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The Official John Dwyer suck it suck suxxx thread. You Suck.

[Mar 16,2009 1:03am - spacecorpse ""]
you fear Dwyah if you don't post !!! pussies !!!! i'll start off with my first post here ya go-
spacecorpse said:
AUTOPSY_666 said:I like it cuz i only shave once a week and beards rule.


Kissy face!

No doubt that girl is either a total whore that literally does it for money, or she's into dead beat guys. No smart, decent girl would even be with john once they find out that he's lyin about everything. Woo hoo, He makes pennies a day on his label, his house is owned by his mother who also happens to give him an allowance to fund his gay-ass tattoos etc. He's in and out of mental wards every few months because of his manic episodes. But yet... He finds plenty of stuff to down other people with namely me, by saying Oh well what do you have to offer a woman? Hey for starters man I may not own my own house just yet, but when I will it'll be better than that dump your mom pitties your ass by letting you stay at. And hey, i'm a good hearted guy and you're just a self absorbed prick with no friends. No REAL friends that respect you anyway, only friends that used to buy weed off you or that you keep coming around because you promise them stuff and never deliver. You have to down other people to make your sorry insecure ass feel better. You fucking giving nasty whores weed and money to suck your disease ridden cock and make you look cool in front of friends, that's not cool to brag about all the cheap ass you can score. Your sorry ass trying to get me to fuck girls that I wouldn't touch at my horniest and you trying to make me feel bad about it saying I can't get it up, fucking nasty skanks, who wants em besides you? You'll fuck anything with a vagina doesn't matter how fat and ugly now that's pitiful. I have more class than that. You are no man of honor John Dwyer, you're a fucking disgrace and i'm through with you for good. Good riddance asshole. With your fucking dishonest, greedy, back stabbing ways. No wonder why bands like Embalmer had beef with you. I was on your side but was foolish to be because they are right and I just didn't want to see it. Have a fun life pretending to be people you're not and finding out what happens when people find out the truth. Sad to be you man. I'm not the only one that pitties your dumb conceited ass either. Your fucking 2 dolla face just cheapens this whole site. Your face looks like a fucking dick, you're a dick head/face.

[Mar 16,2009 1:07am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Get a life, pathetic crybaby limp-dick Jewboy.
[Mar 16,2009 1:15am - spacecorpse ""]
Hey man I figured Relapse board could use some competition in the hating on you stuff. And frankly, you have no real ammo to use against me.... except for that holy water bit? hahaha so what?
[Mar 16,2009 1:16am - spacecorpse ""]
no doubt you are crying to Rev already for him to remove this thread because you're all butthurt about it.
[Mar 16,2009 1:17am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Where is the love?

No Dave & Busters fun, midwest roadtrip Brokeback buddie?
[Mar 16,2009 1:18am - spacecorpse ""]
dude I totally hope Rev keeps this thread up here so you can go kill yourself out of humiliation and shame LOL. It;s all fucking true too, every word I have spoke/typed here about you.
[Mar 16,2009 1:35am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Misanthropy is king.
[Mar 16,2009 1:42am - spacecorpse ""]
I was over johns house one night after a night of playing pool and drinking at Jimmy's and some whore into group sex met us there and we were all hanging out. John went and put sweatpants on so she could start sucking his dick easier. They eventually took it to the bedroom with another guy and John was calling me in saying she wanted a cock in her mouth... so in my drunkenness I was thinking oh well let me check it out. Now this chick is not good looking, hot, etc. in any way. She was overweight, had kinda a weird face, and totally smelled like fish to the point where I could smell it from a few feet away... fucking gross... I don't know what possessed me to put my dick in her mouth but I was like eh, let's see how she sucks cock. She didn't do a good job too much teeth and not enough tongue so i'm standing there with a half hard dick in this chicks mouth looking over at john drilling her pussy and making all the porno faces and sounds and I just couldn't get into it. Just wasn't my thing. That was that but I was thinking to myself man, so sleazy even for myself, a devout Sextrash fan. That chick wasn't hot or anything and John was constantly going what's wrong with you man, get her number and fuck her sometimes and i'm like dude leave me alone I'm not interested in her. John's fucking NASTY! If I ever see him and a girl around again and the girl looks clean and decent for a change i'm gonna go tell her about this and other stories you wait.
[Mar 16,2009 1:45am - spacecorpse ""]
Then there was the motel thing in Illinois where it was both John and i's bright idea to call an escort over to the room for erotic massage. Oh man, when I saw the girl I freaked. Fat and ugly blonde we got ripped off!! Or I should say John did anyway as I got dressed and left the room while she did him, it was so pitiful and gross. He told me all about how he got ripped off by this lowlife crack ho and to please never tell anyone about it.
[Mar 16,2009 1:48am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
My life sounds fun, nice stories, Georgie!
[Mar 16,2009 1:50am - spacecorpse ""]
fun? fucking pathetic man. And not only are you a sleazy nasty fucking fucker, you're not even gracious about it. You go around claiming to be what you're not to people and you know it.
[Mar 16,2009 1:53am - the_reverend ""]
that really is a good story... well both of them are great stories.
[Mar 16,2009 2:00am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I thought I had the monopoly on drama threads. WHAT THE FUCK
[Mar 16,2009 2:01am - SermonOfCockery  ""]
"...so i'm standing there with a half hard dick in this chicks mouth looking over at john drilling her pussy and making all the porno faces and sounds and I just couldn't get into it."

I think I just pissed myself. lofuckingl!!!!

In all honesty, thats some the gayest shit I've ever heard. Tag-teaming a chick is boderline homosexuality as it is, the fact you did it with John Dwyer makes it even gayer.

Keep those stories comin', this shit is pure internet gold!
[Mar 16,2009 2:01am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I'm a dirty-rotten spoiled baby. I fuck nasty whores and listen to SEXTRASH, BURZUM, REVENGE, BLASPHEMY, NAKED WHIPPER, MAYHEM, W.A.S.P. and SARCOFAGO and sell drugs to friends.

I never have to do anything except for what I want, ever.
[Mar 16,2009 2:17am - the_reverend ""]
if I were the admin, I would guess that dwyer made up spacecoprse just to tell awesome stories.

dwyer's a pro. he's been practicing pron faces for years. you should be honored he shared them with you.
[Mar 16,2009 2:19am - spacecorpse ""]
then there was the time we went back to his house with this girl he was supposedly madly in love with at the time, who will remain nameless at this time because I wish to spare her any further humiliation of having been involved with this. and I'm standing in John's spiral stairwell with her while John is doing something in his room that we can be inside his place while he does and she's telling me he's fucking weird! and I asked her then what the hell are you doing with him? and she said he really likes to party and I said umm yeah I know what you mean he he he and she goes hey, now get ready for this one because I myself couldn't fucking believe it either LMAO, she goes as long as he doesn't ask me to stick his G.I. Joes up his ass again!!! and I almost fucking died right there and john comes out to get us and he's like what's wrong? and they go in and get stoned and i'm just like what the fuck GI joe's? He fucks himself in the ass with his family airloom Gi Joe collection?
[Mar 16,2009 2:22am - spacecorpse ""]

the_reverend said:if I were the admin, I would guess that dwyer made up spacecoprse just to tell awesome stories.

dwyer's a pro. he's been practicing pron faces for years. you should be honored he shared them with you.

umm IP check Rev? you will find that these postings are not coming from John's house at all and that the IP matches all my other posts here. This is my moment of Rttp glory i'm not going to jeopardize my credit for bringing these wonderous stories to the Rttp reading public!!!
[Mar 16,2009 2:25am - SermonOfCockery  ""]
GI Joe's in the butt??!?!?!?!

I think I just pooped my pants

[Mar 16,2009 2:31am - spacecorpse ""]
dude I think I actually saw a brown piece of poo on Cobra Commander's head when I was over there once !!!!
[Mar 16,2009 2:35am - SermonOfCockery  ""]
Knowing is half the battle!
[Mar 16,2009 7:25am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
When is the Dwyer/Spacecorpse sex video coming out?
[Mar 16,2009 7:35am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
It's not coming out on Relapse.
[Mar 16,2009 7:43am - corpus_colostomy ""]
Amazing stuff.
and how 'fitting' that Johnny keisteres 'G-I' Joe figures.

[Mar 16,2009 8:03am - the_reverend ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:When is the Dwyer/Spacecorpse sex video coming out?
both too soon and not soon enough.

I was told lastnight that it isn't gay if your gf puts her finger in ur butt. I assume the same is true with dolls. as long as it's not a dude doing it.
[Mar 16,2009 8:48am - douchebag_patrol ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:When is the Dwyer/Spacecorpse sex video coming out?

[Mar 16,2009 8:48am - corpus_colostomy ""]

the_reverend said:
MarkFuckingRichards said:When is the Dwyer/Spacecorpse sex video coming out?
both too soon and not soon enough.

I was told lastnight that it isn't gay if your gf puts her finger in ur butt. I assume the same is true with dolls. as long as it's not a dude doing it.

is this the start of some gonzo internet porn site?
id like to see some chicks pooping out sgt. slaughter into another chicks mouth.

[Mar 16,2009 9:41am - goatcatalyst ""]
"so sleazy even for myself, a devout Sextrash fan"

Pure gold... And then I read the GI Joe part...


Rev, you ought adopt an Enquirer / Star magazine format. RTTP = supermarket tabloid. I think I'm gonna make a post about the old drummer later.
[Mar 16,2009 9:43am - goatcatalyst ""]
Old Catalyst drummer, that is. My magickal erudite Jewscholar blastfurnace can do no wrong.
[Mar 16,2009 10:02am - the_reverend ""]
first issue would feature bat boy...
[Mar 16,2009 10:07am - goatcatalyst ""]
Someone should really help out that random guy looking for Photoshop on Mac in that other thread...

*wink wink nudge nudge*
[Mar 16,2009 10:10am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Rule 34 request on G.I. Joe / Dwyer porn.
[Mar 16,2009 10:50am - Yeti ""]
Dwyer remembers his first date, he clubbed her and dragged her back to his cave by her hair.
[Mar 16,2009 11:52am - Georgie's mom  ""]
Shame on you all for posting dirty pictures and shame on you John Dwyer for not being a true friend to my Georgiepoo . You should be with him 24/7 and learn to like exactly what he does , you know he'll even pay good . Georgie did attend the "buy a friend classes "you know and he past too.
[Mar 16,2009 11:57am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 16,2009 12:22pm - dwyer should punch spacecorpse  ""]
spacecorpse couldn't get it up because he was expecting dwyer to poke him in the ass, lol..
[Mar 16,2009 12:27pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
[Mar 16,2009 12:28pm - W3 @ work  ""]
[Mar 16,2009 12:32pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I bet Mrs. Dwyer would be down for some MMA action.
[Mar 16,2009 12:33pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 16,2009 12:35pm - Meathook  ""]
I bet someone is going to bang this spacecorpse guy for holding all this shit to dwyers face and posting picks. Peace out brothas nice knowing ya
[Mar 16,2009 1:40pm - pam ""]
Dumb thread is dumb.
[Mar 16,2009 2:13pm - spacecorpse ""]
this thread rules dwyer's suckin shit. now we just gotta invite john's new love interest over here to hang. anyone who's ever hung out with john knows he's a douchebag. one time there was a guy from a great local band over his house hanging. the dude will remain nameless because it's fucking embarassing. and john made him and I and this other guy all move this bitches furniture out of his garage in the freezing cold and over dangerous black ice without any lights on outside because john got made at her for telling him it's not HIS garage, it's his mom's and that she can keep her stuff in there if she wants. John threw a fit soon thereafter and had to be admitted by his family to the nuthouse for a while. Hey we all helped him out that night because we were his friends and that's what friends do but he didn't deserve our help because he's just a lowlife, a carchee, a used car saleman at best.
[Mar 16,2009 2:18pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Mar 16,2009 2:26pm - spacecorpse ""]
hey you know what my friend it is the truth and even though you may think you're taking the high road by sarcastically admitting it here, I know that you know that this is the truth about you and that gives me some satisfaction. You are an asshole John. You're not good for the scene if anything you give it a bad name because you're like the Billy Mays telemarketer of metal. Where is that guy Billy Mays right about now? when will he show up and post?
[Mar 16,2009 2:41pm - TheGentleman  ""]
Dwyer, is all this delicious drama is becoming A Tragedy Unveiled.
[Mar 16,2009 3:14pm - spacecorpse ""]
john is so self-absorbed he strokes off not to ejaculate but to stroke his own ego
[Mar 16,2009 3:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 16,2009 3:22pm - Pires ""]
I'll hook you up. I can't wait to see AxCx there. It's going to be so much fun!1!1!!!!1!!
[Mar 16,2009 3:28pm - Yet again  ""]
Spacecorpse makes reference to dwyer as having a penis shaped face I guess thats why he was drawn to him he then makes reference to his dick and dwyers dick I guess thats why he was drawn to him he then makes reference to dwyer masturbating I guess thats why he was drawn to him he then makes reference to black ice I guess thats why he was drawn to him he then makes reference to Cocks, dicks, penis, wiener snitch, soft flaccid wiener snitch, wiener snootch, uncircumcised wiener, uncircumsized wiener snootch, cum, semen, dick, dick, dick, and oh dick and more penis I guess thats why he was drawn to only men and wont talk to woman at destruction shows
[Mar 16,2009 3:31pm - Yet again  ""]
Spacecorpse is jealous because he doesnt get ass like dwyer and he has a small penis from what I hear. I had three girls I know through dwyer (3 anonymous) that all said when dwyer saw Georges flaccid dick it was 3 inches at most so thats why he is so hung up hahaha on dicks. I have also seen spacecorpse write in other threads about dick size with some fagots in some gay band gayside service or something.
[Mar 16,2009 3:32pm - Yet again  ""]
Pires I will go to axcx with you
[Mar 16,2009 3:34pm - PIKACHU  ""]
[Mar 16,2009 3:43pm - Yeti ""]

spacecorpse said:john is so self-absorbed he strokes off not to ejaculate but to stroke his own ego

if this is not a troll and a legit thread, then you are the biggest cry baby pussy faggot that ever lived. congratulations.
[Mar 16,2009 3:48pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Well, hey, this is the first time since I've been here that Dwyer has been extensively flamed like this and from a signed in poster no less.

Keep the lulz coming.
[Mar 16,2009 3:55pm - PIKACHU  ""]
[Mar 16,2009 3:59pm - scarial ""]
uggh, Those sex video's are so John Dwyer!!! GrosS!
[Mar 16,2009 4:16pm - PIKACHU  ""]
[Mar 16,2009 9:11pm - spacecorpse ""]

Yet%20again said:Spacecorpse makes reference to dwyer as having a penis shaped face I guess thats why he was drawn to him he then makes reference to his dick and dwyers dick I guess thats why he was drawn to him he then makes reference to dwyer masturbating I guess thats why he was drawn to him he then makes reference to black ice I guess thats why he was drawn to him he then makes reference to Cocks, dicks, penis, wiener snitch, soft flaccid wiener snitch, wiener snootch, uncircumcised wiener, uncircumsized wiener snootch, cum, semen, dick, dick, dick, and oh dick and more penis I guess thats why he was drawn to only men and wont talk to woman at destruction shows

Ron how does it feel to be a man in your mid 20's and you follow me, a known cock hound around(haha it ryhmes) the internet tracking my posts and analyzing them? at least you're having fun.
[Mar 16,2009 9:13pm - spacecorpse ""]

Yeti said:
spacecorpse said:john is so self-absorbed he strokes off not to ejaculate but to stroke his own ego

if this is not a troll and a legit thread, then you are the biggest cry baby pussy faggot that ever lived. congratulations.

Really? and you base this award on what data? I think that jew crying over what those black supremacists said to him in that video that guy was a way bigger cry baby and so are you.
[Mar 16,2009 9:15pm - spacecorpse ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Well, hey, this is the first time since I've been here that Dwyer has been extensively flamed like this and from a signed in poster no less.

Keep the lulz coming.

Hey you know what Dwyer's reputation isn't very good to begin with. For some odd reason he's semi-well liked on Rttp but i'm not afraid to use my real name here or anywhere else to expose this retarded dickface. Bottom line is that you're all afraid of John Dwyer. If you look at that guys face and it doesn't bother you in the least the same way Kelso from that 70's show's does, then you've got a serious problem. Just look at that guys face! He looks like he has down syndrome!
[Mar 16,2009 9:20pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Mar 16,2009 9:21pm - spacecorpse ""]
Hyey john why don't you go fuck your mother I hear she's a big time whore over there in Newport or an ex-whore that now run's a brothel over there. I hear you have to eat out her maggot infested cunt in order for her to let you stay at your house you stay at now.
[Mar 16,2009 9:30pm - archaeon ""]
Spacecorpse. You suck at hating dwyer. GTFO
[Mar 16,2009 9:31pm - the_reverend ""]
the "j" dinker?
[Mar 16,2009 9:32pm - yummy ""]
[Mar 16,2009 9:33pm - the_reverend ""]
I guess a girl from my highschool that I made fun of on here married someone with the last name "fail" hilarious.
[Mar 16,2009 9:37pm - spacecorpse ""]

archaeon said:Spacecorpse. You suck at hating dwyer. GTFO
maybe you should try sucking his dick sometime
[Mar 16,2009 9:39pm - archaeon ""]
Shut your fucking mouth, I've been probably the biggest advocate of Dwyer hating round these parts. You should realize who you're talking to.
[Mar 16,2009 9:43pm - spacecorpse ""]

archaeon said:Shut your fucking mouth, I've been probably the biggest advocate of Dwyer hating round these parts. You should realize who you're talking to.

yeah well then suck my dick and be a chum why dontcha? instead of giving me shit.
[Mar 16,2009 9:46pm - archaeon ""]
Because you suck at internet hating, It's way funnier if you do things subtle rather than starting a thread. OMG DWYERZ A FAGGOT. STFU. get creative.
[Mar 16,2009 9:46pm - spacecorpse ""]
Either way this is my point. It doesn't matter what you say about me or whatever, I ALWAYS act stupid on this site, well at least most of the time. THe fact of the matter is that now you know about John Dwyer's orgies with other men at his house and all that other stuff. I don't give a shit what you think of me, i'm not trying to win at all the popularity contests like john.
[Mar 16,2009 9:46pm - archaeon ""]

[Mar 16,2009 9:48pm - spacecorpse ""]

archaeon said:Because you suck at internet hating, It's way funnier if you do things subtle rather than starting a thread. OMG DWYERZ A FAGGOT. STFU. get creative.

Look, I hate the guy and I really hope he dies soon. Why would I wanna get creative and waste my time downloading funny pictures and stuff to please you or him or any other asshole out there. I'm sick of his stupid face, I hate him, I only posted this to make him look stupid in some way, shape, or form and if there's anything funny about it at all, it's the fact that it's all TRUE. What's funnier, sadder, scarier, etc. etc. than the truth? Think about it. Think about it....
[Mar 16,2009 9:50pm - Murph ""]
[Mar 16,2009 9:50pm - yummy ""]

the_reverend said:I guess a girl from my highschool that I made fun of on here married someone with the last name "fail" hilarious.

That doesn't even make sense to you.
[Mar 16,2009 9:52pm - archaeon ""]

spacecorpse said:
Look, I hate the guy and I really hope he dies soon. Why would I wanna get creative and waste my time downloading funny pictures and stuff to please you or him or any other asshole out there. I'm sick of his stupid face, I hate him, I only posted this to make him look stupid in some way, shape, or form and if there's anything funny about it at all, it's the fact that it's all TRUE. What's funnier, sadder, scarier, etc. etc. than the truth? Think about it. Think about it....

I want to fuck you so bad.
[Mar 16,2009 9:55pm - spacecorpse ""]
see that? you are gay too.
[Mar 16,2009 10:09pm - the_reverend ""]
sorry, I was thinking about it. hot.
[Mar 16,2009 10:13pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

spacecorpse said:not cool to brag about all the cheap ass you can score. You'll fuck anything with a vagina


[Mar 16,2009 10:13pm - archaeon ""]
I only swallow composteds load
[Mar 16,2009 10:15pm - archaeon ""]
[Mar 16,2009 10:55pm - spacecorpse ""]
aww look at that john sucks his father you can soo tell
[Mar 16,2009 11:03pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
What good son doesn't?!
[Mar 16,2009 11:14pm - spacecorpse ""]
you're not a good son john you're just a son of a bitch
[Mar 16,2009 11:17pm - archaeon ""]

[Mar 16,2009 11:18pm - archaeon ""]
Interesting: Hillary Clinton has been telling America that she is the most qualified candidate for president based on her 'record,' which she says includes her eight years in the White House as First Lady - or 'co-president' - and her seven years in the Senate. Here is a reminder of what that record includes: - As First Lady, Hillary assumed authority over Health Care Reform, a process that cost the taxpayers over $13 million. She told both Bill Bradley and Patrick Moynihan, key votes needed to pass her legislation, that she would 'demonize' anyone who opposed it. But it was opposed; she couldn't even get it to a vote in a Congress controlled by her own party. (And in the next election, her party lost control of both the House and Senate.) - Hillary assumed authority over selecting a female Attorney General. Her first two recommendations, Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood, were forced to withdraw their names from consideration. She then chose Janet Reno. Janet Reno has since been described by Bill himself as 'my worst mistake.' - Hillary recommended Lani Guanier for head of the Civil Rights Commission. When Guanier's radical views became known, her name had to be withdrawn. - Hillary recommended her former law partners, Web Hubbell, Vince Foster, and William Kennedy for positions in the Justice Department, White House staff, and the Treasury, respectively. Hubbell was later imprisoned, Foster committed suicide, and Kennedy was forced to resign. - Hillary also recommended a close friend of the Clintons, Craig Livingstone, for the position of director of White House security. When Livingstone was investigated for the improper access of up to 900 FBI files of Clinton enemies (?Filegate?) and the widespread use of drugs by White House staff, both Hillary and her husband denied knowing him. FBI agent Dennis Sculimbrene confirmed in a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in 1996, both the drug use and Hillary's involvement in hiring Livingstone. After that, the FBI closed its White House Liaison Office, after serving seven presidents for over thirty years. - In order to open ?slots? in the White House for her friends the Thomasons (to whom millions of dollars in travel contracts could be awarded), Hillary had the entire staff of the White House Travel Office fired; they were reported to the FBI for 'gross mismanagement' and their reputations ruined. After a thirty-month investigation, only one, Billy Dale, was charged with a crime - mixing personal money with White House funds when he cashed checks. The jury acquitted him in less than two hours. - Another of Hil lary's assumed duties was directing the 'bimbo eruption squad' and scandal defense: ---- She urged her husband not to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit. ---- She refused to release the Whitewater documents, which led to the appointment of Ken Starr as Special Prosecutor. After $80 million dollars of taxpayer money was spent, Starr's investigation led to Monica Lewinsky, which led to Bill lying about and later admitting his affairs. ---- Then they had to settle with Paula Jones after all. ---- And Bill lost his law license for lying to the grand jury ---- And Bill was impeached by the House. ---- And Hillary almost got herself indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice (she avoided it mostly because she repeated, 'I do not recall,' 'I have no recollection,' and 'I don't know' 56 times under oath). - Hillary wrote 'It Takes a Village,' demonstrating her Socialist viewpoint. - Hill ary decided to seek election to the Senate in a state she had never lived in. Her husband pardoned FALN terrorists in order to get Latino support and the New Square Hassidim to get Jewish support. Hillary also had Bill pardon her brother's clients, for a small fee, to get financial support. - Then Hillary left the White House, but later had to return $200,000 in White House furniture, china, and artwork she had stolen. - In the campaign for the Senate, Hillary played the 'woman card' by portraying her opponent (Lazio) as a bully picking on her. - Hillary's husband further protected her by asking the National Archives to withhold from the public until 2012 many records of their time in the White House, including much of Hillary's correspondence and her calendars. (There are ongoing lawsuits to force the release of those records.) - As the junior Senator from New York, Hillary has passed no major legislation. She has deferred to the senior Senator (Schumer) to tend to the needs of New Yorkers, even on the hot issue of medical problems of workers involved in the cleanup of Ground Zero after 9/11. - Hillary's one notable vote; supporting the plan to invade Iraq, she has since disavowed. Quite a resume?. Sounds more like an organized crime family?s rap sheet. please read the following information gathered from the Library of Congress. Feel free to check these records for yourself; better still, read a little more, and try and stay current before posting assinine comments: Clinton v. Obama on Legislative Experience: Senator Clinton, who has served only one full term (6yrs.), and another year campaigning, has managed to author and pass into law, (20) twenty pieces of legislation in her first six years. These bills can be found on the website of the Library of Congress (www.thomas.loc.gov), but to save you trouble, I'll post them here for you: 1. Establish the Kate Mullany National Historic Site. 2. Support the goals and ideals of Better Hearing and Speech Month. 3. Recognize the Ellis Island Medal of Honor. 4. Name courthouse after Thurgood Marshall. 5. Name courthouse after James L. Watson. 6. Name post office after Jonn A. O'Shea. 7. Designate Aug. 7, 2003, as National Purple Heart Recognition Day. 8. Support the goals and ideals of National Purple Heart Recognition Day. This is a wall of text. 9. Honor the life and legacy of Alexander Hamilton on the bicentennial of his death. 10. Congratulate the Syracuse Univ. Orange Men's Lacrosse Team on winning the championship. 11. Congratulate the Le Moyne College Dolphins Men's Lacrosse Team on winning the championship. 12. Establish the 225th Anniversary of the American Revolution Commemorative Program. 13. Name post office after Sergeant Riayan A. Tejeda. 14. Honor Shirley Chisholm for her service to the nation and express condolences on her death. 15. Honor John J. Downing, Brian Fahey, and Harry Ford, firefighters who lost their lives on duty. Only five of Clinton's bills are, more substantive. 16. Extend period of unemployment assistance to victims of 9/11. 17. Pay for city projects in response to 9/11 18. Assist landmine victims in other countries. 19. Assist family caregivers in accessing affordable respite care. 20. Designate part of the National Forest System in Puerto Rico as protected in the wilderness preservation system. There you have it, the fact's straight from the Senate Record. Now, I would post those of Obama's, but the list is too substantive, so I'll mainly categorize. During the first (8) eight months of his elected service he sponsored over 820 bills. He introduced 233 regarding healthcare reform, 125 on poverty and public assistance, 112 crime fighting bills, 97 economic bills, 60 human rights and anti-discrimination bills, 21 ethics reform bills, 15 gun control, 6 veterans affairs and many others. His first year in the U.S. Senate, he authored 152 bills and co-sponsored another 427. These inculded **the Coburn-Obama Government Transparency Act of 2006 (became law), **The Lugar-Obama Nuclear Non-proliferation and Conventional Weapons Threat Reduction Act, (became law), **The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act, passed the Senate, **The 2007 Government Ethics Bill, (became law), **The Protection Against Excessive Executive Compensation Bill, (In committee), and many more. In all since he entered the U.S. Senate, Senator Obama has written 890 bills and co-sponsored another 1096. An impressive record, for someone who supposedly has no legislative record. . . . My last point: Obama needs name recognition, he needs to be among the people, so people feel like they have access to him. HRC's debate challenge is more about the fact that her campaign is running low on money and she gets free air-time without spending anything. Would you give up the chance to see 20,000 voters up close and personal to be on a televised debate? No way! Obama, stick to your guns. Debate on your terms, not Hillary's! Go Obama 2008!
[Mar 16,2009 11:19pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Mar 16,2009 11:20pm - yummy ""]
I don't understand what any of this has to do with anything. Am I supposed to tell him how much of a bad, awful person he is, and that he has some fucked up stories, and I read a buncha shit on da internetz about him?

I could give two fuckin shits. I barely know anybody here.

[Mar 16,2009 11:29pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
George thinks that people wanna be liked by other random people, he is a very strange bird.
[Mar 17,2009 12:22am - spacecorpse ""]

yummy said:I don't understand what any of this has to do with anything. Am I supposed to tell him how much of a bad, awful person he is, and that he has some fucked up stories, and I read a buncha shit on da internetz about him?

I could give two fuckin shits. I barely know anybody here.

Yes, yes(in a strong hasidicly jewish accent) Tell him, tell the son of god why he is indeed such a terrible, terrible person. John Dwyer... You are a very, very bad, bad person. Look at these stories, can you still claim to be the son of god?
[Mar 17,2009 12:45am - the_reverend ""]
can I haz a cookie?
[Mar 17,2009 1:11am - spacecorpse ""]
well reverend i'm a hasidic jew so you can have half mmmmmm kay?
[Mar 17,2009 3:08am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Mar 17,2009 7:20am - Yeti ""]

spacecorpse said:
Yeti said:
spacecorpse said:john is so self-absorbed he strokes off not to ejaculate but to stroke his own ego

if this is not a troll and a legit thread, then you are the biggest cry baby pussy faggot that ever lived. congratulations.

Really? and you base this award on what data? I think that jew crying over what those black supremacists said to him in that video that guy was a way bigger cry baby and so are you.

see above at everything you posted. that's all the data needed.
[Mar 17,2009 10:10am - KadoogASSÜCK  ""]
Before I read anything past the first post, I'd like to say that although Dwyer occasionally makes himself an easy target, I only make fun of him because he does indeed make himself such an easy target.

I've still never spoken to the guy as far as I can remember. Except maybe that one time when we wore the same shirt. Sweet nothings were whispered that fateful day...
[Mar 17,2009 10:14am - KadoogASSÜCK  ""]
oh man I just read some of that and my post looks waaaaaaaaaaay gayer than it should have hahaha.
[Mar 17,2009 10:16am - Okentunde Ockenlopa  ""]
hoo hoo haa haa beep click crunch krackle
[Mar 17,2009 10:54am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 17,2009 11:05am - W3 @ WORK  ""]


[Mar 17,2009 11:14am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 17,2009 11:20am - W3 @ WORK  ""]
bu bu bu buuuut i don't wear hats
[Mar 17,2009 11:24am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 17,2009 11:26am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 17,2009 11:26am - W3 @ WORK  ""]
[Mar 17,2009 3:14pm - Yeti ""]
I ALREADY HAD 'IM.....that's right i already had 'im.
[Mar 17,2009 3:26pm - scarial ""]

You FAIL At life



It's You SUCK At Life, And that you do!


WHITE TRASH FOR LIFE YO':middlefinger:
[Mar 17,2009 3:28pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Georgie has some strange fuckin' fantasies.
[Mar 17,2009 3:33pm - brian_dc ""]


I actually made a pork chop sandwich last night
[Mar 17,2009 3:38pm - scarial ""]
[Mar 17,2009 3:39pm - scarial ""]
[Mar 17,2009 3:39pm - DYA NLI FTW  ""]
[Mar 17,2009 3:41pm - DYA NLI FTW  ""]
[Mar 17,2009 3:47pm - scary vaj  ""]
scarial wants sc because he had secondary sex with a guy that did her mom.
[Mar 17,2009 3:52pm - Inquired mind  ""]
what? dude I think she just wants the corpse for his money and because he's so studdly and doesn't need a chinstrap to cover up his dbl chin, he looks downright proud of it if ya ask me !!
[Mar 17,2009 3:53pm - eye witness  ""]
I saw him iq test some bitch he secondarily had sex with after dwyer
[Mar 17,2009 3:53pm - da lulzinator  ""]

scary%20vaj said:scarial wants sc because he had secondary sex with a guy that beat up her mom.

[Mar 17,2009 3:55pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Never hit a chick in my life and if I was gonna start it wouldn't be with Scarial's mom, i know better.
[Mar 17,2009 3:57pm - eye witness  ""]
Dwyer why did you make georgeie poo fart german jew have secondary sex with you
[Mar 17,2009 4:00pm - spacecorpse ""]
yeah you tell em you tell em he made me do it! I was drunk and didn't wanna but HE MADE ME!!!
[Mar 17,2009 4:04pm - eye witness  ""]
come on george you should be friends with gayside again like the good old days no hard feelings
[Mar 17,2009 4:04pm - ScArial ""]

scary%20vaj said:scarial wants sc because he had secondary sex with a guy that did her mom.

Why would I wan't somone that's been with a 76 year old women, lmfao. My MOM
[Mar 17,2009 4:06pm - spacecorpse ""]
just admit it scarial, admit you want my 4 inch dick in and around your mouth... just admit it then we be cool baby.
[Mar 17,2009 4:07pm - spacecorpse ""]

eye%20witness said:come on george you should be friends with gayside again like the good old days no hard feelings
yeah if they stop harassig me on here then I may try to smooth it over and if they are cool with me maybe trying out again we'll see what happens. I been practicing my triplets alot and can really chug out a good death riff now ha ha.
[Mar 17,2009 4:11pm - eye witness  ""]
that would actually be pretty cool. This shit usually happens in this metal scene anyway, but you should give it a world.
[Mar 17,2009 4:24pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Mar 17,2009 8:12pm - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
This is a really good thread!
[Mar 18,2009 12:08am - Reader's Digest  ""]
plooooop !!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaahhh take a shit...
[Mar 18,2009 1:12am - ScArial ""]

spacecorpse said:
eye%20witness said:come on george you should be friends with gayside again like the good old days no hard feelings
yeah if they stop harassig me on here then I may try to smooth it over and if they are cool with me maybe trying out again we'll see what happens. I been practicing my triplets alot and can really chug out a good death riff now ha ha.

[Mar 18,2009 3:57am - fishcakes ""]

spacecorpse said:just admit it scarial, admit you want my 4 inch dick in and around your mouth... just admit it then we be cool baby.

wtf? asshole
[Mar 18,2009 3:59am - Hungtabreeed  ""]
I don't really know him. I bought a few cd's off of him but from RttP - I heard he takes it on the chin...
[Mar 18,2009 8:12pm - mysoulinhell  ""]
Dwyer is a mental midget anyway. The world would be a better shithole if he shit the bed from some green-cock disease. Hey, maybe we could finally grab some of his "fantastic" merch when he goes. hahaha....big joke for such a small pile of shit he is.
[Mar 18,2009 8:49pm - Tired  ""]
I heard Dwyers penis is small and I am interested in knowing that fact I also heard Spacecorpse has a small one in another thread and I am extremely interested in that fact look I am just tired and I need to know dick sizes I said his dickdjhf djhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhf bdgfbndztgnsdtszxwATEy,mglujo;/y 08;
[Mar 19,2009 1:41pm - Mistress  ""]
I guess this argument is over, no? I heard they made up and are good friends again.
[Mar 19,2009 2:23pm - brian_dc ""]
[Mar 19,2009 3:58pm - gijohn  ""]
who cares, they're both fucking retards anyway.

i will forever associate gi joe's with john dwyers anus.

thanks internet.

[Feb 8,2010 10:00pm - Dwyer  ""]
Fuck this shit
[Feb 8,2010 10:09pm - Dwyer  ""]

[Dec 6,2010 10:04am - goatcatalyst¡®s greatest hits  ""]

goatcatalyst said:My magickal erudite Jewscholar blastfurnace can do no wrong.
[Sep 12,2012 1:57pm - HAMBONE  ""]
[Sep 13,2012 12:39am - superfagaliciousexpialedocious  ""]
[Mar 31,2014 12:41pm - HAMBONE  ""]
[Jul 3,2014 3:06pm - Spacecorpse Insights  ""]

spacecorpse said:then there was the time we went back to his house with this girl he was supposedly madly in love with at the time, who will remain nameless at this time because I wish to spare her any further humiliation of having been involved with this. and I'm standing in John's spiral stairwell with her while John is doing something in his room that we can be inside his place while he does and she's telling me he's fucking weird! and I asked her then what the hell are you doing with him? and she said he really likes to party and I said umm yeah I know what you mean he he he and she goes hey, now get ready for this one because I myself couldn't fucking believe it either LMAO, she goes as long as he doesn't ask me to stick his G.I. Joes up his ass again!!! and I almost fucking died right there and john comes out to get us and he's like what's wrong? and they go in and get stoned and i'm just like what the fuck GI joe's? He fucks himself in the ass with his family airloom Gi Joe collection?

[Dec 21,2014 10:48pm - Cobra Commanders shit helmet  ""]
Bump for Faggot Dwyer banned at Dusk.
[Jul 3,2018 7:17am - Truth  ""]
[Jul 3,2018 7:58am - susurrate ""]
LOL @ group sex anecdote

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