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creepy people

[Feb 19,2009 11:15am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
this girl is from high school, she used to be wheel chair bound, but now she walks

scary as hell

[Feb 19,2009 11:26am - Conservationist ""]
Looks like she just took a liberating poop.
[Feb 19,2009 11:30am - nerdsahoy  ""]
Well that pic is creepy but I'm glad shes able to walk now. I know if I were stuck in a wheelchair I would want to eventually walk again. Good for her on that.
[Feb 19,2009 11:31am - the_reverend ""]
herdsahoy, backed.
[Feb 19,2009 11:34am - nerdsahoy nli  ""]
[Feb 19,2009 11:52am - largefreakatzero ""]
She probably has an RTTP user name -- this site is a creep magnet.
[Feb 19,2009 11:56am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

largefreakatzero said: this site is a creep magnet.

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