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I am going to see the crue tonight in Machester

[Mar 17,2009 11:30am - reimroc ""]
Lucky me?
[Mar 17,2009 11:31am - reimroc ""]
[Mar 17,2009 11:34am - W3 @ WORK  ""]
[Mar 17,2009 11:42am - reimroc ""]
thats what i thought. going for free so i can't complain.
[Mar 17,2009 11:46am - W3 @ WORK  ""]
sure you can.
[Mar 17,2009 12:10pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I'd go see them actually if they weren't playing with some pretty shitty bands.
[Mar 17,2009 12:13pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
kickstart my fart
[Mar 17,2009 12:21pm - metal_church101 ""]
Tommy Lee is the best drummer that ever lived.
[Mar 17,2009 12:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

metal_church101 said:Tommy Lee is the best Hair Metal drummer that ever lived.

[Mar 17,2009 12:28pm - metal_church101 ""]
:moe: SARCASM :moe:
[Mar 17,2009 12:38pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 17,2009 12:38pm - metal_church101 ""]
[Mar 17,2009 12:39pm - metal_church101 ""]
:tightiewhities: SKID MARKS :tightiewhities:
[Mar 17,2009 2:28pm - Pires ""]
I'd go for free. Wouldn't pay money though some guy I work with is all juiced up for it. Spent like $300 for tickets and hotel room. Idiot.
[Mar 17,2009 2:36pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Bottom line, Too Fast for Love and Shout at the Devil were great albums.
[Mar 17,2009 2:38pm - masshole  ""]

metal_church101 said:Tommy Lee is the best drummer that ever lived.

no he has the biggest cock that ever lived
[Mar 17,2009 2:46pm - metal_church101 ""]

masshole said:
metal_church101 said:Tommy Lee is the best drummer that ever lived.

no he has the biggest cock that ever lived

Have you studied up on that?
[Mar 17,2009 3:45pm - TommyLee  ""]
Fuck you, I'll split you in half.
[Mar 17,2009 3:56pm - KidRock  ""]
I know where you live glam boy. Lay off my sister Pam shes mine. Honkey tonk.
[Mar 17,2009 4:01pm - reimroc ""]

largefreakatzero said:Bottom line, Too Fast for Love and Shout at the Devil were great albums.

i'm going to have to agree
[Mar 17,2009 4:09pm - metal_church101 ""]

KidRock said:......Honkey tonk.

[Mar 17,2009 4:11pm - oscarct ""]
im sure it will be fun alot of old 80's titties. all the openers are garbage.
[Mar 17,2009 4:26pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I saw them in 1990, i am old.
[Mar 17,2009 5:12pm - G nli  ""]

oscarct said:im sure it will be fun alot of old 80's titties. all the openers are garbage.

yea we're planning on skipping that
[Mar 17,2009 5:35pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Drink too much and play a cruel trick on your penis.
[Mar 17,2009 7:21pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Fuck spending $85 for seats in the back of the arena.
[Mar 17,2009 8:19pm - archaeon ""]
I wanna suck tommy lee's dick so bad
[Mar 17,2009 8:35pm - the_reverend ""]
tommy lee's in composted now?
[Mar 18,2009 9:38am - reimroc ""]
Wasn't bad. They opened up with kickstart my heart. Their whole set was pretty much all their popular songs you hear on the radio. They kept it oldschool the whole night only playing a couple songs from their new CD and the rest coming of all of their well-known material. Tommy lee is still a jackass and Mick Mars is the shit.

edit: jk too fast for love was the 3rd song
[Mar 18,2009 10:56am - largefreakatzero ""]
Did they have to prop up Mick Mars against a pole or something?
[Mar 18,2009 10:59am - reimroc ""]

largefreakatzero said:Did they have to prop up Mick Mars against a pole or something?

naw but he played all slouched over like an old man lol. the rest looked in good health.
[Mar 18,2009 11:01am - W3 @ work  ""]
where the hell are the pictures of tits
[Mar 18,2009 11:07am - reimroc ""]
couple goofy stories

1.) Halfway through the set tommy lee came to the front and handed half a bottle of jager to the crowd and told them to start drinking. some dumb chick (who got handed the bottle first) i guess took some huge gulps and tommy made fun of her for about 5 minutes straight for not sharing calling her a bitch. i laughed hard in my drunken stuper.

2.) Two rows down from where me and my buddys were sitting was this greasy persian dude with a sterotypical ponytail. he looked like a villian straight out of a shitty 90s action movie. my buddy sparks a J and this dude turns around and gives us a signal to cut it out. the rest of the show we kept calling him captian buzzkill/various other names extremely loud. again, i was laughing in my drunken stuper.

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