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is this serious?

[Feb 10,2009 8:02pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

is this for real?

creepy christian content.

apparently hitler and the chinese teamed up to bomb pearl harbor 60 years ago, 1950s?
[Feb 10,2009 8:49pm - Blue ""]
Why is this so serious?
[Feb 10,2009 9:11pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
You want to know how I got these Pearl Harbor on my face?
[Feb 11,2009 1:23am - dftg  ""]
What kind of fucking IDIOT would ever support Mccarthyism?
[Feb 11,2009 1:28am - deadlikemurf ""]
[Feb 11,2009 1:31am - RichHorror ""]

dftg said:What kind of fucking IDIOT would ever support Mccarthyism?

I do.

[Feb 11,2009 1:37am - dftg  ""]
who are those two gays?
[Feb 11,2009 1:37am - RichHorror ""]
Says the guy with the Janie Lane hairdo.
[Feb 11,2009 1:39am - dftg  ""]
what the fuck is a janalane?
[Feb 11,2009 1:40am - RichHorror ""]
It means you kick your grandfather in the dick with your fey mouth.
[Feb 11,2009 1:44am - dftg  ""]
whatever, your grandfather shoves acorns up his ass to feed the squirrels.
[Feb 11,2009 1:45am - RichHorror ""]
[Feb 11,2009 1:48am - dftg  ""]
so is mine but I still fellate him anyway
[Feb 11,2009 1:49am - dftg  ""]
seriously though, fuck Mccarthyism in its red-scared ass.
[Feb 11,2009 3:45am - deadlikemurf ""]

RichHorror said:
dftg said:What kind of fucking IDIOT would ever support Mccarthyism?

I do.


ugh. :tightiewhities:
[Feb 11,2009 12:18pm - RichHorror ""]
Shut up or I'll send him over to your family reunion.
[Feb 11,2009 12:51pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Hope grandma knows how to take a chairshot.
[Feb 11,2009 12:54pm - RichHorror ""]
ITT: Mike McCarthy is a meme
[Feb 11,2009 1:00pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ITT: Mike McCarthy hits your meme with a chair
[Feb 11,2009 1:06pm - RichHorror ""]
Couldn't Give Two Shits About The Meme
[Feb 11,2009 2:01pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Mike's grandma had one bad eye, and one of the crimitards we hung out with thought that meant she was a cyclops.
[Feb 11,2009 2:39pm - dogworm  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Mike's grandma had one bad eye, and one of the crimitards we hung out with thought that meant she was a cyclops.
Not surprising
[Feb 11,2009 2:43pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Yeah, Pigpen was a real brainiac.

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