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The Osbournes reloaded

[Mar 31,2009 10:01pm - Kevord ""]
This show sucks. Ozzy stopped taking prescription drugs and got rid of his tremors. So instead of going on tour he lets his family talk him into this shit.
[Mar 31,2009 10:06pm - Geezer & the 3 Wops  ""]
Fuck Ozzy. Fucking illiterate cocksucker can fuck off an die.
[Mar 31,2009 10:11pm - charest ""]
what a load of shit, horrible show
[Mar 31,2009 10:23pm - Stabby_McGunnakillya ""]
This seems like a last ditch effort of a washed up has-been, but Ozzy's pretty well off. I don't get it.

It's probably his wife and kids using Ozzys' clout to keep themselves in the spotlight.
[Mar 31,2009 10:32pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Mar 31,2009 11:00pm - pam ""]
My thoughts exactly.

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