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The Lord Weird Slough Feg where-have-you-been-all-my-life APPREESH

[Feb 25,2009 9:11am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Man, how am I just now getting into this shit? It's like a folky Iron Maiden, and they sing about history, mythology, and pure gamer nerdery. They have a fucking Traveller concept album. (For those that don't know, Traveller was a pioneering sci-fi RPG from the '70s, and I believe the first RPG where you could die in character creation.) This might be the perfect band.


[Feb 25,2009 9:14am - darkwor ""]

[Nov 9,2009 9:28am - arktouros ""]
NWOBHM fans must check this album out.

[Nov 9,2009 9:37am - dreadkill ""]
everything they've ever done is awesome. my favorites are atavism and hardworlder. ape uprising is one of my top albums of 2009.

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