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Ichabod back in the market for shows....

[Feb 7,2009 9:17am - ichabod ""]
...after a short hiatus to finalize artwork for the new CD, laying tracks for the next CD and writing the CD after that, we're looking to get back out into the public to promote the shit. 2012 is the new CD, and we're looking to get out to back it...any doom/stoner/psych/crust metal bands that are putting anything together, hit us up if you need a band. Mainly looking to get the fuck out of Boston though, unless it's a really unique lineup. Mainly looking at out of town places like the Brickhouse, Ralph's, Anchor's Up, places like that where we haven't been yet. Thanks for the help! We'll do out of state too if we can work the logistics...
[Feb 7,2009 9:31am - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 7,2009 9:40am - ZJD ""]
sweet. there is a serious lack of legit stoner metal in a sea of false sm. play with space train.
[Feb 7,2009 12:01pm - RichHorror ""]
Play O'Briens on May 8th.
[Feb 7,2009 12:36pm - ZJD ""]
book ichabod with us, riff cannon, and black pyramid
[Feb 7,2009 12:36pm - RichHorror ""]
Shut up.
[Dec 14,2010 9:19pm - nekronaut ""]
..how about Feb of next year? Just listened to '2012' for the first time tonight.. Good God, it kills!
[Dec 14,2010 9:51pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Sometimes when things are heavey, they are also phat. I like things that are phat.
[Dec 14,2010 10:04pm - nekronaut ""]
Ichabod is certainly phat.
[Dec 14,2010 10:10pm - Gregd(ichabod/blessed offal  ""]
I fully endorse this!
[Dec 15,2010 1:48am - Randy_Marsh ""]
any band greg plays in; i support.
[Dec 15,2010 11:44am - GregD(Blessedoffal/Ichabod)  ""]

Were ever you go, I will follow!!!

[Dec 15,2010 11:47am - GregD(Blessedoffal/Ichabod)  ""]
RichHorror and nekronaut, you guys can reach me at my facebook page!!! Happy holidays you motha fuckas!!
[Dec 15,2010 2:45pm - ShadowSD ""]
Ichabod, it is great to hear you guys are still around, we should do some shows together.
[Dec 15,2010 3:05pm - boxxy ""]

ZJD said:book ichabod with us, riff cannon, and black pyramid

Ask and ye shall be bitch smacked. Faggot.
[Dec 15,2010 4:34pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
ichabod panzerbastard raw radar war? Do it.
[Dec 16,2010 11:38am - Gregd(ichabod/blessed offal  ""]
Sounds like a plan!!

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