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Enslaved appeesh thread.....

[Feb 4,2009 7:31pm - Hoser ""]
[Feb 4,2009 7:37pm - Pires ""]
[Feb 4,2009 7:54pm - Hoser ""]
I have it all....pulled this one out for the 1st time in a looooong time today. Still amazing.
[Feb 4,2009 7:59pm - Aegathis ""]
RUUUUUUUUUUUUN, even over the newest one.
[Feb 4,2009 9:04pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I love the new stuff but I prefer the older albums like Blodhemn and Mardraum.
[Feb 4,2009 9:52pm - arilliusbm ""]
Fuck that... Frost is the best...
[Feb 4,2009 10:33pm - sinistas ""]
I got Vertebrae a couple of months ago in a cd exchange, and really dig it. Started checking out some other stuff and that's great too.
[Feb 4,2009 10:34pm - Ryan_M ""]
Never could really get into the newer prog type stuff, although Below the Lights was an excellent record, that was the first album from them I really listened to. Their first album is the best in my opinion.
[Feb 4,2009 10:51pm - arilliusbm ""]
We may possibly cover "Loke" off of Frost. I've gotta practice my Norwegian but it should work out.
[Feb 4,2009 11:58pm - BSV  ""]

I finally scored a copy of Monumension a few weeks ago. Perfect transistion from Maradrum to Below the Lights. ENSLAVED rule. They're like Pink Floyd of Black Metal or Scandanavia or whatever.
[Feb 5,2009 7:54am - Yeti ""]
i never paid much attention to these guys, i've had the Satyricon and Emperor splits, but for some reason i never went for more. so within the last 8 months i've been in love with Enslaved. Frost, Eld, and Vikingligr Veldi are some of the best albums i've ever heard.
[Feb 5,2009 7:56am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]

arilliusbm said:Fuck that... Frost is the best...

What he said.
[Feb 5,2009 9:06am - dreadkill ""]
my favorite is below the lights, but i love all their stuff. one of my favorite bands ever. vertebrae was probably the best album of 2008 in my opinion.
[Feb 5,2009 9:26am - fleshfries nli  ""]
Vikingligr Veldi and Frost ftw
[Feb 5,2009 9:27am - brian_dc ""]
Below the Lights is amazing. I do love me some of the newer stuff, too.
[Feb 7,2009 9:47am - Hoser ""]
Enslaved will be in Boston with Opeth on May 2nd, 2009

I am fucking THERE.

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