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Robber fatally shot in Miami Burger King holdup

[Mar 25,2009 10:17am - darkwor ""]

legal guns is legal, dudes
[Mar 25,2009 10:23am - reimroc ""]

darkwor said:legal guns is legal, dudes
[Mar 25,2009 10:26am - DYA NLI  ""]
[Mar 25,2009 10:28am - largefreakatzero ""]
I have a carry permit, but I think I would have stayed out of this altogether. If the guy is just going to leave with BK money, there is no need to be a hero / get shot.
[Mar 25,2009 10:31am - darkwor ""]

largefreakatzero said:I have a carry permit, but I think I would have stayed out of this altogether. If the guy is just going to leave with BK money, there is no need to be a hero / get shot.

true. but we're not sure what went on, if the thief seemed like he was going to start shooting, different story. you never can tell.
[Mar 25,2009 10:56am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yes, obviously if it comes down to protecting yourself, family or friends, by all means, start firing away.

I just picked this little beauty up last week:

[Mar 25,2009 10:59am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
if you are going to bring a loaded gun and threaten to use it, you should be prepared to use it. atleast he had the balls to bring the gun, loaded, and fire it when he had to. the guy who took him out had balls too.

also... why the fuck would you rob BK? for the cool 50 bucks in the register? SO WORTH IT.
[Mar 25,2009 11:00am - Mr. Burns  ""]
I'll have it my way, thank you.
[Mar 25,2009 11:06am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Maybe he just wanted breakfast

[Mar 25,2009 11:37am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Puts a whole new meaning behind "Burger Shot"
[Mar 25,2009 11:42am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
I feel more comfortable calling you "Rick" after all we've been through.
[Mar 25,2009 11:57am - largefreakatzero ""]

TheGreatSpaldino said:if you are going to bring a loaded gun and threaten to use it, you should be prepared to use it. atleast he had the balls to bring the gun, loaded, and fire it when he had to. the guy who took him out had balls too.

Of course, but you should not use it unless you absolutely HAVE TO. Once you pull that thing out, you are all in, all chips on the table.
[Mar 25,2009 11:54pm - metal_church101 ""]

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