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free antivirus downloads?

[Feb 22,2009 8:46pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
that actually remove the viruses? i have something pretty brutal right now
[Feb 22,2009 8:48pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 22,2009 9:02pm - The Revealer  ""]
Get the free 30-day trial of NOD32. It's pretty solid..

[Feb 22,2009 9:27pm - Martins ""]
[Feb 22,2009 9:32pm - dertoxianli  ""]
[Feb 22,2009 9:34pm - grizloch‘slaptop  ""]
[Feb 22,2009 9:32pm - dertoxianli ]
[Feb 22,2009 9:41pm - the_reverend ""]
combofix and malwarebytes to clean a virus, avg to keep you from getting a virus.
[Feb 23,2009 3:47am - Aegathis ""]
Ive had pretty good luck soo far with Zonealarm internet security suite. However i went a few days without it cause i never felt like updating it, then i got hit with some virus that damn near made my computer extremely useless, so i had to research my way outa that mess on a roomates computer and i read that Malwarebytes was the best for that particular virus i got. Computer all better now :2HORNS:
[Feb 23,2009 5:54am - badsneakers ""]
im having this issue now


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