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Anyone have ACTUAL information about that Blanchard's thing?

[Feb 28,2009 9:43am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
It's a whirl of rumors, and the video is posted without giving any information. The title is "Hunter Incident" which only seems to work as meaningful for whoever wrote it. I hate shit like this where it's all heresay and people throwing things out there. Who has actual, verifiable facts that can help to understand what that video is about and what is going on?
[Feb 28,2009 10:40am - alexc ""]
my co-worker quit blanchards right after the incident occurred and apparently the owners son kicked his fathers mercedes and in retaliation his father crushed his sons dog in the cage.
[Feb 28,2009 10:44am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
It's hard to get facts though.

People are like "Oh, it was on Channel 5...". So I googled it and it's just restating that there are rumors and it's hard to tell what's going on in the video. The actual interaction with the dog is blocked by a counter. Plus the dog gets up and walks away and looks fine.

AAAND the MSPCA said the dog in the video is fine, so WTF is going on? The dude is obviously up to something, but who is he really? Why is info so hard to find on this?

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