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Shattered Realm needs your help...

[Mar 10,2004 6:01pm - theundergroundscene ""]
Got this email, since the site is down trying to spread the message any way I can:

hey guys were in a bad situation, can you please put this on your sites asap.

thanks in advance,


Yesterday, Tuesday, March 9th, in Salt Lake City, at Club Ritz, Shattered Realm lost [possibly stolen] their video camera, the video tapes inside the camera contain 6hrs of footage from the whole European tour & about 3hrs of footage from the whole Remmebering Never/ On Broken Wings tour and about 3 more hrs of the current Terror/The Promise tour, all this was to be used on the upcoming Shattered Realm DVD available on Eulogy/Alveran. We dont care about the camera, it would be nice to get it back but we are more concerned about the footage that was lost. This was left and/or taken at our merch table.

If you have any information concerning this, you can contact Joe at dirtyjerztek@aol.com or call 732-213-3784

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