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I'm so pissed right now

[Mar 6,2009 9:06pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I bought an XBox 360 today and it doesn't fucking work! I have all the cables for it and everything. When I turn it on, the power ring is flashing red and the screen doesn't show up on my TV. If I don't get my money back tomorrow, I'm gonna break the guy's face.

I bought Street Fighter IV and Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe for it and now I can't partake in kicking ass. Now, I have to kick ass in real life.
[Mar 6,2009 9:18pm - Dankill  ""]
[Mar 6,2009 9:23pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, thought that was fixed.
[Mar 7,2009 1:32am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Jesus hates you!
[Mar 7,2009 3:45am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Mortal Kombat vs. DC blows.

You should just download GGXX#Reload when you can actually turn on your 360
[Mar 7,2009 7:47am - Ryan_M ""]
The Lord works in mysterious ways. Maybe it's not God's will for you to own an X Box 360. But maybe if you pray hard enough for it, he'll abandon his divine plan so you can enjoy your video games!
[Mar 7,2009 8:51am - the_reverend ""]
equating a microsoft product to God? God's work? blasphemy. they are the product of the devil.
[Mar 7,2009 9:20am - ddrummer ""]
make sure that the cables are not dusty/dirty and make sure they are connected fully. the red ring of death is when three of the lights flash around the power button. if all four are lit up red it means it is an a/v problem.
[Mar 7,2009 10:47am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Well, it is a Microsoft product - maybe they forgot to pre-delete system32 for you.
[Mar 7,2009 10:59am - reimroc ""]
I can't believe there are still 360s out there that RROD

Return the bad and get a good one because SF4 is bad to the ass. Ultra combo moves are so hard to pull off.
[Mar 7,2009 11:10am - xanonymousx ""]
send it off to microsoft and get a free one.
[Mar 7,2009 11:44am - Hater  ""]
Thats what you get for buying xbox.
[Mar 7,2009 11:48am - aegathis ""]

Ryan_M said:The Lord works in mysterious ways. Maybe it's not God's will for you to own an X Box 360. But maybe if you pray hard enough for it, he'll abandon his divine plan so you can enjoy your video games!

regardless kicking ass in real life in retaliation will help strengthen his ass kicking in video game land. If he ever gets there.......
[Mar 7,2009 11:54am - aegathis ""]

ddrummer said:make sure that the cables are not dusty/dirty and make sure they are connected fully. the red ring of death is when three of the lights flash around the power button. if all four are lit up red it means it is an a/v problem.

make sure to take the cartridge out and blow really hard on the inside as well, and then q-tip the bitch for dust.Then get in between the legs of the console , under the hood and repeat.
[Mar 7,2009 11:57am - Hater  ""]
I wish computers were as easy to fix as good old NES cartridges!
Blow on it, wipe it off, and BAM, your HDD is working again!!
[Mar 7,2009 9:43pm - aegathis ""]
atleast it makes a little more sense, what you gotta go through to get modern technology to tickle your balls just the way you like it. I never saw any pattern to getting the NES working, even between the ages of 6 and 9 I would stop and ponder what it really wanted from me in order for us to help eachother out. Considering how blowing on the cartridges didnt always do it.
[Mar 7,2009 9:46pm - rustyps ""]
wow the red ring of death right whenyou open it? that's rough
[Mar 7,2009 9:51pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
saying you're bringing it back to "the guy" leads me to think you got it used. Am I right?
[Mar 7,2009 9:54pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

aegathis said:atleast it makes a little more sense, what you gotta go through to get modern technology to tickle your balls just the way you like it. I never saw any pattern to getting the NES working, even between the ages of 6 and 9 I would stop and ponder what it really wanted from me in order for us to help eachother out. Considering how blowing on the cartridges didnt always do it.

It was that fucking lockout chip. All the "Nintendo Seal of Quality" meant was that it had the stupid voltage spike chip that made the NES not restart infinitely. Only the contacts got dirty and stopped working, so there's your "Quality."
[Mar 7,2009 10:29pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:saying you're bringing it back to "the guy" leads me to think you got it used. Am I right?

Indeed. My mistake to have done so. He was cool about it and gave me a full refund.
[Mar 8,2009 10:12am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

MillenialKingdom said:
IllinoisEnemaBradness said:saying you're bringing it back to "the guy" leads me to think you got it used. Am I right?

Indeed. My mistake to have done so. He was cool about it and gave me a full refund.

good deal, could have been a fisting
[Mar 8,2009 10:45am - reimroc ""]

Hater said:I wish computers were as easy to fix as good old NES cartridges!
Blow on it, wipe it off, and BAM, your HDD is working again!!

If only fixing these modern day gadgets were that easy.
[Mar 8,2009 1:59pm - Hater  ""]

reimroc said:
Hater said:I wish computers were as easy to fix as good old NES cartridges!
Blow on it, wipe it off, and BAM, your HDD is working again!!

If only fixing these modern day gadgets were that easy.

Yeah, I know, thats what I fucking said the first time...asshole.

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