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[Mar 29,2009 1:44am - KeynoteCompany ""]
Just got a message about this tour.

FUCK THE FACTS (relapse)
GIGAN (Napalm- X Hate Eternal)

Let me know if you'd come out to it.
Show would be in June on a Wednesday or Thursday night
[Mar 29,2009 1:49am - W3 nli  ""]

KeynoteCompany said:LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT (Ferret)

[Mar 29,2009 2:19am - the_reverend ""]
wasn't this suppose to be at great scotts?
[Mar 29,2009 3:16am - boblovesmusic ""]
I think I could deal with going to this... maybe... hehe
[Mar 29,2009 3:17am - RichHorror ""]
Weird lineup.
[Mar 29,2009 5:03am - Pires ""]
[Mar 29,2009 8:14am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

the_reverend said:wasn't this suppose to be at great scotts?

That was way back in November and it was Gigan, Lecherous Nocturne and maybe a few others. Nothing as big as MC though.

So long as I don't have to work I would most definitely be at a Malevolent Creation show.
[Mar 29,2009 8:17am - archaeon ""]
I'd probably go to this. Only if i can sell tickets.
[Mar 29,2009 8:44am - blue ""]
Ill be all over this. MC with Brett Hoffman on vocals is something I need to finally see.
[Mar 29,2009 9:11am - RustyPS ""]
hmmmmm....I'd go
[Mar 29,2009 10:00am - darky nli  ""]
i'd be there to see MC
[Mar 29,2009 10:51am - KeynoteCompany ""]
Thanks for the input.
How much would people pay for this tour?
I'm thinking this would have to be $15 adv / $18 doors to work, but trying to figure it out.
[Mar 29,2009 12:53pm - mortalis ""]

blue said:MC with Brett Hoffman on vocals is something I need to finally see.

agreed. too bad i'll probably be in DC.
[Mar 29,2009 1:03pm - blue ""]
15 is a little much I think, but I'd still pay it.
[Mar 29,2009 5:13pm - chrisabomb ""]
We were offered it for Hell & passed. Too high of a guarantee & M.C. never shows up anyways....
[Mar 29,2009 5:16pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Mar 29,2009 6:02pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I'd go...I love Malevolent Creation. Last time they played the Mid East they played a lot of old shit and was pumped...
[Mar 29,2009 6:02pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I wish there was another halfway decent band on the bill with them, though.
[Mar 29,2009 7:05pm - KeynoteCompany ""]

chrisabomb said:We were offered it for Hell & passed. Too high of a guarantee & M.C. never shows up anyways....

Yeah I figured you were offered it.
I think I'm probably going to pass too.
I just got the guarantee info and I think the lineup doesn't blend well.
[Mar 30,2009 1:51pm - chrisabomb ""]

KeynoteCompany said:
chrisabomb said:We were offered it for Hell & passed. Too high of a guarantee & M.C. never shows up anyways....

Yeah I figured you were offered it.
I think I'm probably going to pass too.
I just got the guarantee info and I think the lineup doesn't blend well.

you think? that was ridiculous!!!!!
[Mar 30,2009 3:14pm - Robing ""]
Good thing I can rescue it.
[Mar 30,2009 3:26pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

AndrewBastard said:I love Malevolent Creation. Last time they played the Mid East they played a lot of old shit

Yeah, that was a great show.

[Mar 30,2009 3:29pm - the_reverend ""]
hoffman at MDF was better than the mid east show.

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