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a story of my girlfriend's dad

[Jan 22,2009 9:53pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
so he's this pretty awesome somewhat born again christian, but still awesome.

apparently when he was 20 he used to have a cabin up in wareham, nh, on some lake. and i guess he used to be in a metal band, forget the name. well anyways he said he used to have all kinds of metal bands up there from around here. and people would come from miles to stay at his cabin/pitch tents in the woods. apparently he was just name dropping bands and the only one i can remember was wargasm.

just pretty cool that you find out your girlfriend's dad used to play shows with wargasm, apparently they were pretty tight too. all the bands that used to play in lynn knew eachother's shit so when they got too drunk they would all just fill in for eachother

how come this shit doesnt happen nowadays, random mini metal fests in the woods of nh
[Jan 22,2009 10:22pm - Seth  ""]
Because the metal scene was different then! Totally different! I remember growing up in the southshore in randolph and all the local bands were everwhere... wargasm/posieden, bad karma, Necromancer, Meliah rage, temporary Insanity, auditory imagery etc..... so many more and they were all buddies or just were cool. The scene now seems to be so segregated for whatever reason? Maybe there are to many bands and now a days a lot of people are in bands and not many fans to support. I could be wrong?
[Jan 22,2009 10:26pm - Conservationist ""]

Seth said:Maybe there are to many bands and now a days a lot of people are in bands and not many fans to support. I could be wrong?

You mean: just like what happened to hardcore?

Why, yes, that makes sense.
[Jan 22,2009 11:58pm - Seth  ""]

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