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[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Jan 22,2009 11:55am - Czarnobóg ""]

Saturday, January 24th
8pm $5

Tommy's Tavern 1041 Manhattan Ave.
Brooklyn, NY

Unholy Goatfucker (MA)
One Master (MA, CT, PA)
Ipsissimus (CT)
Crucifixion (NY)


Sunday, January 25th
8pm $8

Public Assembly
70 North Sixth St. (Between Wythe and Kent Avenues)
Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Malkuth (NY)
Villains (NY)
Castevet (NY)
Ipsissimus (CT)
[Jan 22,2009 12:01pm - ouchdrummer ""]
excellent thread title. Whenever i see churches i want to burn them. I like my freedom too much to act on it, but seeing one in flames would really warm the inner depths of my black soul.
[Jan 23,2009 2:26pm - Czarnobóg ""]
[Jan 26,2009 10:52am - Czarnobóg ""]
Saturday's show was a blast. Totally packed to capacity. CRUCIFIXION, IPSISSIMUS & ONE MASTER were all great, definitely three of the better black metal bands currently going around these parts.

That place Tommy's isn't all that ideal for metal shows (small backroom - maybe like 50 people comfortable capacity, but it was packed way beyond that - and the sound kinda sucks... it was like a basement show with a bar in front), but they were cool to us and gave me 100% of the door so I was able to pay all the bands pretty well. Anyways, they told me they're down to do more metal shows in the future (they must've made a killing at the bar) so if anyone needs a small venue in Brooklyn for something down the road hit 'em up.
[Jan 26,2009 10:53am - Czarnobóg ""]
How'd the Sunday show go?

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