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Killer Peanut Butter!

[Jan 18,2009 9:53am - thuringwethil ""]

I'm about to enjoy a nice english muffin with Skippy PB and Polaner Blackberry preserves.

If I die from eating brekkies someone please donate my Venom records to charity. :sctachy:
[Jan 18,2009 10:02am - vesgoreNLI  ""]
yea i have no idea what not to eat right now
[Jan 18,2009 10:13am - goatcatalyst ""]
Masturbating with a mouthful of Reese's peanut butter cups... The new autoerotic asphyxiatio.
[Jan 18,2009 10:23am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
pb and b for breakfast. Peanut butter and banana.

[Jan 18,2009 10:29am - dreadkill ""]
no more peanut butter and bacon for me :(

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