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Image of Jesus Christ appears in shart

[Feb 6,2009 10:33am - Conservationist ""]

TRENTON, NJ (NNN) — Ralph Harriman thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. So he looked again, he says, and spotted the image of Jesus Christ. But it’s where he spotted them that really surprised him.

“My buddy Steve was chatting up this chick at a bar and trying hard not to leave,” he said. “We’d been eating tacos, drinking beer and tossing back the beer nuts all night. Steve thought he was letting a little flatulence slip out quietly, but instead there was this supersonic bluuuuurrrggghhttt and then, as the shart bloomed through polyester, I saw Our Savior.”

Long lines clogged the Applebee’s where the religious icon was manifested in feces. “It’s my one chance to see a true miracle of our time,” said Adriana Weisman, who was “playing hooky” from her cubicle job as an assistant paperwork verifier with an investment firm. “As the economy collapses, the climate warms and wars wrack the earth, we’re all just looking for a little uplift. And if you can’t trust a symbol appearing in random places, what else do you have? Life seems purposeless and random.”


I vomit on God's cHILD!
[Feb 6,2009 10:34am - reimroc ""]
people are just seeing geezus everywhere nowadays
[Feb 6,2009 10:37am - dreadkill ""]
hahahaha, best jesus sighting yet
[Feb 6,2009 10:45am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Feb 6,2009 10:53am - dreadkill ""]
i wonder what the chick he was mackin on thought when she heard "bluuuuurrrggghhttt."
[Feb 6,2009 10:57am - RustyPS ""]

reimroc said:people are just seeing geezus everywhere nowadays
dat's cuz he is evrywheirz
[Feb 6,2009 11:00am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
"Assistant paperwork verifier."
[Feb 6,2009 11:10am - ouchdrummer ""]
never heard of "st. Onan's" before. Funny shit.
[Feb 6,2009 11:27am - reimroc ""]

RustyPS said:
reimroc said:people are just seeing geezus everywhere nowadays
dat's cuz he is evrywheirz

[Feb 6,2009 11:41am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
he is omnimpotent
[Feb 6,2009 11:55am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
They have a pill for that, now.
[Feb 6,2009 4:34pm - tylor ""]
i hope this goes for thousands of dollars
[Feb 6,2009 4:58pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Feb 6,2009 11:07pm - ouchy ""]
well, it's not real.. that site is like the onion, it's a joke.

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