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Nasty stomach bug that is going around...anyone?

[Jan 14,2009 7:18pm - quintessence ""]
All of the people and their friends I know have told me they have gotten this crap.

Today I have it and its wretched. Finally I'm able to keep a piece of toast down and I've stopped shitting pure liquid. I still feel like a 90 Ib emo kid with no strength at all.....
[Jan 14,2009 7:19pm - TheBloodening ""]
i'm not sure, i shit regularly like that anyways
[Jan 14,2009 7:23pm - niccolai ""]

quintessence said:I still feel like a 90 Ib emo kid with no strength at all.....

Don't give me that... I saw you at.. 'the clinic' with a dashboard confessional shirt.
[Jan 14,2009 8:00pm - Lamp nli  ""]
My girlfriend had this... thankfully it was while I was hundreds of miles away from her.
[Jan 14,2009 8:05pm - dreadkill ""]
a couple weeks ago, this happened to pretty much everyone i knew. the friend who had it the worst just got over it the other day.
[Jan 14,2009 8:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i have a cold ...hoping this isnt next
[Jan 14,2009 8:39pm - Martins ""]
Yeah I had it. Diarrhea for 5 days straight and the chills. The chills were the worst part. Now my entire family has it too except they're throwing up too.
[Jan 14,2009 10:21pm - Notorious_D.U.G. ""]
Luckily I just have pink eye currently.
[Jan 14,2009 10:27pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i have it now. I hate life.
[Jan 14,2009 11:55pm - the_reverend ""]
last few stomach bugs I caught were brutal.
this one was hilarious cause carina posts she has food poisoning even though I kept telling her it wasn't. Then 3 days later, I get it:
[Jan 15,2009 12:26am - quintessence ""]
How the fuck can a body hold so much liquid in its ass!?!?!
[Jan 15,2009 2:58am - Aegathis ""]
it doesnt, it cums from the tummy
[Jan 15,2009 9:25am - largefreakatzero ""]
I spent last Saturday shitting my brains out. After about the 7th or 8th time, I popped some Immodium, ate some plain pasta and was fine on Sunday.
[Jan 15,2009 9:27am - arilliusbm ""]
man, you guys need better immune systems
[Jan 15,2009 11:21am - ouchdrummer ""]
or we (I) need to fuck with them less...
[Jan 15,2009 11:24am - arilliusbm ""]
haha, I was one of those losers that was never absent in jr high or highschool from illness. they actually rewarded me a school pencil one year because of it.
[Jan 15,2009 11:27am - the_reverend ""]
I was too. so stupid.
[Jan 15,2009 11:29am - ouchdrummer ""]
i missed as much school as i could get away with.. and more, cause i didn't graduate. go figure.
[Jan 15,2009 1:12pm - Osama been Latent  ""]

Lamp%20nli said:My girlfriend had this... thankfully it was while I was hundreds of miles away from her.

Hot liquishit is the best lube. You missed out.
[Jan 15,2009 2:27pm - ouchdrummer ""]

Osama%20been%20Latent said:
Lamp%20nli said:My girlfriend had this... thankfully it was while I was hundreds of miles away from her.

Hot liquishit is the best lube. You missed out.

i dunno, menstrual fluid works pretty good, and it's near impossible to get em pregnant during heavy flow.
[Jan 15,2009 3:27pm - Yeti ""]
"my bitch has got mad flava.....heavy flow"
[Jan 15,2009 5:44pm - cav nli  ""]
had it. missed 2 days of work. fuckin sucked.
[Jan 15,2009 7:25pm - quintessence ""]
Im over it today. never been so happy to have a normal fart again.
[Jan 15,2009 8:01pm - Osama been Latent  ""]
I poop lava. It crawls, it spurts, it growls and it howls. Perhaps someone will put me out of my misery with a steamroller.
[Jan 16,2009 4:33pm - IMANASSHOLE  ""]
[Jan 16,2009 4:38pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 16,2009 4:38pm - i1awin  ""]
[Jan 16,2009 4:41pm - i1awin  ""]
[Jan 16,2009 4:50pm - whome  ""]


[Jan 16,2009 5:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
strep throat blahhhh
[Jan 16,2009 5:28pm - Blue nli  ""]
No alcohol + tons of vitamins + lots of weed = i aint sick
[Jan 16,2009 5:31pm - Martins ""]
no alcohol + tons of vitamins + no weed = I was sick..

I think I see my problem.
[Jan 16,2009 5:50pm - Blue nli  ""]
Drugz is teh cure all

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