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Clown car mom begging for donations

[Feb 11,2009 6:49pm - Conservationist ""]

* Kids are disabled
* Mom is single and unemployed
* She gets $793 per kid from the state

[Feb 11,2009 6:55pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

People are fucking worthless.
[Feb 11,2009 6:56pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Caption: "Why am I alive?!? WTF!!!"
[Feb 11,2009 7:16pm - pam ""]
The doctor that fucking chucked his Hippocratic oath to the curb and did this should be shot in the fucking head.
[Feb 11,2009 7:24pm - sweetypie  ""]
i'll be glad when the economy collapses and all these fuckwads
with 12 kids sucking the welfare tit DIE. gross.
[Feb 11,2009 7:25pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Feb 11,2009 7:25pm - dftg  ""]
I hope those kids die.
[Feb 11,2009 7:33pm - dreadkill ""]
most hated woman in america right now. what a lunatic.
[Feb 11,2009 9:43pm - Dankill  ""]
That woman has got to have DEEP seeded problems to be so stupid and irresponsible.
I saw an interesting op-ed in the globe today that raised a funny point of the whole public perception of this case.

The choice to have 8 babies
By Jeff Jacoby
Globe Columnist / February 11, 2009

THE BACKLASH against Nadya Suleman, the 33-year-old single mother of six who gave birth to octuplets on Jan. 26, has been fierce.
The reactions have ranged from reproach to ridicule to anger. On newspaper editorial pages, radio talk shows, and Internet comment boards, Suleman has been derided as a mental case or a mercenary or worse. There has been no outpouring of gifts from corporate America - nothing like the lifetime supply of Pampers that Procter & Gamble provided when the McCaughey septuplets were born in 1997, or the 15-passenger van Chevrolet donated to their parents. Indeed, one talk-show host warned that his listeners would boycott any company that provided assistance to Suleman and her "freakish" brood.

The fertility doctors who impregnated Suleman have come in for nearly as much abuse as she has. The Orlando Sentinel blasted both mother and doctors as "indulgent, irresponsible, and unethical." Reason magazine's science correspondent, Ronald Bailey, wasn't nearly so restrained; he slammed the "idiotic fertility jockey" who made it possible for this "loony sad jobless single woman" to bear eight more children. Columnist Ellen Goodman suggested that the doctors were guilty of something "akin to malpractice" and that Suleman's decisions were "close to mal-mothering." And there have been calls aplenty for stricter regulation of fertility clinics. "The real issue here," wrote the San Francisco Chronicle's Debra Saunders, "is that we live in a country with so few regulations on the human fertility business."

What does all this criticism mean? Is it once again acceptable in politically correct society to disparage other people's unconventional or unwise reproductive decisions? Have the rules of engagement suddenly changed?

It was only a couple of weeks ago, after all, that the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade was being commemorated with the customary paeans to the right of American women to make their own decisions about pregnancy and parenthood. Haven't we been told for years that society has no authority to second-guess what a woman does with her own body? Haven't the champions of "choice" and "reproductive freedom" repeatedly instructed us that what happens in a woman's womb is between her and her doctor? How is it that so many feel free to pass judgment on the choices made by Suleman and her doctors, let alone to call for new regulations banning such choices in the future?

It is easy to assert that Suleman's Beverly Hills fertility clinic should have refused her grotesque demand to be implanted with six embryos (two split and became twins), but it isn't clear that a court would have upheld such a refusal. The American Society of Reproductive Medicine recommends transferring no more than two fertilized embryos to a woman of Suleman's age, but when a patient insists on more, the physicians' hands may be tied. "Doctors' attorneys are advising them, 'You have to do it,' " ASRM spokesman Sean Tipton tells Time magazine. "The courts have made clear that decisions about what to do with embryos are in the hands of patients, not in the hands of physicians."

Last summer, the California Supreme Court ruled unanimously that a fertility specialist may not refuse, on religious grounds, to inseminate a lesbian. What would it say if Suleman's doctors had refused to impregnate a woman who already had six young children but no husband? Discrimination on the basis of marital status is illegal in California, too.

It may seem reasonable to argue that women are not designed to bear litters, or that society should not have to facilitate an unemployed woman's obsession for a "huge" family, or that it is wrong to purposely bring 14 fatherless children into the world.

Those are all sensible opinions, and a sensible public policy would reflect them. But in the name of autonomy and privacy, our public policies regarding families and reproduction have grown increasingly unmoored from good sense. From the campaign for homosexual marriage to the routine insemination of single women to the legality of abortion on demand, notions that would once have been thought outlandish have steadily been normalized.

Would that further industrial-scale pregnancies like Suleman's could be headed off with a new law or stepped-up regulation. But can law and regulation fill the void left when longstanding taboos and morals are cast aside? When society decides that families and child-rearing can be improvised at will, who gets to say what's "freakish"?

[Feb 11,2009 10:58pm - pam ""]
Who the fuck wants laws passed against this? That article makes it sound like pro-lifers are gunning for 1 baby at a time legislation?

People are out after this woman because she is obviously sick in her head and the doctor put her and those babies at SERIOUS risk.

I don't care that she's single, and it initially annoyed me that if she were married this wouldn't be an issue (see those retard momos the Duggars and their 18 kids for proof of this), but I think the issue is WAY MORE that she a) put them at such risk and b) has no fucking job.
[Feb 12,2009 7:50am - SkinSandwich ""]
DEEERRRRRR!!! What a shitbag this cunt is. Now on food stamps and shit. This pisses me off to no end. Look at this retard. Looks like she has the IQ of an engine block.

[Feb 12,2009 7:55am - SkinSandwich ""]
You can leave comments on her site. You all should slam this pig. Everyone here for the most part is a funny shit. I would dig reading the comments, haha.
[Feb 12,2009 8:26am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm setting up a benefit show to help this poor woman out. (Anybody know how much eight fourth-trimester abortions would run?)
[Feb 12,2009 8:39am - SkinSandwich ""]

Turns out this fucking cunt used state money to get plastic surgery. What a piece of cunty shit!

[Feb 12,2009 8:54am - the_reverend ""]
and who paid for the fertility treatments? fuck her.
[Feb 12,2009 9:05am - dreadkill ""]
[Feb 12,2009 9:30am - Conservationist ""]
We need to repopulate the earth with smart people... not delusional idiots.

I think she's trying to disguise her Hispanic origins with the plastic surgery. Why? Is she racist against Mexicans?

[Feb 12,2009 9:53am - goatcatalyst ""]

"Feed me."
[Feb 12,2009 9:59am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 12,2009 10:08am - orgymf@work  ""]

SkinSandwich said:You can leave comments on her site. You all should slam this pig. Everyone here for the most part is a funny shit. I would dig reading the comments, haha.

you know, i left a comment there, but there doesn't seem to be an option to read other's comments (or see your own) on the page.

which is too bad, i'm sure there is some hysterical reading there
[Feb 12,2009 10:22am - pam ""]

the_reverend said:and who paid for the fertility treatments? fuck her.

This is what fucking annoys the shit out of me. There are plenty of couples that can't afford ONE IVF treatment and would be great parents and this cunt somehow manages to find a freak doctor to implant ALL her fucking eggs in her?? That's fair.

The donor is supposedly a friend of hers who she is now saying she hopes is involved with the kids. That poor son of a bitch. I hope he signed something.
[Feb 12,2009 10:32am - orgymf@work  ""]
i just read an article stating that the government may get stcuk with the burden of paying for her children's needs, and it would cost the tax payers
[Feb 12,2009 10:47am - zyklon ""]

pam said:The doctor that fucking chucked his Hippocratic oath to the curb and did this should be shot in the fucking head.

She should be shot first, what a dumb fucking bitch!
[Feb 12,2009 10:51am - zyklon ""]
A big share of the financial burden of raising Nadya Suleman's 14 children could fall on the shoulders of California's taxpayers, compounding the public furor in a state already billions of dollars in the red.

Even before the 33-year-old single, unemployed mother gave birth to octuplets last month, she had been caring for her six other children with the help of $490 a month in food stamps, plus Social Security disability payments for three of the youngsters. The public aid will almost certainly be increased with the new additions to her family.

Also, the hospital where the octuplets are expected to spend seven to 12 weeks has requested reimbursement from Medi-Cal, the state's Medicaid program, for care of the premature babies, according to the Los Angeles Times. The cost has not been disclosed.

Word of the public assistance has stoked the furor over Suleman's decision to have so many children by having embryos implanted in her womb.

"It appears that, in the case of the Suleman family, raising 14 children takes not simply a village but the combined resources of the county, state and federal governments," Los Angeles Times columnist Tim Rutten wrote in Wednesday's paper. He called Suleman's story "grotesque."

On the Internet, bloggers rained insults on Suleman, calling her an "idiot," criticizing her decision to have more children when she couldn't afford the ones she had and suggesting she be sterilized.

"It's my opinion that a woman's right to reproduce should be limited to a number which the parents can pay for," Charles Murray wrote in a letter to the Los Angeles Daily News. "Why should my wife and I, as taxpayers, pay child support for 14 Suleman kids?"

She was also berated on talk radio, where listeners accused her of manipulating the system and being an irresponsible mother.

"From the outside you can tell that this woman was playing the system," host Bryan Suits said on the "Kennedy and Suits" show on KFI-AM. "You're damn right the state should step in and seize the kids and adopt them out."

Suleman's spokesman, Mike Furtney, urged understanding.

"I would just ask people to consider her situation and she has been under a tremendous amount of pressure that no one could be prepared for," Furtney said.

Furtney said he, Suleman and her family had received death threats and had been getting messages that were "disgusting things that would never be proper to put in any story."

In her only media interviews, Suleman told NBC's "Today" she doesn't consider the public assistance she receives to be welfare and doesn't intend to remain on it for long.

Also, a Nadya Suleman Family Web Site has been set up to collect donations for the children. It features pictures of the mother and each octuplet and has instructions for making donations by check or credit card.

Suleman, whose six older children range in age from 2 to 7, said three of them receive disability payments. She told NBC one is autistic, another has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, known as ADHD, and a third experienced a mild speech delay with "tiny characteristics of autism." She refused to say how much they get in payments.

In California, a low-income family can receive Social Security payments of up to $793 a month for each disabled child. Three children would amount to $2,379.

The Suleman octuplets' medical costs have not been disclosed, but in 2006, the average cost for a premature baby's hospital stay in California was $164,273, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Eight times that equals $1.3 million.

For a single mother, the cost of raising 14 children through age 17 ranges from $1.3 million to $2.7 million, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is struggling to close a $42 billion budget gap by cutting services, declined through a spokesman to comment on the taxpayer costs associated with the octuplets' delivery and care.

State Sen. Sam Aanestad, R-Grass Valley, an oral surgeon who sits on the Health Committee, said that once a state Medical Board investigation is complete, lawmakers could review issues from government oversight to standards in fertility treatment.

Suleman received disability payments for an on-the-job back injury during a riot at a state mental hospital, collecting more than $165,000 over nearly a decade before the benefits were discontinued last year.

Some of the disability money was spent on in vitro fertilizations, which was used for all 14 of her children, Suleman said. She said she also worked double shifts at the mental hospital and saved up for the treatments. She estimated that all her treatments cost $100,000.

Fourteen states, including California, require insurance companies to offer or provide coverage for infertility treatment, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. But California has a law specifically excluding in vitro coverage. It's not clear what type of coverage Suleman has.

In the NBC interview, Suleman said she will go back to California State University, Fullerton in the fall to complete her master's degree in counseling, and will use student loans to support her children. She already owes $50,000 in student loans, she told NBC. She said she will rely on the school's daycare center and volunteers.
[Feb 12,2009 11:17am - pam ""]
Should be paid for by the doctor.
[Feb 12,2009 11:22am - pam ""]

Jesus christ.
[Feb 12,2009 11:31am - W3 @ work  ""]
[Feb 12,2009 11:35am - SkinSandwich ""]
Jeez she is a hideous monstrosity.
[Feb 12,2009 11:39am - Lamp nli  ""]
How many kids would you have to be raising inside your womb at the same time before it bursts open completely?
[Feb 12,2009 11:44am - Conservationist ""]

pam said:There are plenty of couples that can't afford ONE IVF treatment and would be great parents and this cunt somehow manages to find a freak doctor to implant ALL her fucking eggs in her?

Or maybe:

No one should do IVF. Let nature do her work.

And maybe:

I want to live in a civilization where people like Nadya Suleman Gutierrez are not coddled.
[Feb 12,2009 12:51pm - Yeti ""]
i absolutely agree.
[Feb 12,2009 1:47pm - orgymf@work  ""]
a stutter and adhd?????
that's why her kids are getting social security!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

i hope this cunt gets hit by a train
[Feb 12,2009 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
hahahaha i can picture her kids sounding like Bart after he takes the first sip of the all syrup Super Squishee.
[Feb 12,2009 3:25pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I fucking guarantee you this bitch is loving all the attention she's getting from this.
[Feb 12,2009 4:07pm - the_reverend ""]
that's why her first move was to get an agent.
[Feb 12,2009 4:42pm - deathchick ""]

zyklon said:
pam said:The doctor that fucking chucked his Hippocratic oath to the curb and did this should be shot in the fucking head.

She should be shot first, what a dumb fucking bitch!

[Feb 12,2009 5:05pm - SkinSandwich ""]
EVERY FUCKING CHILD ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH HAS ADD OR ADHD. It is just made up shit for doctors and pharmacutical companies to make more coin. fuck off. Kids are always like that. They don't pay attention, they are hyper, and most of their parents suck ass.
[Feb 12,2009 5:54pm - Samantha ""]

pam said:[img]

Jesus christ.

I wonder what her stomach looks like now with all of that extra skin flapping around.
[Feb 12,2009 7:56pm - Dankill  ""]

SkinSandwich said:EVERY FUCKING CHILD ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH HAS ADD OR ADHD. It is just made up shit for doctors and pharmacutical companies to make more coin. fuck off. Kids are always like that. They don't pay attention, they are hyper, and most of their parents suck ass.

[Feb 12,2009 8:04pm - Dankill  ""]

pam said:Who the fuck wants laws passed against this? That article makes it sound like pro-lifers are gunning for 1 baby at a time legislation?

People are out after this woman because she is obviously sick in her head and the doctor put her and those babies at SERIOUS risk.

I don't care that she's single, and it initially annoyed me that if she were married this wouldn't be an issue (see those retard momos the Duggars and their 18 kids for proof of this), but I think the issue is WAY MORE that she a) put them at such risk and b) has no fucking job.

I haven't heard about anyone screaming for child limit laws ala China, but I think it reminds people to never underestimate the power of fucked up people testing the limits of anything legal and controversal. Because aside from the doctor getting in trouble with his medical licence, it seems like everything she did is 100% legal. If you think about it, she did put those kids at serious risk medically but she has the right to do that apparently.

Yeah, the Mormon familes are just as goofy, but the only difference is that Duggar mother was never batshit crazy enough to impregnate herself with mulitiple babies all at once.

[Feb 13,2009 5:34am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Feb 13,2009 8:38am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]

Conservationist said:We need to repopulate the earth with smart people... not delusional idiots.

As a hypothetical: Eradication of world's population, in order to rejuvenate the planet (and rid it of undesirables), seems like it would be high priority on a select elite's shadow agenda. I wouldn't expect anyone on RTTP, or the average citizen to be a part of the new Golden age. However, the technocrats and royal families may need ditch diggers, right?


If we get real lucky, he reclaims the world =)
[Feb 13,2009 8:44am - W3 @ work  ""]
ah 2012 can't hurry up
[Feb 13,2009 8:46am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Quetzalcoatl will return!
[Feb 13,2009 11:59am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Dankill said:
SkinSandwich said:EVERY FUCKING CHILD ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH HAS ADD OR ADHD. It is just made up shit for doctors and pharmacutical companies to make more coin. fuck off. Kids are always like that. They don't pay attention, they are hyper, and most of their parents suck ass.



Overmedicating doctors and lazy parents and/or teachers doesn't invalidate an actual condition, it just covers the real instances in an avalanche of trendy diagnosis and Adderal.
[Feb 13,2009 11:59am - W3 @ work  ""]
but Adderal and whiskey are goodtimes
[Feb 13,2009 12:33pm - c.DeAD  ""]

W3%20@%20work said:but Adderal and whiskey are goodtimes

Backed. I am a child of these drugs and I don't have anything like ADHD, ADD, retardation, small penis, homsexuality, etc. These drugs are goooood times.

Now, I just need to fill my klonopin.
[Feb 13,2009 12:35pm - joeycobranli  ""]

Samantha said:
pam said:[img]

Jesus christ.

I wonder what her stomach looks like now with all of that extra skin flapping around.

something's wrong with me!
[Feb 13,2009 12:47pm - zyklon ""]

pam said:[img]

Jesus christ.

What an ugly thing...

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