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Looking for Drummer and Bass For Blues/Stoner Heavy Band

[Mar 31,2009 5:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Currently have a solid vocalist with a bunch of songs in acoustic form. We want to start moving into a heavier direction with the music and do some stuff like - Kyuss, COC, Seemless, Down, but mix with Kenny Wayne Shepard, Creedence, and Dylan.

Located in Worcester County

interested parties can pm me or email at tgretschel@dcu.org.

[Mar 31,2009 5:31pm - immortal13 ""]
Where is worcester county?
[Mar 31,2009 5:35pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ok, worcester... but if you're in worcester county (the surrounding area) it probably work better.
[Mar 31,2009 6:12pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I hate that I can't do this right now.
[Mar 31,2009 6:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
whats stoppin you?
[Mar 31,2009 6:22pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Tryin' to get this Darkwor thing up and running - I'm not attaching myself to anything else until we at the very least get a demo finished that we're happy with. Otherwise I'd be in like five bands already. DAMN YOU ADD
[Mar 31,2009 6:23pm - josh_hates_you ""]
any chance of adding a little soilent green and high on fire/sleep to the influences.........
[Mar 31,2009 6:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

josh_hates_you said:any chance of adding a little soilent green and high on fire/sleep to the influences.........

that could prob be arranged. I like Sleep and High on Fire's approach. My vocalist isnt that familiar with the heavier side of music but seems open to just doing an all out balls to the wall rock project. Dude's got the perfect voice for it and writes catchy tunes.
[Mar 31,2009 6:40pm - josh_hates_you ""]
that sounds cool. i been playing black metal and want to do something slower.

do you have a place to practice? i play here in my apartment. drums.
[Mar 31,2009 6:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
that i'm not sure of by i'll back to you on it.
[Mar 31,2009 6:50pm - josh_hates_you ""]

josh_hates_you said: i play here in my apartment. drums.

i have a place to play if you dont.
[Apr 1,2009 8:47am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
we now have a bassist and he has a jam space in worcester
[Apr 1,2009 9:06am - TrollisMySignature  ""]
Damn you rev!
[Apr 1,2009 9:14am - TrollisMySignature  ""]
Reimroc- thanks to my lack of logging in abilities i cant respond to your pm. looks like we have a couple interested parties so i think we are gonna try out peeps to see who's the best fit.

send an email to tgretschel@gmail.com if you wanna try to set something up. Also goes for JoshHatesYou
[Apr 1,2009 9:18am - G nli  ""]
lol did rev identify you as a troll too?
[Apr 1,2009 9:24am - reimroc ""]
hint: log on and use the reply button not the quick reply and you can post under your username.
[Apr 1,2009 9:52am -  ""]
$75,000 will get you josh freese for a month
[Apr 1,2009 9:53am - sinistas ""]
If I had a bass amp this would be interesting.
[Apr 1,2009 10:34am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

reimroc said:hint: log on and use the reply button not the quick reply and you can post under your username.

confused tom is foncused
[Apr 1,2009 10:34am -  ""]
wait that worked
[Apr 2,2009 11:22am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
reimroc...you still interested?
[Apr 2,2009 11:29am - goatcatalyst ""]
The Perturbed Vicar says:

Get your whores and drugs in order and you too may grace the stage alongside Penance Tyrant!
[Apr 2,2009 11:31am - dreadkill ""]

said:$75,000 will get you josh freese for a month
that was me
[Apr 2,2009 11:33am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
what a deal! i'll get two!
[Apr 2,2009 11:42am - reimroc ""]
today is a really busy day for me
[Apr 2,2009 11:44am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
alright well let me know if you wanna set somethin up
[Apr 2,2009 12:43pm - reimroc ""]
oh will do.

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