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is anyone part of the Kissarmy

[Feb 11,2009 1:39pm - succubus ""]
i got my niece a membership and it expired and now she wants tickets...and of course now only members get access to presale passwords...she wants tickets to the montreal show...can anyone help?

email me

carina @ defyunlearn DOT COME

[Feb 11,2009 1:41pm - Maddigan  ""]
cook me some spaghetti on friday night with the girls and wines
[Feb 11,2009 1:43pm - succubus ""]
do you have the presale password?
i think it's supposed to be coming out very soon...

[Feb 11,2009 1:58pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 11,2009 1:59pm - W3 @ Work  ""]

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[Feb 11,2009 2:14pm - succubus ""]
agreed...hey...i'd go shoot it...they are fun to shoot but i wouldn't pay for any concert ticket...i just know i won't be able to ge multiple passes and free tickets...
[Feb 11,2009 2:17pm - W3 @ Work  ""]
you have multi pass
[Feb 11,2009 2:31pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 11,2009 2:33pm - darkwor ""]
[Feb 11,2009 2:33pm - darkwor ""]
[Feb 11,2009 2:35pm - W3 @ Work  ""]
I'd pay for that.
[Feb 11,2009 8:19pm - succubus ""]
i need a presale password and apparently it just came out
[Feb 11,2009 8:26pm - xanonymousx ""]
what show does she want to go to?
[Feb 11,2009 8:30pm - succubus ""]
montreal show

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