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the smile adventure (electronic grind shits)

[Nov 29,2002 3:45am - the_smile_adventure ""]
the smile adventure's page on iuma is updated with a "new" song. please give it a listen and let me know what you think.


:satancross:Insane sweatpants for the birth of Ardazabagothis:satancross:

[Nov 30,2002 2:35am - the_smile_adventure ""]
oh that is interesting.

i am really interested. :middlefinger:
[Nov 30,2002 2:43am - the_reverend ""]
no you aren't.
that music is odd, hilarious and interesting all at the same time.
what you are missing is sound clips from the princess bride.
and where the hell is babysbreath to comment on this.
[Nov 30,2002 7:12pm - babysbreath ""]
"Bargains for millionaires"

great title, even greater song. banana hands, where are you?
whats your digits
[Dec 1,2002 12:31am - the_smile_adventure ""]
speaking of sampling...that brings up a question...

i want to sample movies and shit like that, but can't i get in some copyright trouble if i do? like..if i was simply an "underground artist", would it still be an issue? probably yes...but i'm still wondering...

babyface, i'll smash an instant message over your head in the future.

thanks for the comment rev.

[Dec 2,2002 7:33am - penisbreath ""]
Whats up mr adventure....for anybody that hasnt had a smile shit these guys are the 2nd coming of christ. I cant wait to do a split with them.
[Dec 2,2002 7:35am - penisbreath ""]
sampling is gay...leave that to skinless and prothetic cunt.
[Dec 2,2002 9:00am - thesmileaaddvveenntuurree  ""]
crazy life. who cares. eating shit is so much better than anytihng else. i'd rather eat 400 piles of shit than anything else. sampling is a gargantuan toad ready for impalement.

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