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Dane Cook: Rough Around The Edges

[Jan 14,2009 12:09am - the_reverend ""]
his entire first part of his set was about Benson’s Animal Farm
I totally went there as a kid.
found this:
[Jan 14,2009 12:15am - tylor ""]
let me guess

"i went to benson's animal farm:shocked:you ever go to benson's animal farm? BENSON'S ANIMAL FARM!:spineyes::HYPER::HAMMAH:"
[Jan 14,2009 12:43am - MillenialKingdom ""]
This is his worst special yet besides his very first one where all he did was spazz out and yell on stage.

Oh well.
[Jan 14,2009 12:48am - goatcatalyst ""]
This guy reminds me of every douche I went to college with and hated. Abercrombie & Fitch humor.
[Jan 14,2009 8:52am - oscarct ""]
was given a free mp3 of this dude a few years ago and have hated him since haha
so many better comics out there
[Jan 14,2009 8:55am - c.DeAD  ""]
I can't stand this heaping pile of shitplop. So not funny. I think Family Guy did a great job of tooling him.
[Jan 14,2009 9:07am - SkinSandwich ""]
Haha, I saw that Family Guy. It was spot on! I hate Dane Cook
[Jan 14,2009 9:14am - dreadkill ""]
i thought he was funny when he first came out, before he hit it big and became the apple of every high school/college girl's eye, but his brand of humor got old fast and his thievery of other comedians' material is intolerable. i never thought of him as one of the best comedians or anything, but his early material made me laugh. i also thought ashton kutcher was funny at first on that 70s show, but now i can't stand him. dane cook has the same exact voice and way of speaking that ashton kutcher has.
[Jan 14,2009 9:15am - dreadkill ""]
my dad loves dane cook and always tells me how funny he is. i felt bad finally letting him in on the fact that dane cook is a joke-stealing asshole who treats people like shit and acts like he's better than everyone else on the planet.
[Jan 14,2009 9:22am - the_reverend ""]
how is that possible? he's got more friends on myspace that that tequila girl
[Jan 14,2009 9:33am - jacksonmang  ""]
the only thing he could do to make me laugh would be to get decapitated in a horrific car accident...and even that would just be a forced giggle!

[Jan 14,2009 9:43am - succubus ""]
player haters..
[Jan 14,2009 9:50am - jacksonmang  ""]

succubus said:player haters..

Gee, you wouldn't happen to be female, would you? Its true he does have SOME funny material...its just that its stolen from other people!:shocker:
[Jan 14,2009 10:18am - largefreakatzero ""]
Dane Cook should be killed.
[Jan 14,2009 10:19am - dreadkill ""]
[Jan 14,2009 10:27am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jan 14,2009 11:19am - BSV  ""]
Dane Cook is for girls
[Jan 14,2009 11:27am - ike b.  ""]

[Jan 14,2009 11:44am - tylor ""]
hahah i was just gonna post that
[Jan 14,2009 11:46am - dreadkill ""]
rich needs to do a comedy special entitled "Rich Horror: Rough Sex with Your Grandfather."
[Jan 14,2009 12:44pm - the_reverend ""]
that is amazing.
[Jan 14,2009 12:56pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i used to think Dane Cook was funny... THEN MY DAD GOT A JOB!

[Jan 14,2009 1:00pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I liked when he talked about watching Lost.

He's totally hit or miss. He's moderately amusing at times but generally he's a total douche bag, yeah-dude bro guy.
[Jan 14,2009 1:04pm - brian_dc ""]
"omg ur so random" humor

followed by, "want to see my tits?"
[Jan 14,2009 1:06pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I don't think he's THAT terrible of a comedian, I just get the "must punch immediately" reflex whenever I see his face anywhere. I do like the car alarm song, though.
[Jan 14,2009 1:37pm - c.DeAD  ""]

AndrewBastard said:I liked when he talked about watching Lost.

He's totally hit or miss. He's moderately amusing at times but generally he's a total douche bag, yeah-dude bro guy.

Sounds like someone needs some bromance. Care for a snoodle?

[Jan 14,2009 1:38pm - dreadkill ""]
he's not as bad as mencia or larry the cable fag, but that's not saying much.
[Jan 14,2009 1:39pm - arilliusbm ""]
I think Boston can produce better comedians than Dane.
[Jan 14,2009 1:41pm - dreadkill ""]
it has: louis ck, bill burr, steven wright, etc.
[Jan 14,2009 1:44pm - c.DeAD  ""]

dreadkill said:it has: louis ck, bill burr, steven wright, etc.

When I worked at CVS in Bedford years ago, Steven Wright used to come in all the time. I rung him up once and he didn't say a word. Suitable considering his humor that I am not that big a fan of.
[Jan 14,2009 1:46pm - the_reverend ""]
the Lost thing was funny.
[Jan 14,2009 2:29pm - dreadkill ""]
my guitarist, a huge steven wright fan, sold steven a dvd player a few years back while working at circuit city.

i've probably mentioned that my aunt grew up with steven wright and told the story of steven wright's brother paving my driveway a billion times on this site. i should probably never speak of it again.
[Jan 14,2009 3:57pm - tylor ""]
ive got the same opinion on dane cook as i do family guy. insanely overrated, there's much better out there, but has definitely got me to laugh a few times
[Jan 14,2009 4:06pm - arilliusbm ""]
I would rather stare at the grave of Richard Pryor for 3 hours than watch 5 minutes of Dane Cook's standup.
[Jan 14,2009 4:09pm - c.DeAD  ""]
I'd rather listen to Decapitated and eat cheese sandwiches.
[Jan 15,2009 9:16am - Kadoogan  ""]

arilliusbm said:I would rather stare at the grave of Dane Cook for 3 hours than watch 5 minutes of anyone's standup.
[Jan 15,2009 10:06am - goatcatalyst ""]
I would rather watch that guinea-impersonating Coney Island Jew Andrew Dice Clay tell not-funny nursery rhymes and smoke cigarettes in an outlandish fashion while wearing fingerless leather gloves.
[Jan 15,2009 10:42am - Yeti ""]

c.DeAD said:I'd rather listen to Decapitated and eat cheese sandwiches.

hahahaha i was doing that at lunch on Monday.

the fact that Dane Cook got his own day in Boston makes my brain shrivel. it took 160 years for Edgar Allan fucking Poe to get his month in Boston. feed him to the pigs.
[Jan 15,2009 10:49am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm sorry, but Edgar Allan Poe >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dane Cook.
No comparison. At all.
[Jan 15,2009 10:50am - Yeti ""]
that shouldn't have started with "i'm sorry". i'm not sorry at all, a pile of steaming dog shit >>>>>>>>>>>>> Dane Cook.
[Jan 15,2009 10:51am - arilliusbm ""]
Actually, I meant Edgar AllEn Poe. There we go.
[Jan 15,2009 10:57am - c.DeAD  ""]

Yeti said:
c.DeAD said:I'd rather listen to Decapitated and eat cheese sandwiches.

hahahaha i was doing that at lunch on Monday.


Yeah, but I meant that was almost as torturous as seeing or hearing Dane Cock. I fucking hate Decapitated and cheese sandwiches would only accentuate the cheese oozing from the speakers.

[Jan 15,2009 10:57am - c.DeAD  ""]
FUCK! I hate qouting myself.
[Jan 15,2009 12:45pm - Yeti ""]
hahahahah oh i totally misread that. well, i love Decapitated and cheese sandwiches.
[Jan 15,2009 12:50pm - dreadkill ""]
go work at a cheese sandwich factory and save your earnings to finance your dream of becoming an animator.
[Jan 15,2009 1:08pm - c.DeAD  ""]

Yeti said:hahahahah oh i totally misread that. well, i love Decapitated and cheese sandwiches.

Haha, fair enough.
[Jan 15,2009 1:26pm - Ryan_M ""]

[Jan 15,2009 1:41pm - Dane Cook  ""]
hey fuck you guys.
[Jan 15,2009 2:06pm - Dane Cock  ""]
Are there any men on this board who find me unavoidably sexy? I was just wondering...*akward silence; cough*
[Jan 15,2009 2:55pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i would say this guy's on meth, but it could be coke..
[Jan 15,2009 3:17pm - RustyPS ""]
I am a Dane Cook fan......*ducks and covers*

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