[Jan 5,2009 3:04pm - RustyPS ""]

MikeofDecrepitude said:Wait screamo is a real genre? And what is whitebelt? That's new to me.

Real screamo (at least to me) is stuff like Pg. 99, Orchid, and the like

no idea what whitebelt is....maybe something like See You Next Tuesday?
[Jan 5,2009 3:04pm - xmikex ""]
In the interest of doing my very best to stay out of a musical debate I'm going to mindlessly name off some bands that I'm enjoying this week.

Six Foot Ditch (UK)
Creepout (Japan)
Terror Zone
In My Eyes
Most High Game (Japan)
Project X
[Jan 5,2009 3:13pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
I thought whitebelt had something to do with the initial belt you start off with in Karate.
[Jan 5,2009 3:16pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Orgy, let me throw this one at you: If Marduk is nothing but blasting and Burzum's Filosofem is slow and blastless, which is the "true" black metal, and which is false?
[Jan 5,2009 3:22pm - xmikex ""]
If Abbath falls in the woods...
[Jan 5,2009 3:25pm - dreadkill ""]

xmikex said:If Abbath falls in the woods...
[Jan 5,2009 4:08pm - fags on wheeels  ""]

the face of true hardcore.
[Jan 5,2009 4:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Mike of D: Not that you asked me, but I'd say they were both black metal bands - since black metal is defined by an ethos as much as by the musical aspects, and both styles fit under that umbrella. Hardcore, on the other hand, is a specific subgenre of punk, defined mainly by being raw and fast (as opposed to the art-school stuff that was prevalent towards the end of the 70s). It's the "raw and fast (punk)" that makes it hardcore; otherwise you've got hold of something else, there.
[Jan 5,2009 4:27pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Maybe I missed it, but nobody mentioned Killing Time (used to be Raw Deal, then had to change their name). One of my all time faves.
[Jan 5,2009 6:29pm - grizloch ""]
if "true" hardcore is rooted in punk (hence "hardcore punk"), then why cant "tough guy" and the like be rooted in hardcore (just "hardcore," -punk)?

not so much variation, but evolution

its a semantics argument for sure, and frankly I don't care one way or the other, I like what I like which, like everyone else, isn't defined by genre, but I wish more people would go back to calling "metallic hardcore" (not so much metalcore) crossover, it seems easier that way

no offense to anyone, but the people who get really hung up on genres tend to be the types who care too much what other people think of their musical tastes, that person wouldnt want someone who thinks borkencyde or fall out boy is hardcore to associates them with liking hardcore

I still think metal fans are way more uptight about genres than hardcore kids, but I love both the music and the fans just the same

why can't we all just get along
[Jan 5,2009 6:32pm - the_reverend ""]
where does backstabbers inc fit into this?
[Jan 5,2009 6:36pm - Lamp ""]

orgymf@work said:old school "hardcore punk", "crust" and "fast hardcore"
is real hardcore.
this wigger shit calling itself h.c. (25 ta life, earth crisis, etc.) is not....it's wigger slam before the blastbeats....this crap evolved into victory records, which evolved into wigger slam dm.....
it's not real hardcore, any more than cradle of filth is real black metal.

just my opinion

I was gonna say something along these lines but really didn't feel like opening a can of worms.

Seeing shit like Trash Talk and other trendy 15-minute bands in this thread makes me a sad panda.
[Jan 5,2009 6:36pm - Lamp ""]

the_reverend said:where does backstabbers inc fit into this?

Hardest band to categorize...ever...
[Jan 5,2009 6:48pm - the_reverend ""]
good, I'm not the only one who thinks that.
[Jan 5,2009 6:52pm - Lamp ""]
That band, along with SOD's Bigger Than The Devil have blended so many genres that they don't really fit anywhere. Crossover punk grind thrash hardcore?
[Jan 5,2009 7:48pm - RustyPS ""]

Lamp said:Seeing shit like Trash Talk and other trendy 15-minute bands in this thread makes me a sad panda.
Trendy or not, I find Trash Talk quite enjoyable.
[Jan 5,2009 8:33pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
I mean, if Hardcore is a faster version of punk, then what is Grindcore? Grindcore is simply detuned, fast punk riffs, scream/growl trade off's, and blasting.
[Jan 5,2009 8:39pm - Lamp ""]
Grindcore is a seamless fusion of extreme metal and hardcore punk.
[Jan 5,2009 8:40pm - Lamp ""]
By the way, that question adds nothing to your point either since grindcore is recognized as a separate genre rather than being lumped in as hardcore.
[Jan 5,2009 9:33pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Grindcore is awesome d00d.
[Jan 5,2009 9:53pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
I was making a point in referencing grindcore? I thought I was just asking a question and giving my definition of what Grind is. I've always considered grind and hxc to be separate genre's, with punk being the root source for grind and early hxc. It was said that hxc is faster, more pissed off punk, and the same definition can be applied to grind.
[Jan 5,2009 10:46pm - xmikex ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:black metal is defined by an ethos as much as by the musical aspects

Finally someone hit the nerve of the argument, but you're headed in the wrong direction. Hardcore was a bi-product of 77 punk, etc. but it's very much defined by an ethos much like black metal.

It's the only rationale for why nerds who collect burzum records are exactly as queer as nerds who collect black flag records.
[Jan 6,2009 1:06am - joeyumbrella ""]
is it already "not cool" to like trash talk? is it just because they are on deathwish, or because people have heard of them?
[Jan 6,2009 1:09am - RichHorror ""]
As soon as one person hears your band you are a sellout piece of living shit.

I've never heard them but cool guys with attractive girlfriends like them so fuck that.
[Jan 6,2009 1:26am - ArilliusBM ""]
fuck that, let's list some blackcore bands... or hardmetal bands
[Jan 6,2009 6:12am - Lamp ""]

mikeofdecrepitude said:I was making a point in referencing grindcore? I thought I was just asking a question and giving my definition of what Grind is. I've always considered grind and hxc to be separate genre's, with punk being the root source for grind and early hxc. It was said that hxc is faster, more pissed off punk, and the same definition can be applied to grind.

Don't say "hxc", it's just "hc" if you're going to refer to it shorthand. Only idiots refer to it as "hxc".
[Jan 6,2009 6:44am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
That's the same reason why I stopped calling it BMX, can't talk now motherfuckers I gotta train for the bowel movement race this weekend.
[Jan 6,2009 8:01am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Haha, I love this fascist attitude towards defining what is or isn't HXC. Now I'm labeled an idiot for abbreviating HXC the way I always have? Cool, man. People claim Black Metal fans are elitist? This is the same exact thing. I mean, I wouldn't go as far as to call this an argument; at least for me, this is a musical debate. So consensus among some is that HXC is solely defined by sped up punk riffs and d-beat. So a band like Bulldoze isn't hardcore because they inject slower riffs into their songs, even though they still fit the criteria for hardcore. Besides, those slower riffs are a part of the NYHC sound. Now excuse me, I need to go catch up on my genre terminology, because I wouldn't want internet forum user's to think I'm an idiot, oh heavens no.
[Jan 6,2009 9:29am - orgymf@work  ""]
ok....there is way too much too respond to since i was last online.

i can agree that this shit that people refer to as hardcore is rooted in hardcore (at least the bands who still use punk riffs in their music)...but that doesn't make it hardcore.

saying a band that uses a small element of hardcore, (but plays something completely different) is still hardcore, is like throwing tootsie rolls and candy corn in some mashed potatoes and calling it shepards pie.
[Jan 6,2009 9:30am - orgymf@work  ""]
i know, i know, leave it to the fat fuck to use a food reference in a music arguement.
[Jan 6,2009 9:36am - orgymf@work  ""]

grizloch said:
no offense to anyone, but the people who get really hung up on genres tend to be the types who care too much what other people think of their musical tastes, that person wouldnt want someone who thinks borkencyde or fall out boy is hardcore to associates them with liking hardcore

it's not that i care what others think of my musical taste....so much as it gets annoying to have to explain shit to people.

i can't stand when someone asks if i dig hardcore, i say yes, and they start rattling off victory records nonsense...

it especially annoys me when dealing with younger people who seem to think genres change just because they say so.
my girlfriends 19 year old cousin started babbling about how he "loves punk rock"
which lead me and my girl and her brother to start babbling about the Sex Pistols, Crass, Meatmen, Screeching Weasel etc.
and this douche says "that isn't punk anymore....i meant GOOD bands, like AFI and Thursday"

i wanted to saw his head off
[Jan 6,2009 9:40am - orgymf@work  ""]

MikeofDecrepitude said:Orgy, let me throw this one at you: If Marduk is nothing but blasting and Burzum's Filosofem is slow and blastless, which is the "true" black metal, and which is false?

i'll be honest with you
i hate black metal, and know very little about it.
but i know that the few BM fans i hang out with hate CoF being called Black Metal, just as i hate floorpuncher bands being referred to as hardcore.....
which is why i used that example
[Jan 6,2009 9:42am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
I think we can both agree that shepherd's pie is pretty amazing.
[Jan 6,2009 9:42am - dreadkill ""]

xmikex said:
DestroyYouAlot said:black metal is defined by an ethos as much as by the musical aspects

Finally someone hit the nerve of the argument, but you're headed in the wrong direction. Hardcore was a bi-product of 77 punk, etc. but it's very much defined by an ethos much like black metal.

It's the only rationale for why nerds who collect burzum records are exactly as queer as nerds who collect black flag records.

they are queer nerds because both band names start with B.
[Jan 6,2009 9:48am - arilliusbm ""]
if you guys want to find some elitist people, let's talk about the deadheads who collect all the dead's bootlegs and then argue for hours about stuff like that
[Jan 6,2009 9:50am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
LOL @ Orgy ... xmikex, I actually agree with you 100%, but I was just trying to make the point that hardcore was/is defined as much by its speed as it is by its connection to punk ideas, where black metal, as a genre, is a little more "elastic" in what it can encompass, musically. Also, if I collect Burzum records AND Black Flag records, does the nerdiness add or multiply? *snort*
[Jan 6,2009 10:00am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Nothing wrong with collecting recordings of your favorite bands, whether it's metal or hippie music. I don't get down with Jerry Garcia but you'll find Varg Vikernes music in my record collection. Also nothing wrong with debating, until people want to get red-assed and cut others down because their opinions differ. Opinionated facts: You know I love 'em.
[Jan 6,2009 10:05am - arilliusbm ""]
Who "collects" Burzum records? They're not exactly the hardest things to find; that is, unless you're looking for certain presses.
If you're into black metal and want to "collect" albums, I'd suggest doing some stuff that's a little rare and hard to find. But then again, I know nothing of this subject matter and only listen to A Flock Of Seagulls.
[Jan 6,2009 10:10am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
I dunno, maybe people just want their favorite albums on vinyl? I don't know if there are people out there who scheme in dark rooms to obtain Burzum albums at all costs, but then again he's pretty militant himself.
[Jan 6,2009 10:14am - arilliusbm ""]
If you want to look at a band that people kill eachother over (and I never really understood why), then Moonblood would be that band.
[Jan 6,2009 10:17am - joeyumbrella ""]
i hate humans, thanks rttp!
[Jan 6,2009 10:39am - orgymf@work  ""]

MikeofDecrepitude said:I think we can both agree that shepherd's pie is pretty amazing.

indeed it is sir, indeed it is
[Jan 6,2009 10:43am - Yeti ""]
i'm never leaving my house again.
[Jan 6,2009 4:47pm - grizloch ""]
[Jan 6,2009 9:36am - orgymf@work ]

grizloch said:
no offense to anyone, but the people who get really hung up on genres tend to be the types who care too much what other people think of their musical tastes, that person wouldnt want someone who thinks borkencyde or fall out boy is hardcore to associates them with liking hardcore

it's not that i care what others think of my musical taste....so much as it gets annoying to have to explain shit to people.

i can't stand when someone asks if i dig hardcore, i say yes, and they start rattling off victory records nonsense...

it especially annoys me when dealing with younger people who seem to think genres change just because they say so.
my girlfriends 19 year old cousin started babbling about how he "loves punk rock"
which lead me and my girl and her brother to start babbling about the Sex Pistols, Crass, Meatmen, Screeching Weasel etc.
and this douche says "that isn't punk anymore....i meant GOOD bands, like AFI and Thursday"

i wanted to saw his head off

I can agree with this 1000000%, but I like a TON of admittedly awful music, including a bunch of toughguy bands and older faster hardcore, and metalcore, so I'm usually covered in that regard, as for people calling stuff like afi and thursday being punk, well that does drive me crazy, but it's a subgenre of punk, poppunk or post punk is still punk, and lazy people who use verbal shorthand call it punk, but when ten year olds think that its the same as the sex pistols because they dont know better, well that shit's wack, but it still (barely) beats listening to little wayne or hannah montana or whatever pop bands are big right now, so I give them a break

thats me though
[Jan 6,2009 6:20pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I downloaded some Black Flag but I didn't like it at all. Punk is just not my thing.
[Jan 6,2009 6:30pm - goatcatalyst ""]
John Joseph just called me and said he prefer if CTB didn't ever listen to "Age of Quarrel".

[Jan 6,2009 9:26pm - Lamp ""]

MillenialKingdom said:I downloaded some Black Flag but I didn't like it at all. Punk is just not my thing.

If punk isn't your thing then starting this thread was probably a bad idea.
[Jan 6,2009 9:34pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, I would appreciate it if CTB stayed away from all hardcore music. If this makes you hate me and my band then I'll deal.
[Jan 6,2009 10:11pm - Conservationist ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:since black metal is defined by an ethos as much as by the musical aspects

Isn't this true of all music that doesn't fit the "rock format with variations" idea?

Death metal is defined by an ethos. So's black metal. To some degree, so is heavy metal... but less.

I agree with the fellow who said the same thing is true of hardcore. It is a philosophy that leads to the music sounding a certain way, and you cannot reverse the causality of that equation.

Unless you want to taste daddy's dick like all nu-metal bands, Opeth, mac users, etc.
[Jan 6,2009 10:51pm - Lamp ""]

RichHorror said:Yeah, I would appreciate it if CTB stayed away from all hardcore music. If this makes you hate me and my band then I'll deal.

I don't think you have anything to worry about looking at what he likes and doesn't like.
[Jan 7,2009 12:12am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Do you guys have a clue at all about what I like? You think just because I went to an Acacia Strain show that automatically makes me a terrible music fan? Get over yourself.
[Jan 7,2009 12:16am - MillenialKingdom ""]
I like what I like and I don't give a fuck if you don't.
[Jan 7,2009 12:41am - KEVORD ""]

MillenialKingdom said:I downloaded some Black Flag but I didn't like it at all. Punk is just not my thing.

WOW, that should end any argument in this thread.
[Jan 7,2009 12:58am - MillenialKingdom ""]
I downloaded "The First Four Years" album.
[Jan 7,2009 1:02am - goatcatalyst ""]
Download "Damaged". If you don't like it, consider your douche papers signed, stamped and notarized.
[Jan 7,2009 1:04am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Alright then.
[Jan 7,2009 1:09am - RichHorror ""]
Ryan, you think Damaged is better than The First Four Years? Make some douche papers out for yourself as well.
[Jan 7,2009 1:23am - KEVORD ""]

RichHorror said:Ryan, you think Damaged is better than The First Four Years? Make some douche papers out for yourself as well.

Damaged Vs. The First Four Years will start up about another 500 dumb posts.
[Jan 7,2009 1:31am - RichHorror ""]
I do what I can.
[Jan 7,2009 1:33am - KEVORD ""]
Got to keep the retard machine rollin
[Jan 7,2009 7:41am - inject-now ""]

RichHorror said:Ryan, you think Damaged is better than The First Four Years? Make some douche papers out for yourself as well.

Damaged kills First Four Years. So does My War, Slip It In, Loose Nut, and In My Head. Let's fight.
[Jan 7,2009 8:52am - Josh_Martin ""]
I am not getting into this argument. But here's a list of good and real hardcore/punk records (hardcore started to suck when they stopped calling it hardcore/punk. hardcore without the punk = wigger shit)
Maybe some of these records will open a certain christian dumbass' eyes a little.

First, start here.
bad brains - ROIR Sessions (do they still call it that? Its the one with the Capitol building getting struck by lightening on the cover)

Boston scene
Jerrys Kids - Is This My World
F.U.'s - My America
Negative FX - s/t
SSD - Get It Away
also get the This Is Boston Not L.A. comp. The Gang Green tracks alone are worth it.

Boston had the best bands on the east coast (imo) but you should also check out
Minor Threat - Complete Discography CD
C.O.C. - Eye For An Eye
Agnostic Front - United Blood ep (Long out of print but there's a CD called Raw Unleashed which has that ep and a bunch of their demo tracks. Rules)
Agnotic Front - Victim in Pain
Meatmen - Crippled Children Suck (only available now on that Touch and Go Years CD)

West Coast:
FEAR - The Record
Dead Kennedys - get the CD that has both Plastic Surgery Disasters and In God We Trust Inc. on it. Actually you can't go wrong with anything by DKs.
D.R.I. - Dirty Rotten LP
Suicidal Tendencies - s/t
M.D.C. - Millions of Dead Cops (the CD version also has More Dead Cops, a collection of all their 7 inches. Awesome shit)
Circle Jerks - the CD that has both Group Sex and Wild In The Streets
(if you didn't like Black Flag's First 4 Years, I bet Group Sex is more what you were looking for)

Exploited - Troops of Tomorrow
Chaos UK - Short Sharp Shock

I kept this to the "golden age" of hardcore, '81-'84. I'm sure I forgot a bunch of great stuff but that's enough to start with.
[Jan 7,2009 11:58am - goatcatalyst ""]
Fight me, Rich.

But not just any fight. Let's re-enact the steam room fight scene in Eastern Promises.
[Jan 7,2009 3:26pm - RichHorror ""]
I'll fight both of you.

I like The First Four Years better than Damaged, but like pretty much all other Rollins Black Flag era stuff to The First Four Years.
[Jan 7,2009 3:45pm - rickp  ""]
some good local stuff,third death,dropdead,getkilled,st.jude,scapegoat,rampant decay,straight to hell,neon bitches,neoprofits,all those opposed,verse.disaster strikes,toxic
narcotic,morne,hulkout,mouth sewn shut .
[Jan 7,2009 3:54pm - RichHorror ""]
For locals Fast Death, Fruit Salad, Mind Eraser, The Rival Mob, Dead Black, Nothing But Enemies and Ape Shit are all awesome too.
[Jan 7,2009 4:08pm - Conservationist ""]
Fearless Iranians FTW
[Jan 7,2009 4:36pm - Lamp ""]

MillenialKingdom said:You think just because I went to an Acacia Strain show that automatically makes me a terrible music fan?

[Jan 7,2009 4:40pm - arilliusbm ""]
haha, everyone rips on this dude all the time.
[Jan 7,2009 4:42pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Mind Eraser and Dead Black are great.
[Jan 8,2009 12:16am - Ryan_M ""]
Don't know if anyone already mentioned Broken Bones, but I would recommend their "Dem Bones + Decapitated: 1983-1986" CD to anyone interested in hardcore punk.
[Jan 8,2009 9:31am - Josh_Martin ""]

Ryan_M said:Don't know if anyone already mentioned Broken Bones, but I would recommend their "Dem Bones + Decapitated: 1983-1986" CD to anyone interested in hardcore punk.

Yes. And that reminds me, I am a total idiot for forgetting to put Discharge on my list above. Discharge is essential. Get Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing and Why (comp. of 1st 4 EPs)

Also G.B.H. Get City Baby Attacked by Rats and City Baby's Revenge. Actually I think there's a CD version with both of those albums on one CD.
[Jan 8,2009 11:58am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Thanks for the lists, people. I know most of the bands you guys listed but now I know which of those albums to start with.
[Jan 10,2009 11:32pm - Ryan_M ""]
Here's another pretty important hardcore release; some say it is the first true hardcore record: Middle Class - Out Of Vogue e.p. Pretty fucking fast shit for 1978!
Download the songs here:
[Jan 11,2009 1:08am - MillenialKingdom ""]
[Jan 11,2009 3:20am - Seth  ""]
Mad Ball, Sick of it all, Cro-Mags,Agnostic Front, Ludachrist
[Jan 11,2009 11:20am - Lamp nli  ""]

Ryan_M said:Here's another pretty important hardcore release; some say it is the first true hardcore record: Middle Class - Out Of Vogue e.p. Pretty fucking fast shit for 1978!
Download the songs here:

Great choice, but it's a waste of a recommendation on this non-punk liking douche. The guy was looking for all the wigger slam bands.
[Jan 11,2009 12:57pm - frankie chairs  ""]
Some really good under-rated bands:

Strength for a reason
Taken by force
No retreat
Nourish the flame
Billyclub sandwich
Killing time
[Jan 11,2009 1:01pm - frankie chairs  ""]
Swear to god
[Jan 11,2009 1:30pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

Lamp%20nli said:
Ryan_M said:Here's another pretty important hardcore release; some say it is the first true hardcore record: Middle Class - Out Of Vogue e.p. Pretty fucking fast shit for 1978!
Download the songs here:

Great choice, but it's a waste of a recommendation on this non-punk liking douche. The guy was looking for all the wigger slam bands.

No, I'm not.
[Jan 11,2009 1:51pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
So far I've downloaded:

Black Flag - First Four Years (Didn't like too much), Damaged (was good)
Minor Threat - Complete Discography album
Youth of Today - Break Down The Walls and Can't Close My Eyes
25 Ta Life - Friendship, Loyalty, Commitment
Cruel Hand - Prying Eyes and Without A Pulse
Jesus Wept - Sick City and Show's Over
Integrity - Those Who Fear Tomorrow
Overcome - Immortal Until Their Work Is Done and More Than Death
Merauder - Master Killer
Bad Brains - Black Dots
Judge - Bringin' It Down
Negative Approach - Tied Down
Death Threat - God and Government
Amebix - Arise and The Power Remains
Discharge - Vision of War
Extreme Noise Terror - Holocaust In Your Head and Being And Nothing
Poison Idea - Blank, Blackout, Vacant and Feel The Darkness
Siege - Drop Dead
The Crucified - The Pillars of Humanity
[Jan 11,2009 1:56pm - Mess ""]
yeah, it's been said before but i dig INTEGRITY a lot
Jerry's Kids is a must also
Siege is something i would consider one of the founders in the hardcore/grind realm. that is a must have album.
Negative FX is another good one.

i dunno? most of these bands were probably already mentioned but i don't know what i'd do if i didn't own these albums.
[Jan 11,2009 2:01pm - Mess ""]
Weymouth / Braintree
[Jan 11,2009 5:39pm - gordito  ""]
seige,crossedout,infest,no comment,capitalistcasualties,lack of interest,spazz,dropdead,hellnation,yacopsae,ganggreen!

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