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ok people, time to confess your sins

[Mar 11,2004 2:57am - Kalopsia ""]
Succubus' thread about the best lie u ever told has inspired me to start this thread. so out with it people, spill your guts!!!!!

i'll start. let's see. when i lost my virginity, it was done illegally (i was 16, she was 27, YEA ME!!!!!!!!!)

when i was like 14 i took my mom's credit card and joined a porn site. me and my dumbass-ness and being new to the internet, i figured you would only be charged when u went on the site. so i only went on for that "first week trial period" and then afterwards never went back on the site. 8 months later, i had cost my parents about $350. yea, i was in a lot of trouble for that one.

that's all i have to say for now. who else?
[Mar 11,2004 3:00am - succubus ""]
you should confess to the reverend...

/me looks for that page

aaron where did it go?
[Mar 11,2004 3:06am - succubus ""]
yeah so i guess our beloved reverend got too popular...and removed that option

[Mar 11,2004 3:09am - Kalopsia ""]
well then CONFESS!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Mar 11,2004 3:10am - swamplorddvm ""]
I carved a inverted cross in a church in mexico. Mwahahahahahaha
oh and i burned a bible with my friends. oops.

Not to worry, ill just pay my way into heaven. \m/>:]
[Mar 11,2004 3:13am - succubus ""]
actually myne is worse than it sounds
so i don't wanna say itbut you use the term "sin"
sin according to ...? i associate that term to catholicism...and if you don't believe in god..then...
i dunno..i'm getting tired...
[Mar 11,2004 3:45am - Kalopsia ""]
swamplorddvm said:I carved a inverted cross in a church in mexico. Mwahahahahahaha
oh and i burned a bible with my friends. oops.

Not to worry, ill just pay my way into heaven. \m/>:]

that's nothing, i wear an inverted cross and pentagram necklace every day, i have a bible with "666" carved all over it, and i once pissed on a church. one day i wanna go into a church and unholy the holy water
[Mar 11,2004 4:08am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
wow... this thread is full of real winners! -__-
[Mar 14,2004 2:28pm - subjugate ""]
i don't belive in "sins" persay as much as i belive in right and wrong to belive in sinning would require beliving in dog <---< (it's spelt backward)

i have many wrongs i could confess but i would have to wait fo the statue of limitations to run out before confessing my guilt or innocents
[Mar 14,2004 4:58pm - BornSoVile ""]
I'm a Heathen, I don't believe in sins, it's all gravy to me. But if you insist, I like Pat Benitar, that might qualify.
[Mar 14,2004 5:33pm - JellyFish ""]
swamplorddvm said:I carved a inverted cross in a church in mexico. Mwahahahahahaha
oh and i burned a bible with my friends. oops.

Not to worry, ill just pay my way into heaven. \m/>:]

[Mar 14,2004 5:42pm - dreadkill ""]
" i was editor of the school magazine!" "i used to masturbate...constantly!"
[Mar 14,2004 7:00pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
"oh ya, i ran for congress and won, then i had sex with the intern, killed her and hid the body..." "i digitally remastered jabba the hutt into the original starwars movie, whateva i do what i want..."
-eric cartman
god bless that show
[Mar 14,2004 8:35pm - JellyFish ""]
dreadkill said:" i was editor of the school magazine!" "i used to masturbate...constantly!"

[Mar 14,2004 8:39pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
I play Magic:The Gathering
[Mar 14,2004 10:40pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I spray painted an inverted cross on the Virgin Mary statue in Sacred Heart School in Hampton NH.... People flipped out over it.... I still get a chuckle out of it....
[Mar 15,2004 2:37am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i don't sin. i'm an angel.
[Mar 15,2004 2:39am - swamplorddvm ""]
The Misenthropic Luciferian Orders shall smite thee!!!
[Mar 15,2004 2:42am - MyDeadDoll ""]
you can't smite an angel. sorry.

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