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Lucky Dog in worcester

[Jan 11,2009 12:24pm - woodward  ""]
Who's been there?/played there?
[Jan 11,2009 12:25pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
yo momma
[Jan 11,2009 12:26pm - woodward  ""]
i allready asked her
[Jan 11,2009 12:28pm - JDDomination ""]
yo I've played there once before. Why do you ask? the sound on stage was killer
[Jan 11,2009 12:34pm - metalcult  ""]
the lucky dog is a dive and mostly sucks ass, it can be ok at best. once in a while they have a decent show.
[Jan 11,2009 12:36pm - woodward  ""]
Thanks for the responses guys... My band is playing there the next 3 wednesdays. I'd never been and was curious. Good sound+dive = sweet? we'll see.
[Jan 11,2009 12:39pm - woodward  ""]
come to the waterfront tonight too
[Jan 11,2009 4:19pm - Samantha ""]
I've heard mixed stuff about the sound there. Most of the time, the sound is good. Other times, it's not.
[Jan 11,2009 6:17pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
they have a new sound guy who does his job a lot better than the last guy they had. pete was the man, but he'd basically just put mics on the stage, randomly turn them up, and spend your entire set outside.

What's the name of your band dood?
[Jan 12,2009 12:16pm - the_reverend ""]
half hearted come back
[Jan 12,2009 2:08pm - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]
If you are good to the Lucky Dog (you draw and give them good bar sales) they will be great to you.
[Jan 12,2009 4:08pm - Wicked Pissa  ""]
Taking a piss while looking at naked Bettie Page pics = win
[Jan 12,2009 5:04pm - woodward  ""]
Thanks Rev, good looks.

Halfhearted Comeback

You guys should come out this wednesday and check us out. I have no clue about any other bands. But, if you're close, come on down!
[Jan 12,2009 5:07pm - woodward  ""]
PS, Computer in bathroom?
[Jan 12,2009 8:22pm - MetalThursday ""]
50's & 60's nudie pics laminated onto the walls in the bathrooms...
[Jan 12,2009 8:23pm - MetalThursday ""]
...and by that I mean 1950's & 1960's... just to make that clear, no pics of Bettie page in HER 60's...
[Jan 12,2009 9:05pm - eli_hhcb ""]
oh snap, that makes way more sense now.

[Jan 12,2009 11:12pm - MetalThursday ""]
It helps take your mind off the stench of the beer piss that is permanently soaked into every surface of the men's room. Back in 2001 Dave Brockie said it was the coolest club bathroom he'd ever seen... and the dude's been on the road constantly for 20 years.
[Jan 13,2009 8:29am - sacreligion ""]
i may have practice tomorrow night but i'll see if me and a couple of my friends can swing down or something. do you know what time you guys are playing?
[Jan 13,2009 9:24am - NuclearWinter ""]
Was great watching Overkill play here to about twenty 45 year olds, plus myself a couple years ago.
[Jan 13,2009 9:29am - ScmFck  ""]

MetalThursday said:...and by that I mean 1950's & 1960's... just to make that clear, no pics of Bettie page in HER 60's...

fuck that place then...
[Jan 13,2009 1:53pm - eli_hhcb ""]
I'm not sure when we're playing, I'd assume first since we've never been there. We're loading in @ 9.

If it'll make you get down there, i'll get someone to buy some granny mags for ya.
[Jan 13,2009 2:08pm - eli_hhcb ""]
The Egos, Strange pilgrims, Halfhearted comeback, and Moment of zen.

This might be interesting...TOMORROW NIGHT

Has anyone ever heard/of any of those bands?

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